**American Idol**


Would THIS face lie?
I really need to stop watching this show....I'll be glad when it's all over.....Paula Abdul is really getting on my nerves....She is so afraid of hurting someones feelings....She dances around if she likes a song....She dances with Randy....It's like she is saying "look at me"....And the crying spell she had last night was just plain stupid....Randy's "Yo Yo Yo stuff is annoying too....I still think Simon is being paid extra to act the way he does....He's a controversy....and the show exectives love it.....AND I STILL DON'T LIKE FANTASIA.....So there :dance: I am finished


Be about it
I'm absolutely floored at last night's results. I didn't even sit around to watch the tribute to La Toya, I just headed up to bed. Jasmine should have been gone!!!



I think that the viewers are tired of hearing the judges sing the praises for Fantasia (who I hate) and LaToya (who I like) all the time. Since the finals started all we hear is how great these two and Jennifer Hudson are and how stupid the American viewer is. I think people are voting out of spite now.

Nanny Pam

Originally posted by alex
I think that the viewers are tired of hearing the judges sing the praises for Fantasia (who I hate) and LaToya (who I like) all the time. Since the finals started all we hear is how great these two and Jennifer Hudson are and how stupid the American viewer is. I think people are voting out of spite now.

So are you saying that next week Fantasia will go?:clap:


Would THIS face lie?
I wonder if the little tear act that Jasmine put on helped her....I know I really felt bad for her....Maybe the American public did too.....All I can say now is GO DIANA.....and....GO HOME FANTASIA....


New Member
I totally think that the audience is getting back at Simon. He's not the one who it affects in the end. It's the contestants. He's not "PC" and that's why people don't like him. If I was a judge on this show, Simon would be the Paula. I tell people how it is with their singing. Paula means nothing in the end. Don't get me wrong. I remember her in the 80s with Janet and I took my two steps forward and one step back with the best of them but when it comes to being a critic she is horrible.

Bull mouthed Fantasia is good from a technical aspect and that’s about it. I hope she is the next to go then Diana will win. Jasmine is lucky she is from suck a loyal state. Could imagine if she was from California? :confused:

I think La Toya bit her self when she said at this point they are all winners because they should all have a record contract when this is over. I agree but she should have kept that to herself. I like her and all and I will buy her cd but hind sight is only 20/20.

Diana, this girl needs to work out. Not because she’s a little round at the middle (as shown to us in the purple dress and the red dress. No wonder Simon wanted to take her shopping. Wow. Anyway. She’s a good singer and all but she gets out of breath so fast with the dancing and I would hope that if she got a long contract and everything that she would lip sync like Miss Dancing/Singing princess Brittany Spears. What bothers me is that they aren’t even doing entire songs. Could you imagine her after a concert?

I think the American public is voting is spite of Simon. He says week after week that La Toya and Fantasia are in a league of their own. Well that’s not good for them because the majority of the public doesn’t like Simon. That’s what he’s paid to do. Tell the truth. I like him and I hope they change their system next year. Survivor style baby. Let the contestants vote for each other or make the public vote for who they want gone not for who they are keeping.


New Member
Thank you Simon for telling Hawaii to stop voting for Jasmine. I am sure they will listen like they did last week. (The last statement is meant to be sarcastic)

Jasmine. Again she proved why she shouldn’t be there. By her third song my own throat actually hurt because my mind was trying to help her reach the notes. I wasn’t singing with her it’s a mental thing when I hear bad singing. She is consistently flat. That’s all there is to it. I like some of the things she can do with her control with her vibrato and holding notes out but it’s the other stuff that makes me want to pig roast her. I hope she’s not there anymore. I rather see her than…

…Fantasia! Oh yeah baby. Ok, the next time you hear her sing, or just remember from yesterday or any other time, and think about a balloon that is full of air/helium, and you take the hole and you stretch it so it makes that high pierced whining sound. That is what she sounds like to me. I do see the old timers sense of fun in her performances but she never looks like she’s having fun like George did. She can’t sing and smile. I just loved last night that she was moved by her own performance. Give me a Kit-Kat break! That’s real humble. “What does it say behind you?” “American Idol (inset tear here)” Puh-lease. She is still lacking technique so she doesn’t do that scream in the mic like last night on the second song I believe. Her last some “Greatest love of All” by Whitney Houston. I freakishly listened to that song on the commercial break before on vinyl so I got to hear the original before she came out and killed it. Clive you have done a lot of great things but I wouldn’t have let her sing that song.

