Annika Sorenstam

Does Annika Sorenstam make the cut in the Colonial Open this weekend?

  • Makes the Cut

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Doesn't make the CUT

    Votes: 8 47.1%

  • Total voters


Dancing Up A Storm
:smile: Well, I did hear there was a story where she could out-drive many of the men on the PGA Tour, but not the part where Annika averaged 275 yards.

Maybe that is where the basic fear is coming from; embarassment.

To be honest, I've never played with a lady who could outhit me off the tees. I suppose that fact could put a major block between my ears.

Most duffers like me have times when there's a certain club they can't hit on any given day, and it stays in the golf bag. For me, it's my driver - so I have to substitute my 3- wood or 2 iron for it. I lose about 30 - 40 yards, but at least I can keep the ball in the fairway.

Sheesh, if she can outhit most of the men on the tour, and they are having a brain-block over one of their clubs, and she's on her game, it ain't gonna be pretty out there.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is a promotional gimmick...

...and that's all. The idea of the whole pro tour, mens or womens, is to MAKE MONEY.

There is more interest, there will be more tickets sold and more TV $ because she is playing. Viola.

The folks that run the Colonial have 8 sponsors exemptions that they can give to anyone they want. Elvis, me, a one-armed paperhanger, blind person or Annika Sorrenstam. She is not the first person, who maybe not ought to be there, ever considered for a spot. I give Annika a pat on the back for having the balls to show up. No, wait. How can I re-phrase that?

As far as "right" to be there goes, that's the end of the story.

As far as "should" be, name a tour that excludes, by definition, based on gender. Answer: The LPGA, Ladies Professional Golf Association. Not the PGA.

ST: As usual, you are, um, no name calling here. Damn. What are you? I know! I'll call you "Vijay!". Yeah!

I say every guy who finishes below her should lose their card and never play another event. No since in having those people waste space on the tour.

Every single guy on the PGA Tour EARNED the right to be there. Vijay, the real one, doesn't want her there simply based on her sex. You, the fake Vijay, don't want anyone who shoots higher than her to keep their job because of her sex.

CLUE: Annika has played with the big boys plenty of times and played from the tips as well. She knows what she can do and the boys know what she can do. The interest is in getting real and fake Vijays to say something controversial so we can all talk about it.

The people you want fired all know what they can do as well. That doesn't mean they do it every week or even every day. Pro golf on big time golf courses is a cold hearted #####. When the camera goes on and you are playing for serious money, what you can do goes out the window. That is why we play the game.

Annika knows fact certain that, if she plays very well, she will probably make the cut. She knows that if she plays her best for 4 straight days she even has a shot to win. The same is true for 85% of the men. The top 15% of men should make the cut playing mediocre golf. And there is the difference.

Billie Jean beat up an old man. Annika has gotta play lights out to beat the best in the world IF all of them are playing poorly.

Any guy on tour WILL make the cut and probably win any week on the ladies tour. All these guys shoot low 60's or better on a short course with soft greens and exposed pins. They are that good.

If the ladies tour were open tomorrow to anyone who could qualify, there would be no women left in a few weeks and the field would be filled with guys you've never heard of.

Anyone wanna see what Tiger would do against the ladies? Jeff Sluman? Charles Howell? I know! Vijay? Nick Price?

Annika will play like the pro she is and gut it out no matter what happens. However, I will be blown away if she even comes close to making the cut. I'll be watching and I WILL be pulling for her, just like real golf fans do for just about everybody who puts a peg in the ground in a tournament.

Now, if Annika REALLY wants to impress somebody she can go qualify for the MENS US Open. Or go through the men’s Q school.

FACT time. Annika leads the ladies in greens in regulation, which is important. She is second in driving distance. That is impressive until you realize Julie Inkster is 6th, 3 yards behind Annika. Julia is a GREAT golfer but is in her 40’s. Point being, the ladies hit driver on just about every hole. The men average in the 270’s, Anna’s average, hitting fairway metals and long irons along with a few drivers per round, especially at Colonial.

She is going to have a long way home on most holes which translates into LONG lag putts which, at Colonial, translates into bunches of three putts.

The more I think about it the more impressed I will be if she makes the cut.

I'm pulling for her because it will be some awesome golf to watch if she does well.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The Babe...

