But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:I disagree with that. I think protesters shouldn't be allowed to disrupt events with their bullshit. It's like the convention protesters in New York - the cops shut down miles of streets and diverted traffic, inconveniencing thousands of people, so these idiots could exercise their "rights". That's bullshit. What about my right to be able to enjoy a proceeding without having it spoiled by protesters?
I think if you go to an even with the distinct goal of disrupting it, you should be arrested, possibly given the death penalty. The rest of us have rights, too.

I don't care WHAT you're gripe is ... religion, government, disables (like those punks who wheel their chairs down 7th street once a year, holding up all kinds of traffic, infringing upon my 'right' to get home in a reasonable time). It's acting like an ass in public -- and we all know that THAT is the sole purpose ... to cause a disruption and get attention ... cause lets face it, "peace" doesn't sell ... when was the last time you saw a bunch of tie-die t-shirt wearing, tree hugging, liberals on televison? That's right ... when they were arrested for acting like asses disrupting the civilility that was in place before their "peaceful protest". When someone wants your opinion on politics, religion, homosexuality, et al, they'll either come knock on your door and ask for it, or they'll come on somd and debate it.