Diana. She did well for me last night. The last song was the best I will agree. I didn’t like the shirt she was wearing. It was distracting for me. She is 16 and shouldn’t be wearing that. If she was trying to look older (for Simon) then it worked but no thanks.

Now I am confused are they supposed to make the songs they do like to original or like their own? If they do make it too much their own they get crap for it, if they don’t they get crap for it. This was Jasmine’s major downfall on her third song. She did try to make it her own and seemed to forget who the song was supposed to go not to mention that she can’t do it. She had never practiced it that way before and it was awful.

I miss La Toya. I wonder what Clive would have picked for her.


Thank goodness there's only 1 week left. I don't want to be hooked on this silly show anymore.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Diana. If Fantasia wins, I will lose all my faith in people. God, I hate her...


Would THIS face lie?
Originally posted by Betty_Elms
Thank goodness there's only 1 week left. I don't want to be hooked on this silly show anymore.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Diana. If Fantasia wins, I will lose all my faith in people. God, I hate her...

I feel the same way....I told my wife last night, "It's time to stop watching this show....Anytime a TV show or someone on it pizzes you off, you're not enjoying it" As far as the judges are concerned, the show is over....I don't know how Diana will do, but you can bet she'll get at least one vote (mine).....Fantasia is making me sicker every week.....I just can't stand her....It was Jasmines time and she knew it....
Originally posted by Dupontster
I feel the same way....I told my wife last night, "It's time to stop watching this show....Anytime a TV show or someone on it pizzes you off, you're not enjoying it" As far as the judges are concerned, the show is over....I don't know how Diana will do, but you can bet she'll get at least one vote (mine).....Fantasia is making me sicker every week.....I just can't stand her....It was Jasmines time and she knew it....
I thought Fantasia sang well. I haven't been able to watch at all because of school. Give me updates on why Fantasia is hated

Nanny Pam

I felt bad for Jasmine, but she had to go. If the votes went for 'cuteness' then she would have won.
I'm with you, Dupontster,....

Fantasia -- :barf: :boo:

Diana -- :clap: :yay:


I have never had a real favorite I wanted to see win this year like I did last year. I felt the selection of talent was pretty bland across the board. Not one of them really had any personality that reached out and grabbed me. I stopped watching after they voted George Huff and LaToya London off.


I'm the only Fan of 'Tasia, I guess. She's been one of my favorites since the beginning. I'm glad she made it to the top 2. Her second song yesterday rocked the house, and she was awesome. The other two were not as good, but definitely head and shoulders over most of the other performances - except for Diana's final number which was great.

I really thought that yesterday was going to be Latoya, Jennifer and Fantasia. But I'm kinda glad that Diana made it. To me she's fluctuated. She started off really really good - one of my favorites, then she kind of went downhill for a while, and then about the final 5 she started to rock again, and she's been improving ever since.

I hated to see Jasmine go. But honestly, she had no business making it past the final 5. Doesn't matter - I think there are going to be plenty of record contracts signed as a result of this season. No way is Latoya going to fade into obscurity - and I doubt George Huff will either.


Be about it
Originally posted by alex
I stopped watching after they voted George Huff and LaToya London off.

George deserved to go, but I think LaToya should have at least made the final 2 or 3. :ohwell:

I didn't get a chance to watch it last night, but I heard on the radio that Fantasia did a much better job than Diana. Give me the scoop if you watched it last night :dance:


New Member
Ok last night went alright. I wonder if they could hear themselves well enough because they both did kinda bad. If they think the 3000 people that they had to perform in front of must have been nerve wracking, try 40.000 at a baseball game. Talk about not being able to hear! Shoeeeeieee!

Diana I don’t think she is going to win if we are supposed to judge on her performance from last night. She was flat a lot and over all fair. As much as I want her to kick Fantasia’s biggo tushie I doubt she will from that performance. Sad to say bye-bye Diana, but you know and I know that La Toya should have been there last night.

