An unrighteous fear of God


Missi, glad to hear you explain yourself...sorry I jumped on you a bit...I just hear stuff like that, I think "Hessian" and my dander gets up....welcome aboard.



I've neglected to welcome you aboard.  Sorry if I seemed curt in my other posts.  Thanks for the clarification, and glad to hear your view.

"But I guys don't believe in God that's fine with me."
Just as a "by the way", I do believe in God (at least I'm pretty sure I do).  It's good to hear your tolerance, though.


Catch Me If You Can!
Thanks guys!!!  When are you guys usally on here?  don't mind my spelling or typing I'm really bad at it!!HEHE!  


During work hours mostly, home internet connection is too slow and frustrating compared to the "power of the US Navy Machine"!!!! (slight sarcasm)...But there are some diehards who are on until 3:00am...Now THAT'S dedication.


I'm on a couple of times a day, when I get the chance.  But you raise a good point.  There's a chat room part of this bb that is usually empty, probably since people here are usually not on at exactly the same time.  On another bb I surf, there's a set time (Saturdays, 9-11 pm EST) for the chat room, though it's open 24/7.  Setting up a time like that might help get people into the chat room.


Catch Me If You Can!
That's cool!!  I'm a stay at home mom, so I'm on here in the afternoon when my boys are sleeping.  I'm trying to find a gob with the govt.  Do any of you have comcast high speed internet?  I have the sooo many problems with it!!! :dosman:   Well I'm glad to hear no one is mad at me!!  I hate when people are mad at me :sad:


b*tch rocket
Jimmy, it's more a case of insomnia rather than dedication!  It's either this or surf the net for porn sites!  :lmao:  Besides, I must keep up on what you are up to at all times! :twitch:


Thanks christy...I'm ALWAYS up to no good...but at that time, I'm either drunk and passed out or actually sleeping so there'll be nothing from me at those times...all kidding aside, although these debates DO tend to get intense, I have a really good time with them and most of the people on the board are at least willing to engage in discussions about stuff....and most of the time, the disagreements don't dissolve into anything personal (...mmm...well....SOME of the time?)  But for the most part, I'm really glad I joined and have encouraged others of my friends to do so (though some of you may not have been too psyched about that either)...


New Member
servant said:
To those, who before the age of reason were lead into bondage to an unrighteous fear of God through demands of unquestioning faith in perverse Biblical doctrines which promote self-hatred and passive ignorance. To the atheist, whose mind was made hostile towards belief in God because of abominable things said of God by primitive men, yet are proclaimed by the self-called to be the spokesmen of God. And to the agnostic, who in being truthful with self and God, refuse to please priests or men by crucifying their mind to believe in superstitious mumbo-jumbo that is foolishly claimed to be divinely inspired truths.

Harrington Sites:

Multiple Sites dedicated to revealing the Spiritual duality of the Bible; for it is due to the confusion sown by the Spiritual duality of the Bible that both good and evil is done in God's name according to the nature and desire of one's Spiritual heart.
Two separate issues here why people don’t believe the Bible, and why we share our faith.

Those who think that the Bible is full of contradictions probably don’t read it daily or never read it in its entirety. Its not a cake walk, but not impossible either.
Sadly most of us go to churches where the word of God is no longer preached in an expository manner, we get topical 10-15 min sermons that aren’t even based on the text listed in the bulletin. Instead we get the Gospel of Shrek and Spiderman 4, some ministers are even sad byproducts of liberal seminaries. Do you know the average preacher currently coming out of seminary doesn’t last much longer than the 4 years it took to get his degree? Then we have postmodernism that’s rampant in society that’s bleeding into our other churches.
A lot of pastors don’t believe half of the Bible is true, or its very foundation the book of Genesis?
On top of that we get all you need is love, (Well it worked for the Beatles) that may have been the way God presented himself to us before, but in Revelation we learn that he’s coming back as a roaring lion, he hates sin and the father of this world, if your not born again, your of your father the Devil an a enemy of God. The demons fear and tremble we have every reason to start changing our thinking about the Holiness of God and how big he really is, most don’t, as we are to focused on self and have not humbled themselves before the cross or have never bent the knee yet.
God does love you, but he takes great delight in punishing sin. He says of himself, that he is a jealous God a God of wrath and wants nothing put before him.

