ANNOUNCING...Defender of Islam...Prince Charles?


Super Genius
The Prince of Wales will try to persuade George W Bush and Americans of the merits of Islam this week because he thinks the United States has been too intolerant of the religion since September 11.
The Prince raised his concerns when he met senior Muslims in London in November 2001. The gathering took place just two months after the attacks on New York and Washington. "I find the language and rhetoric coming from America too confrontational," the Prince said, according to one leader at the meeting.
I wish he would provide an example because I've only heard Bush going after terrorists and extremist Muslims.
"The seminar will look at how faith groups can alleviate social problems in their community," a royal aide said. based initiatives. What a novel concept! I wish someone here would try that :lmao:
He spoke warmly of the West's debt to the culture of Islam and distanced moderate Muslims from misguided militants. "Extremism is no more the monopoly of Islam than it is the monopoly of other religions, including Christianity," he said.
No, but Christian extremeists (nor any other religious extremeists) haven't repeatedly declared war on and attacked the US. And we will go after other religious extremeists if they start attacking people.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"I find the language and rhetoric coming from America too confrontational," the Prince said, according to one leader at the meeting.
Wonder what he thinks of the language and rhetoric coming out of Islamic countries? :rolleyes:


Asperger's Poster Child
ylexot said:
No, but Christian extremeists (nor any other religious extremeists) haven't repeatedly declared war on and attacked the US. And we will go after other religious extremeists if they start attacking people.
Good point. America's homegrown religious murderers, like Eric Rudolph, are few and far between. I think that rarity reflects well on America's national character and system of democracy.

Also, a major attraction for Islamist extremists must be this -- the religion treats sex (and females in particular) as evil, but promises martyrs a paradise where they have 10,000-year-long orgasms with nubile virgins. I wonder if these guys would cool down if they got laid.


Lem Putt
ylexot said:
No, but Christian extremeists (nor any other religious extremeists) haven't repeatedly declared war on and attacked the US. And we will go after other religious extremeists if they start attacking people.

First, I do not believe that Islam is a peaceful religion.

Christian extremists have killed far more people in the US than muslims have. If you do not believe that you are deluded.

Religious extremeism is dangerous, whether they are muslim, christian, buddhist, or anything else.


Well-Known Member
MMDad said:
First, I do not believe that Islam is a peaceful religion.

Totally agree

Christian extremists have killed far more people in the US than muslims have. If you do not believe that you are deluded.

Please elaborate.

Religious extremeism is dangerous, whether they are muslim, christian, buddhist, or anything else.

Again, I totally agree.


Lem Putt
Mountain Meadow Massacre, Salem Witch trials, Execution of the "Red Menace". Do I need to continue?


Well-Known Member
MMDad said:
Mountain Meadow Massacre, Salem Witch trials, Execution of the "Red Menace". Do I need to continue?
Yes, you need to continue a lot.
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Super Genius
MMDad said:
Mountain Meadow Massacre, Salem Witch trials, Execution of the "Red Menace". Do I need to continue?
Mountain Meadow Massacre - 1857 - I had never heard of it
Salem Witch Trials - 1692
Execution of the "Red Menace" - :confused: Don't know that one either and a Google search yielded (as I guessed) stuff about Communism after WWII. Not Christian extremism by any stretch of the imagination.

Wow, such great examples. Geez, why didn't you bring up the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition as examples of Christian extremism? Personally, I'm currently living in the year 2005. What century are you from?

Face it, violent Chrisitan extremists haven't been a problem for the last 100+ years and aside from the occasional whack-job (like Koresh), they are virtually non-existant. Violent Muslim extremists, on the other hand, have been a huge problem for the past few decades if you haven't noticed. Where do you want to focus your energy? :dork:


I think the majority of this extremisim comes what my daddy called "If your friend's jumped off a bridge would you?"

It's too bad all this hate and energy is being put into something so misguided. What the world would be if extremists put their focus into something more productive in their lives and the lives of others.

Mind you Islam isnt the only one in History to be misguided on such an extensive scale,...the Crusades also come to mind here...


