Well, if we have another round of SharonaVirus this fall/winter, and based on the fact that many store shelves are still bare of essential products like cleaning supplies and Lysol, might be a good investment. I am planning to load up on 1-2 months of food. And, some TP too. If the supply chains are still this tight, another round of the disease isn't going to be pretty.
Hope for change, and all that.. As in it was fine until the liberals had a melt down because their power changed. Thank you President Trump for stopping the antiUSA critters in our Gov trying to change our lives forever. He ran because he hobnobbed with them, socially, and said this is a bunch of shiat. Trump 2020. There is a reason for everything, and the fact that our current Prez’s name is Trump is icing on the cake. You can’t get more ironic than that. Meant to be.
God bless the USA. And for the haters that say he is a reality star; he, certainly is. And, I love Melania’s shoes.
And, to stay on topic, my hub is a Marine. We have been stocked and loaded for a long time.
And, thank you for this forum.