Most churches you go to their websites an under outreach, there is nothing but feel good social programs, much like what the world does. Outreach used to be tied to the Great commission. (for those that don’t know that means, its going out and sharing the gospel) they work at the soup kitchen but never share the message!
A Christian will share his faith because he loves his brother and doesn’t want to see him perish (although only 2% do) Charles H. Spurgeon said, "Have you no wish for others to be saved. Then you are not saved. (Ouch!)

How about this? Suppose you have a child playing in the street and no one else can see that a car is speeding down the street and I am the only one who can save your child. Do I rush out of love and concern across the street to pluck them from danger or walk by and let fate take its course?

When followers of Christ share the message of salvation with others, their sharing a message of love because we care about others the way Jesus wants us to because. He loves all of us. Of course, there are those who would ram the message down another's throat but most try to share his message with genuine concern. So the next time you feel your being thumped over the head with the Bible, or why don’t they just let us alone? Be glad that someone cares enough about you! Believe me that are lot more fun things to do but none as important! Before you scold us for pushing a heartfelt message of love, try listening for a change and then think about what you heard.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

servant said:
At least I don’t believe that God is a butcher of babies. Whereas, goats do!

The Christian Dilemma: The problems of trying to reconcile belief in a God of love, that is said to be a butcher of children?

1 SAMUEL 15:2-3 Thus says the Lord of hosts, 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did in opposing the Israelites when they came up out of Egypt. (3) Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but KILL both man and woman, CHILD AND INFANT, ox and sheep, camels and donkey!


It serves neither God nor truth to try and rationalize irrational things the Bible says of God.
:whistle: I see that killing of infants link like the killing of Sodom and Gomorrah story link and compare them to Hiroshima and Nagasaki link HERE being destroyed by the USA every man, woman and baby too.

Now few question the reasons or the justification of the USA killing children and civilians but we do question about God doing it. So if people can put there faith in the USA decision and the President Trueman decision to kill everyone there then we could give God the same benefit of reason. Sodom and Gomorrah were said to be evil places where they suffered much wickedness and the children of snakes are just little serpants waiting to grow.

But the new testiment has Christ saying that the people killed in the past will have another chance on the Judgement Day link HERE when every body gets saved in the end.

Therefore God might have ordered the kids killed but they will be resurected and saved on J-Day. :howdy:


Lem Putt
JPC sr said:
the children of snakes are just little serpants waiting to grow.
How appropriate. I guess that by your logic, your son was guaranteed to become a drug dealing, drunk driving, alcoholic thief since his father is.


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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

MMDad said:
How appropriate. I guess that by your logic, your son was guaranteed to become a drug dealing, drunk driving, alcoholic thief since his father is.
:whistle: Do you know that you are violating the rules of this Forum, LINK HERE.

Quote = No personal attacks. If you're having a heated disagreement with another member, that's one thing. But there's no need to bring their wife, mother, daughter, etc. into it.

Not just that but also every word in your post is just slander and lies.

I am not snitching and reporting it now but I think you need to grow up. :howdy:


Lem Putt
JPC sr said:
Not just that but also every word in your post is just slander and lies.
Are you denying that your son is a thief?

Are you denying that your son is a drunk driver?

His court record speaks more loudly than you do. Don't accuse me of lying when your posts are filled with blatant lies.

Go ahead and report it, coward. You know that the intent of that rule was to protect the innocent, not to shield a drunk driving, deadbeat, druggie, thief from the public ridicule he has gone out of his way to earn. If he didn't want to be known as a common criminal, he wouldn't act like one.
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