And people thought it couldn't happen here.


Active Member
Supreme court has ruled that freedom of speech only goes so far... (thay saying "you cant yell fire in a crowded theater" was a real s.c. case)

And ive read on many forums where people wanted to protect and counter-protest (not just political or religious but businesses and what-not) that they are told you can go here, and stop the other protest physicaly, I have a feeling those christians did get permission to protest the othe demonstration... across the street or something. I havent looked into it and I havent watched o'reilly (i dont have a TV in my room. It is at school and hes the last thing i want to watch when i turn it on... ) but i have a feeling there is probably a side to the story that isnt being observed.

unfortunately i dont have my notes on supreme courtcases and policies at home, i left them at school... I wish i had more facts ;\


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have the actual credible story on this? The only thing I find is from sites like "repentamerica" and individual letters from subscribers to these type of sites. The only counterpoint I've found is one that stated that it's a no-no to yell "fire" when there isn't one and you can't walk out of your parade into a Gay parade and yell "######(slang for fairy)". What really happened here?


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Active Member
I did a goolge search and the supreme court has ruled against speech which: advocates imminent illegal conduct, defamation, obscenity, and fraudulent misrepresentation... There is also a "clear and present danger" test... Depending on what the Christians were saying it could have fallen into many of the catagories ('and God said the Christians are to rise up and destroy the we must do it now!')

If it was going to start violence and was infact obscene then there you go...

Like i said, in most places you get permission to have a protest/gathering and the states gives you a spot, if the christians moved into the gay's designated spot then they violated the law...


Speaking as an Agnostic, I think the worst part of the whole episode was being shouted down by a group called "The Pink Angels." I think I would go to jail and claim that I was arrested for beating the doo-doo out of them.

By the way... did anyone catch the People's Choice awards last night? Every gay "star" won. Ellen Degeneres won everytime she was nominated, including best daytime talkshow host??? Over Oprah and Regis Philbin? Are we really to believe that a general sampling of America voted that way? Then Moore's Farenheit 9/11 winds for Best Movie. Best Movie??? And guess who, by coincidence, is handing out the award? Martin Sheen! I would think that Terry McAuliffe was the show's producer but it wasn't subtle enough for him.
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Fighting like a girl
Bruzilla said:
Ellen Degeneres won everytime she was nominated, including best daytime talkshow host??? Over Oprah and Regis Philbin? Are we really to believe that a general sampling of America voted that way?
Well she was only nominated daytime host? I don't know, her show is pretty funny and considering this is only her second season I think she is doing a good job. The other category she won in, "Favorite Funny Female Star" (whatever that means), her competition included Tina Fey and Megan Mullally, both funny ladies but Ellen has them beat.

Bruzilla said:
Every gay "star" won.
Who were the other gay celebrities that won last night? Will & Grace is the only other winner that could be considered gay, but even there half the main cast is heterosexual. But looking at the nominees I guess you are right, all the gay stars did win....Ellen being the only one.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I disagree with that. I think protesters shouldn't be allowed to disrupt events with their bullshit. It's like the convention protesters in New York - the cops shut down miles of streets and diverted traffic, inconveniencing thousands of people, so these idiots could exercise their "rights". That's bullshit. What about my right to be able to enjoy a proceeding without having it spoiled by protesters?

I think if you go to an even with the distinct goal of disrupting it, you should be arrested, possibly given the death penalty. The rest of us have rights, too.

Probably the same thing was said by the British after the Boston tea party


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
Probably the same thing was said by the British after the Boston tea party
Probably. And they'd have had a point. Not to mention that breaking off from Great Britain wasn't all that popular a notion back then. But you'll learn all about that when you get into high school.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
Probably the same thing was said by the British after the Boston tea party
Well THAT makes a lot of sense. You think the British just allowed it to happen because they believe in all that freedom of expression crap? Although the 'party' was relatively benign, the enraged British subsequently passed the "Intolerable Acts", one of which was the closing of the Boston Harbor.

We also didn't found this nation to allow people to intentionally disrupt functions of its government. At any time on our history, had people shown up en masse to threaten a head of state, they'd have been dealt with. I can't believe people think that this kind of behavior actually accomplishes anything.

I'm actually in favor of it, as it gives national exposure to juvenile thinking.