**American Idol**


Originally posted by Nanny Pam
Toxic.....I think the 1-866-IDOLS(??) number is a free call.

I'll look into it, but I seem to remember Ryan Seacrest making a point to say that "It's not a 1-800 number, normal fees apply!"

It's possible I'm conflating that with something else.


Be about it
Originally posted by Toxick
I'll look into it, but I seem to remember Ryan Seacrest making a point to say that "It's not a 1-800 number, normal fees apply!"

It's possible I'm conflating that with something else.

You're thinking of the 'normal text messaging fees apply' statement that he makes. It's usually 10 cents or so to send a text message, so that's what he is referring to. The regular calls are free. :cheers:


Originally posted by PFgal
You're thinking of the 'normal text messaging fees apply' statement that he makes. It's usually 10 cents or so to send a text message, so that's what he is referring to. The regular calls are free. :cheers:


I'm gonna call next week and vote for fantasia, 25 times!



Be about it
Originally posted by Toxick
I'm gonna call next week and vote for fantasia, 25 times!


Crap!! Now I'll have to counteract your 25 votes with 30 for someone else! I don't want her to win! :bubble:


Originally posted by kwillia
Theories flew fast and furious Thursday after the "American Idol" viewer vote went against favorite Jennifer Hudson, ranging from racism to fateful weather to teenage puppy love.

Or maybe America just has a tin ear.

While Hudson and two other singers lavishly praised by the show's judges ended up at the bottom of the heap Wednesday night, contestants who gave marginal performances were top vote-getters.

'American Idol' Voting Strikes Sour Note

having a contest open to the public like this makes it a popularity contest; not a talent contest. :shrug: I'm glad that jennifer girl is gone. although she had a good voice; she just annoyed the crap out of me for some reason. :shrug:


Originally posted by nomoney
although she had a good voice; she just annoyed the crap out of me for some reason. :shrug:

Wasn't she the one who dissed Simon during an early episode - like before the final 12 were decided, and Paula brought the hammer down on her?

Or was that someone else.

I remember that whoever it was got real humble, real quick, and never sass-mouthed again.


My fingers are crossed that Fantasia and John go in the next two weeks as well. I thought that Jennifer and Fantasia sounded two much alike and hated both of them.

But I think one reason why the votes went the way they did is that the American Public is tired of hearing the Judges call us idiots because they don't like the way the voting goes. If they think we are that stupid then why do the show to begin with?

I hope the final there are Latoya, George & Jasmine. I can't stand Diana. I just want to to smack her for some reason.


Would THIS face lie?
I was surprized that Jennifer went too....I was happy about it but surprized....Now if we could just get rid of Fantasia and John Boy....I think he is more surprized than anyone else that he is staying....You can see it on his face....I think Latoya has class and she is good.....She is kinda my favorite now.....I like Jasmine too...I like her new look (flower gone and longer hair).....George will probably be in the final 2....I think the public likes him....:crazy:


Be about it
I'd say we had a good week. The ones in the bottom 3 deserved it, and Jon did need to go. However, it was a sad show! :bawl: I even got boo-hooing...:lol: Jon just isn't a very versatile singer, and is lucky to have made it this far in a competition like AI. But, he is a wonderful young man and if I ever had a son I could only hope for him to be 1/2 as classy, polite, and sweet a Jon is. Maybe that's why it was a bittersweet night. It really got me when they showed his parents hugging as they watched their son singing his last song on the show.

Gosh...I make myself :barf:



Would THIS face lie?
I agree with PF and NP....Jon and I think the 4 mil people that voted for him kinda knew it was his time....Everyone say a little prayer that Fantasia is next.....She just irks tha hell out of me....I really don't think she's THAT good....I saw on Access Hollywood where Jon got some kind of death threats.....Really don't know the full story, but I think it was on some kind on radio talk show thing.....I see where Elton John said that racism was involved last week when the 3 bottom were black.....Funny nothing was said when 3 whites were put up there in the earlier shows.....Latoya has class and she is good and getting better.....She would make a good American Idol....Funny, I am not a critic, but I can see improvement every week...


I liked diana up until last night. did you see those little two hand kisses she was blowing to jon last night and then putting her little hands to her heart afterwards. that was so gay ;and thats why I don't like her anymore. :barf: Oh and then Fantasia was doing this thing with her hand under her eyes to like show she was crying or something. all I could picture was a Sat. Night Live skit about A.I. showing the winning contestants on the side all doing something gay to the winner like pulling their ears out; or rubbing their eyes like they're sobbing, or picking their noses. :rolleyes:
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In my humble opinion...

... they ALL sucked this week.

Actually, Latoya did okay and and Diana did well, but everyone else was horrifying. George - one of my favorites - did deserve to be in the bottom 2 this week. He was that bad. Fantasia, another one of my favorites, also crashed and burned. Way to shrill and raspy.

Perhaps it was the genre they were all doing.

Glad to see John go. I liked him a lot - personally - but he really didn't deserve to be in the top 6. Top 12 - maybe.. but he definitely overstayed his welcome.


Originally posted by alex
I missed both nights due to meetings. Who was in the bottom three besides Jon and George?

the hawian chick ; who everytime she cries she rests her chin on her hands.