I hate to say it, but I think that the biggest political coward of the Iraq war has been George Bush. He's fallen into exactly the same traps that Johnson and Nixon did, and he's redoing all of their mistakes. For example:
1. In order to avoid criticism that we were just there for the oil, Bush makes it pretty much impossible for the US to use Iraqi oil dollars to pay for anything. The result: more criticism that the Iraqis aren't paying more of their share.
2. In order to fight a "nice war" and win hearts and minds, we now have troops in the field who need a lawyer to tell them when it's ok to shoot, and who is ok to shoot at. The result: more criticism as we keep losing troops when we don't need to.
3. We know that Iran and Syria are funneling men, arms, and money into the insurgency, but Bush refuses to take them to task due to fear as being seen as a "war monger." The result: He's already viewed as being a war monger, our troops are getting killed when they shouldn't be, and Syria and Iran are both getting back the prestige and balls they had pre-9/11. They're kind of like when Arafat's compound was first invaded and he was hiding under a table pleding with Powell to save his life. Then after the Israelis promised not to hurt him he was talking tough and yelling for an AK-47 to go confront the devils with. Syria and Iran were quaking in their boots when it looked like they were next on the hit list, then Bush gets scared and backs off and that just enboldens the radicals.
Bush has been dancing to the Democrats' music through this whole war, which wouldn't be so bad if the Democrats were offering up sound advice and not just a "whatever Bush says/does is wrong" stacotto that has Bush doing all the wrong things for the wrong reasons.
Bush needs to quit being a coward and press the military for a victory at all costs. Screw the casualty figures, screw the armchair quarterback tactics, and screw what anybody thinks were going to do with the Iraqi's oil, and win the damn war. If only we could bring back George Patton, "Black Jack" Pershing, and Hap Arnold... they could teach folks how to win.