Lem Putt
ylexot said:
Mountain Meadow Massacre - 1857 - I had never heard of it
Salem Witch Trials - 1692
Execution of the "Red Menace" - :confused: Don't know that one either and a Google search yielded (as I guessed) stuff about Communism after WWII. Not Christian extremism by any stretch of the imagination.

Wow, such great examples. Geez, why didn't you bring up the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition as examples of Christian extremism? Personally, I'm currently living in the year 2005. What century are you from?

Face it, violent Chrisitan extremists haven't been a problem for the last 100+ years and aside from the occasional whack-job (like Koresh), they are virtually non-existant. Violent Muslim extremists, on the other hand, have been a huge problem for the past few decades if you haven't noticed. Where do you want to focus your energy? :dork:

Sorry to confuse you, but I was raised as a Mormon, and they considered Native Americans to be a Red Menace. I guess you don't think many of them were killed in the name of god.

Likewise, many Mormons were killed because they were not mainstream christians. Do you want names?

If violent christians haven't been a problem for 5% of the time they have existed, is that something to brag about?

I am also living in 2005, where pedophile priests are protected by the church. People who claim to be Christian ignore His teachings, and try to portray themselves as the saviours of people who disagree with them. What would Jesus do? He wouldn't judge - That's his dad's job. He wouldn't use shock to make his point - He knows that is divisive. He wouldn't try to change the law - He knows that man's law has no effect on God's law. He would use logical discussion to try to lead people to do the right thing. Try it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
If violent christians haven't been a problem for 5% of the time they have existed, is that something to brag about?
Okay, but the fact of the matter is that Prince Charles has no business talking about the US when one of his Parliament dudes is knee deep in the oil-for-food scandal.

Bunch of corrupt cowards. "Sooo confrontational, don't you agree, Muffy?" :rolleyes: I'm tired of people criticizing the US for doing the right thing.


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
Okay, but the fact of the matter is that Prince Charles has no business talking about the US when one of his Parliament dudes is knee deep in the oil-for-food scandal.

Bunch of corrupt cowards. "Sooo confrontational, don't you agree, Muffy?" :rolleyes: I'm tired of people criticizing the US for doing the right thing.

You are 1,000% correct. My only issue is that we should not come across as holier than thou. Chas should shut his big yap and be happy we never made England one of our territories.


Asperger's Poster Child
dustin said:
It's too bad all this hate and energy is being put into something so misguided. What the world would be if extremists put their focus into something more productive in their lives and the lives of others.
Excellent point. In my view, religious extremism comes from fear and insecurity. With some people it's insecurity about the future, and with others it's insecurity about themselves. I think the extremist views provide a false sense of certainty and comfort for these people. Is there really any certainty in life, ever?


Well-Known Member
Charles needs too...

First Fly to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and wrap it up in Iran and then return with a big toothy grin bearing the signature of each of the Nation's leaders declaring "Peace in Our Time."

Now mind you the cost is quite minor:
...Total withdraw of US support of Israel,
...abandonment of all US Bases west of Greece
...and of course giving the Green light to Iran's Nuke program.

Well Done Neville! (oops, sorry...Charles!)

Hey ChucK: :lalala:


Asperger's Poster Child
MMDad said:
I am also living in 2005, where pedophile priests are protected by the church.
Did that really have anything to do with religion? Or was that just an organization valuing self-preservation above everything else? That selfish attitude can show up in any organization. True, it's outrageous that the Church hierarchy tried to sweep the problem under the rug. But that shouldn't reflect badly on Catholicism, because it could have happened in a public school system or in any organization that works with kids.


Lem Putt
Tonio said:
Did that really have anything to do with religion? Or was that just an organization valuing self-preservation above everything else? That selfish attitude can show up in any organization. True, it's outrageous that the Church hierarchy tried to sweep the problem under the rug. But that shouldn't reflect badly on Catholicism, because it could have happened in a public school system or in any organization that works with kids.

I'm not the one that brought religion into the discussion. I only intended to show that none of us are holier than thou, as some other posters seem to have implied. The bottom line: It's great that a prince's opinion does not matter in the least.