...she qualified for the '45 tourny at Riviera, made the 36 hole cut, got bounced after the 3rd round shooting 79.

She competed well.


New Member
Why not let the Sorrenstams, the Hamms, and the Williams' all play with their male counterparts? Because it would be the end of professional womens golf, soccer, and tennis thats why. If all the great females that dominate their sport were to leave it, who is going to watch it? Her playing is nothing more than an ego trip. Its bad for women's golf and its bad for women's sports in general.


Football season!
Re: This is a promotional gimmick...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

ST: As usual, you are, um, no name calling here. Damn. What are you? I know! I'll call you "Vijay!". Yeah!

Every single guy on the PGA Tour EARNED the right to be there. Vijay, the real one, doesn't want her there simply based on her sex. You, the fake Vijay, don't want anyone who shoots higher than her to keep their job because of her sex.

Once again, you miss the TIC comments. Vijay and others are using the stereotype that women are not as good of players as the men, so excluding them because they are women is saying they want them excluded because they aren't good enough. If they are so anal that they feel that way, then sure, anyone who shoots higher than her certainly aren't worthy to be there as well. They can't have it both ways. Either they are good enough, or they aren't. You know, if A < B and B < C, then A < C.
My advice to the men is to not say a single word about it. Because just as I have stated, it will be pretty embarassing to talk trash about how she doesn't belong, then they go out and shoot a higher score than her. I'm looking forward to it, can't way to see how well this "unworthy" opponent does. I think they should all bring a little salt and pepper for their crow.


Football season!
And one other thing we're missing here. She is MUCH easier on the eyes than most of the guys out there. You put Tiger and her together on a round, and you'll have golf and a fashion show all in one.


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Otter, it's not that I don't think she can hang with the guys - it's that I think she shouldn't even try.
You are such a spoil sport vrai. :neener: I personally think - more power to them. After all it was all the women who came before my generation that made the things possible for me, and other females of my generation, to do things that are typically considered "male only". And more power to A.S. for paving the way down another path for another generation of females.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by migtig
And more power to A.S. for paving the way down another path for another generation of females.

One name, Michelle Wie, watch out guys!..


New Member
Originally posted by otter
One name, Michelle Wie, watch out guys!..

You all aren't thinking about what you are saying. Its not about Sorenstam measuring up with the men. She is just as good a golfer as most of the men. The issue is should she turn her back on the very profession that created her? Lets say Sorenstam quits the LPGA and joins the Mens tour. What happens to the LPGA? Decreased viewership = decreased advertising = decreased revenue = decreased pay for the players. Is this what you want to see happen? All the good female players should join the mens tour? Get rid of the LPGA? Should all sports be co-ed? Why do we have Title IX?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
She is NOT... good as the men players.

Wash Post...

Boswell makes the point that she has built a scoring average and that you can directly equate it to what she should shoot from the tips based on the 2.5 strokes he comes up with as being the difference...leaving out one huge factor:

She did not build her stroke average on the same courses as them men with the same course set ups.

Boswell uses the 2.5 shots per round to equate her with being a top 100 player making about 1/2 the cuts in a given year.

He then goes on to use men over the age of 50, Tom Watson in particular, and compares how he plays on the senior tour and equates it to his 7th place finish in last years Colonial. Then uses the same argument to figure Anna's potential score.

Tom Watson? 5 time British Open Champ? Uh, yeah, sure.

More realistically, she is plus 5 over the average men, plus 10 over 2 rounds and missing cuts.

ST, how can you say...

Once again, you miss the TIC comments

...when I don't even know what a TIC comment is?

"Tongue and groove"?

So, if the men need to eat foul birds (I kill myself, foul, fowl birds, get it? HAHAHA) IF she plays well, then, what should SHE have to eat IF she plays as I say she will, stinky?

Gettin' hot down there. Slick greens. Difficult to hold the fairways.

Annika: "Fix me dinner! I'll be at the club! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"


I am hoping Annika makes the cut.

V-Jay and Tiger both need reality checks, say 20 or 30 years ago.


aka Mrs. Giant
To be really "controversial" here, but why does the golf division (or heck) any sport have to be divided on bias of gender alone?
Screw the MENS open and the LADIES PGA. A.S. is planning on playing on the PGA circuit and nowhere does it say you must have an extra appendage to play, only that you qualify.
I personally think ALL sports would be more interesting to watch if they were coed.