As much as I dislike her I think she is going to win just from last night. Dang it. Finally on the radio this morning someone called in about how she’s a bad role model for kids. Why you ask? I finally found out how old she is (19) and she has a 2 year old (even possibly 3) so that means she had the kid when she was 17. That’s right folks, sex at 16. Kids aren’t dumb and they can do the math. People I had talked to say the same thing about La Toya having two step children. Big difference there. Step-children. Not hers. Step, married into motherhood. Married. Hello! So if we are supposed to base this on over all “American Idolness” Fantasia should have never made it to the top 32. I am still pissed that they brought her kid out on stage that day. The producers should think about not even showing that part of her life because of how much it makes her look like a skank. I wonder if her boyfriend, who is always in the audience, is the father of that child? Probably not. And again last night she made her self cry. You know how I feel about the crying.

I think I will watch next year I am not sure yet. I think I would be too old to try out also. Not that I would because if (heaven forbid) I make it to the top 12 and then win, then I would have to do a record. Then tour. No thanks! I save this voice for church and doing 90 down the highway.


Originally posted by Satine
Diana I don’t think she is going to win if we are supposed to judge on her performance from last night. She was flat a lot and over all fair.

We're not supposed to do that. Even Ryan Seacrest mentioned it after her second performance kinda fell flat. He said something along the order of "Remember all the past performances and vote..."

Having said that I think that Fantasia is working on a whole other level. Diana - as good as she is - shouldn't be in the top 2. Maybe number three, but Latoya should've been there. Not Diana.

Originally posted by Satine
Sad to say bye-bye Diana, but you know and I know that La Toya should have been there last night.

Originally posted by Satine
Finally on the radio this morning someone called in about how she’s a bad role model for kids. Why you ask? I finally found out how old she is (19) and she has a 2 year old (even possibly 3) so that means she had the kid when she was 17. That’s right folks, sex at 16.

Who cares? As long as she's not advocating teen sex - which she is not - then this is a non-issue.

Who cares if she's not a good role model. Compared to M&M and Snizzoop Dizzley Dizzogg, and every single heavy metal band since the 1970's she's a veritable saint.

Sides, this is a talent show, not Miss America.


Hail to Fantasia, Queen of the "bo-bo" :barf: , head wagging attitude and egotism. Queen of the stupid clothes, statements, song choices and scratchy no-good voices. Queen to all of the young kids having babies out of wedlock.
I'm glad it's over. I wasn't having fun watching it anymore because my disgust with her made my blood pressure sky-rocket. Stupid on my part? Yes...but what can I say? I'm passionate...and when I hate something I REALLY hate it. At least I'm off the hook for watching the show again next year. I've lost the faith...faith in people to vote responsibly. So long, American Idol...
With any luck, I'll be able to avoid hearing that annoying voice in the future. However, if Diana makes a CD I'll have a listen...cause I like people who can sing, but that's just me.

Rant over.


Would THIS face lie?
Originally posted by Betty_Elms
Hail to Fantasia, Queen of the "bo-bo" :barf: , head wagging attitude and egotism. Queen of the stupid clothes, statements, song choices and scratchy no-good voices. Queen to all of the young kids having babies out of wedlock.
I'm glad it's over. I wasn't having fun watching it anymore because my disgust with her made my blood pressure sky-rocket. Stupid on my part? Yes...but what can I say? I'm passionate...and when I hate something I REALLY hate it. At least I'm off the hook for watching the show again next year. I've lost the faith...faith in people to vote responsibly. So long, American Idol...
With any luck, I'll be able to avoid hearing that annoying voice in the future. However, if Diana makes a CD I'll have a listen...cause I like people who can sing, but that's just me.

Rant over.

I agree 100%....I do not plan on watching it next year....I said a while back when a show pizzes me off like that one did at the end, it's time to stop watching....The judges had her as winning about 3 or 4 weeks ago....Some of their little comments must have made Diana feel like crap....We as Americans really have something to be proud of now....Our American Idol is the "Queen of the "bo-bo" :barf: , head wagging attitude and egotism. Queen of the stupid clothes, statements, song choices and scratchy no-good voices. Queen to all of the young kids having babies out of wedlock". Diana was a good runner up , but I still think that Latoya should be standing where "Bo Bo" is....
Rant #2 is over