Loyalty, Friendship, Love
....residentofcre said:I have a question... just as a side I guess... may I ask..
In terms of the best interests of the childern... can you tell me just how bad would it be for the kids to stay home for a day while there is no daycare... because y'all are all arguing about representation. Better the parents take off one day and spend it with their children, than this bill go through and thousands of providers refuse to accept certain children. Plus, none of my parents took off. They all could make other one-day arrangements with family, except one schoolager, and my husband took off early to meet the bus
Meanwhile... part timers... you know the mom around the corner that doesn't have a job and stays home... no license... are going to wind up taking care of the children because parents have to work For the record, it's illegal for such a person to care for children more than "occasionally," which is defined as 20 hrs per month. If you know of any, you should report them to the Office of Child Care. They have not subjected themselves to the required inspections by the OCC or the Fire Marshal, they do not have CPR or First Aid training, as required by the state and they have not had a criminal background check, as required by the state.
If you take this argument into the Senate, who's watching the children... why don't you take the children to Annapolis... with you... Took my own, because I had no one else to watch them. Didn't take the other children because I didn't know how long it'd take. (I didn't get home until 7:30pm)
My understanding is that in the House, the week before, they kicked out any children who made so much as a peep. My kids were the only ones in the Senate and they were quieter than the side conversations in the audience and the union reps cell phones. (actually, they were perfect angels for 5 hrs straight, but I don't like to brag)
Then all of the Senators can take the time to hash this out... along with the other huge problems we are taking on this year....
Why not take the kids and make the Senators babysit and while the licensed daycare providers work it out in Senate Chambers...Believe it or not, there was a child care provider in Baltimore City, who often did that. She has retired and does lectures now, but she routinely took 8 children into committees, handed them off to the committee members and told them, "Give him this bottle, keep him quiet and amused, and listen to everything I have to say." When the reps would question her, she'd say, "I do it everyday, you can do it for a short time." She would have been there last week, but her husband had a seizure that morning.
Just a thought
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