Football season!
Re: She is NOT...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
ST, how can you say...

...when I don't even know what a TIC comment is?

"Tongue and groove"?

newbies :rolleyes:
How do you equate a C with groove?

For future reference, tongue in cheek.

Anyways, she shouldn't eat anything if she plays bad because she isn't the one making a big deal. She was invited to play, she accepted.

I personally feel if anything, this will enhance the women's game. Everyone who knows anything about sports know the greater your competition, the more you grow as an athlete. She has "peaked" if you will in the women's league. We really have no idea just how good she CAN be until she starts to play with more competition. I don't ever see the LPGA going away, but if more women are invited to and play in PGA events, it will make them, and thus the LPGA, that much better.


Originally posted by migtig
To be really "controversial" here, but why does the golf division (or heck) any sport have to be divided on bias of gender alone?
Screw the MENS open and the LADIES PGA. A.S. is planning on playing on the PGA circuit and nowhere does it say you must have an extra appendage to play, only that you qualify.
I personally think ALL sports would be more interesting to watch if they were coed.

My sentiments exactly! If you make the cut, who cares what gender or skin color you have.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...but, what if she plays REALLY bad, doesn't come close to making the cut??? Hmm? What if the LPGA becomes defunct BECAUSE Anna has a bad day??? Well??? What if girls are no longer allowed to play golf, ever again, because Anna hits some old guy (Jerry Ford?) in the head and KILLS him dead?!!?



aka Mrs. Giant
Re: OK...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...but, what if she plays REALLY bad, doesn't come close to making the cut??? Hmm? What if the LPGA becomes defunct BECAUSE Anna has a bad day??? Well??? What if girls are no longer allowed to play golf, ever again, because Anna hits some old guy (Jerry Ford?) in the head and KILLS him dead?!!?

Then there will be more women willing to step up and show that they CAN make the cut.
If the LPGA becomes defunct it won't be because of one woman. It will be because all women and men have united under one association (which may not happen in my lifetime - but I sure as heck hope it does). And if some of the bozos I've seen out on the golf course are allowed to play (including Bill Clinton), then I don't think if AS accidently knocks out Jerry Ford and kills him it is going to stop women from playing.


Re: OK...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...but, what if she plays REALLY bad, doesn't come close to making the cut??? Hmm? What if the LPGA becomes defunct BECAUSE Anna has a bad day??? Well??? What if girls are no longer allowed to play golf, ever again, because Anna hits some old guy (Jerry Ford?) in the head and KILLS him dead?!!?


Don't think the things you mentioned will happen. That is what is wrong.....the men are scared to death she may make the cut, and the spotlight may be off of them for the day. I see a bunch of ol' cronies sitting around biting their nails, and the likelihood of them making fools out of themselves this weekend if she does make the cut.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by migtig
Screw the MENS open and the LADIES PGA. A.S. is planning on playing on the PGA circuit and nowhere does it say you must have an extra appendage to play, only that you qualify.
I personally think ALL sports would be more interesting to watch if they were coed.
There is no chick in existence right now that would qualify against the men in any sport. Look at WNBA - who's their best gal? Now pit her against ANY NBA player - she'd be creamed. Same with golf. Annika could spank Larry or Penn and send them home but she'd get her butt whipped by any professional golfer.

Silly feminism aside, women in general just aren't as big and strong as guys. Yes, some women could beat some men in an athletic competition - but we're talking about all pros here, not Annika vs. SmallTown.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
There is no chick in existence right now that would qualify against the men in any sport. Look at WNBA - who's their best gal? Now pit her against ANY NBA player - she'd be creamed. Same with golf. Annika could spank Larry or Penn and send them home but she'd get her butt whipped by any professional golfer.

Silly feminism aside, women in general just aren't as big and strong as guys. Yes, some women could beat some men in an athletic competition - but we're talking about all pros here, not Annika vs. SmallTown.

I am just hoping that the guys make jack....... out of themselves, and totally loose it! :razz2:


By the way, both my husband and I are pulling for Annika. I guess he also sees them as spoiled sports!:wink: