And people thought it couldn't happen here.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Shades of Nazi Germany substituting Christians for Jews.
"Four Christians are facing up to 47-years in prison and $90,000 in fines
for preaching the Gospel on a public sidewalk, a right fully protected by
the First Amendment. On October 10, 2004, the four Christians were arrested
in Philadelphia. They are part of Repent America. Along with founder Michael
Marcavage, members of Repent America-with police approval--were preaching
near Outfest, a homosexual event, handing out Gospel literature and carrying
banners with Biblical messages.
When they tried to speak, they were surrounded by a group of radical
homosexual activists dubbed the Pink Angels. A videotape of the incident
shows the Pink Angels interfering with the Christians' movement on the
street, holding up large pink symbols of angels to cover up the Christians'
messages and blowing high pitched whistles to drown out their preaching.
Rather than arrest the homosexual activists and allow the Christians to
exercise their First Amendment rights, the Philadelphia police arrested and
jailed the Christians! They were charged with eight crimes, including three
felonies: possession of instruments of crime (a bullhorn), ethnic
intimidation (saying that homosexuality is a sin), and inciting a riot
(reading from the Bible some passages relating to homosexuality) despite the
fact that no riot occurred. " (excerpt from American Family Assoc. with permission)


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I probably could, but don't think it is necessary since most people that read News and Current Events also read Politics. The same cannot be said for the Religion forum. Many who read here don't read there and many who read there don't read here. So if you don't like it, tough.


Ugly women send me karma.
I am not sure who sent me this but it sounds like it came from a Nazi

BAD KARMA: I think it is significant when the U.S. starts acting like Nazi Germany - 2A


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm sorry but homosexuality is not an ethnicity. Maybe the homosexuals should be charged with the same crime because they were intimidating the ethnicity of the heteros.
O'Reilly talked about this on Wednesday I believe and he was left shaking his head. The city attorney who filed the charges is an ultra lib with her eyes on higher political office. ( I know, shocking info there huh?)


Princess of Mean
Shades of Natzi Germany? So, have they started rounding up the mentally retarded and disables and culling the herd? That's one shade I've heard of.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
POOH said:
I am not sure who sent me this but it sounds like it came from a Nazi

BAD KARMA: I think it is significant when the U.S. starts acting like Nazi Germany - 2A
You are a real duh kind of thinker aren't you? I signed it.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Hello6 said:
Shades of Natzi Germany? So, have they started rounding up the mentally retarded and disables and culling the herd? That's one shade I've heard of.
The Nazis rounded up Jews and put them in death camps. Did you ever hear of Auschwitz? That was only one of the death camps Jews were put into only because they were Jewish. These Christians were arrested because they were proclaiming their faith and practicing it. Both their speech and the practice of their religion is protected under the First Amendment.

Canada and Sweden have passed laws that make even speaking against homosexuality hate crimes including preaching the passages that are in the Bible.

No, I am not overreacting. Hitler started with little steps. I hope it does not continue down this path, but time will tell.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
No, I am not overreacting. Hitler started with little steps.
If the order to arrest Christians had come from George Bush, I'd say you weren't overreacting. As it stands, this is a simple civil issue and any 5 cent lawyer could not only get the charges dropped, but sue the #### out of the city as well.


Fighting like a girl
2ndAmendment said:
The Nazis rounded up Jews and put them in death camps. Did you ever hear of Auschwitz? That was only one of the death camps Jews were put into only because they were Jewish. These Christians were arrested because they were proclaiming their faith and practicing it. Both their speech and the practice of their religion is protected under the First Amendment.

Canada and Sweden have passed laws that make even speaking against homosexuality hate crimes including preaching the passages that are in the Bible.

No, I am not overreacting. Hitler started with little steps. I hope it does not continue down this path, but time will tell.
It's shameful to compare this to what the Jewish people went through under the Nazi regime. Why did this group decide to preach at a homosexual event? What did they expect was going to happen? I don't remember the Jews attacking Christianity and saying they were all going to hell unless they changed their ways and faith, I think it was the other way around.


Super Genius
truby20 said:
Why did this group decide to preach at a homosexual event?
Probably the same reason people are going to protest the innauguration...because they disagree with it. Should protesters at the innauguration be arrested? No. It's their right to peaceful protest that all Americans have.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
If the order to arrest Christians had come from George Bush, I'd say you weren't overreacting. As it stands, this is a simple civil issue and any 5 cent lawyer could not only get the charges dropped, but sue the #### out of the city as well.
There is some evidence that some Department of Justice people that were actually part of the homosexual protestors advised the Philly police that they should arrest the Christian protestors.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
There is not a guarantee in the Constitution against being offended.
Remember you said that.

The fact of the matter, 2A, is that your rights end where another person's nose begins. And your religious beliefs end there, too.

What if some Muslim person or even some Satanist came up to you and started calling you a sinner because you weren't following their religion? What if they came to your church and protested outside, disrupting the service and causing a problem? Would you say that they had the right to speak plainly to others of their faith in public?


Lovin' being Texican
Hello6 said:
The protesters were arrested for being a holes. . .


Boy, I missed that part in the original quote! Did someone edit that part out before I got a change to see it? 'cause I still don't see it there.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
It's shameful to compare this to what the Jewish people went through under the Nazi regime. Why did this group decide to preach at a homosexual event? What did they expect was going to happen? I don't remember the Jews attacking Christianity and saying they were all going to hell unless they changed their ways and faith, I think it was the other way around.
It is called freedom of speech. And I don't think it is shameful. Of course the persecution of Christians has not reached the height of the persecution of the Jews. I do know that the Bible says that it will be illegal at some point to be a Christian. Christians will be persecuted just like they were during the first couple hundred years. You know, put to death. Christians are persecuted and have been since the time of Christ just not in the U.S. Now it is starting here ever so slowly but starting.


Princess of Mean
2ndAmendment said:
The Nazis rounded up Jews and put them in death camps. Did you ever hear of Auschwitz?

Hitler started with little steps.

The little steps started with killing the folks in the institutions, and NO I've never heard of the death camps and all those photos of the skinny people are just anorexic supermodel ancestors, cause it was all a hoax, :DURHARD:

disclaimer for the retarded: The reference to the atrocities of WW 2 being a hoax is HEAVY sarcasm


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Remember you said that.

The fact of the matter, 2A, is that your rights end where another person's nose begins. And your religious beliefs end there, too.

What if some Muslim person or even some Satanist came up to you and started calling you a sinner because you weren't following their religion? What if they came to your church and protested outside, disrupting the service and causing a problem? Would you say that they had the right to speak plainly to others of their faith in public?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Should protesters at the innauguration be arrested? No. It's their right to peaceful protest that all Americans have.
I disagree with that. I think protesters shouldn't be allowed to disrupt events with their bullshit. It's like the convention protesters in New York - the cops shut down miles of streets and diverted traffic, inconveniencing thousands of people, so these idiots could exercise their "rights". That's bullshit. What about my right to be able to enjoy a proceeding without having it spoiled by protesters?

I think if you go to an even with the distinct goal of disrupting it, you should be arrested, possibly given the death penalty. The rest of us have rights, too.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Remember you said that.

The fact of the matter, 2A, is that your rights end where another person's nose begins. And your religious beliefs end there, too.

What if some Muslim person or even some Satanist came up to you and started calling you a sinner because you weren't following their religion? What if they came to your church and protested outside, disrupting the service and causing a problem? Would you say that they had the right to speak plainly to others of their faith in public?
We have had homosexuals come to our church. Men in dresses. They wanted to use the ladies bathroom. They were told that they were welcome but could not use the ladies bathroom and that they should go home and change their clothes and come back. So been there and done that. And I go up against people here all the time. Yes, I have reported some posts, especially by UP, that I thought were particularly inappropriate. For the most part, I state my case and let others state theirs. I have done my part by proclaiming the Truth. It is up to others to believe or not; not my problem, it is theirs.