ANNOUNCING...Defender of Islam...Prince Charles?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Which is a good thing, since Blair is a hell of a lot smarter than that inbred poofter Prince Charles. But the royals DO have some pull, if nothing other than the power to influence public opinion.
That's what I like about it. They may like or dislike the PM, but they all love the Queen. Charles is getting old though, I wonder if it wouldn't be better to give the Crown to William, they love him, and so do a lot of Americans it seems.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
Did you know forced conversion is forbidden from Islam
Sorry. STILL happens. It may be forbidden, but in parts of the world, it takes place on a large scale - whole villages forced to convert, or be killed. I just read about an article in Indonesia where the men of a village were all circumcised without benefit of any anesthetic - or sensible hygiene.

Compare this to the innocuous annoying visit by some smiling twit who shyly invited you to church.

I'll take the twit, thank you.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
If Muslims are so peaceful, they should PROVE IT. They should speak out against those who bastardize their religion and kill innocents. Until they do this, I am happy to paint them all with the same brush.
I agree - but - I found myself on the opposite site of this once, where someone wanted to know why, as a conservative, and nominally at least, a Christian - why I didn't loudly denounce PAT ROBERTSON virtually every time he opens his stupid-azz mouth and says something colossally stupid.

I answered that I don't because it's clearly obvious the man is a lunatic.

They responded that he speaks for conservatives.

I answered, he doesn't even speak for his own Christian ministry anymore, and sure as hell does NOT speak for conservatives, unless they meant only the really crazy ones.

And I realize - this is the same damned argument when people say why don't you guys denounce Jesse Jackson, Farrakhan, Sharpton - and I realize MY answer is the same as theirs - WHY SHOULD I? They're clearly lunatics with a very small following. If it weren't for the press, we wouldn't hear from them at all, and I don't have to make a fuss EVERY time they say something stupid, or I'd be doing nothing else all day long.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
SamSpade said:
I agree - but - I found myself on the opposite site of this once, where someone wanted to know why, as a conservative, and nominally at least, a Christian - why I didn't loudly denounce PAT ROBERTSON virtually every time he opens his stupid-azz mouth and says something colossally stupid.

I answered that I don't because it's clearly obvious the man is a lunatic.

They responded that he speaks for conservatives.

I answered, he doesn't even speak for his own Christian ministry anymore, and sure as hell does NOT speak for conservatives, unless they meant only the really crazy ones.

And I realize - this is the same damned argument when people say why don't you guys denounce Jesse Jackson, Farrakhan, Sharpton - and I realize MY answer is the same as theirs - WHY SHOULD I? They're clearly lunatics with a very small following. If it weren't for the press, we wouldn't hear from them at all, and I don't have to make a fuss EVERY time they say something stupid, or I'd be doing nothing else all day long.
:yeahthat: Also, it's not good news showing people agreeing with you, it's much better news to show people dancing and carrying signs that say kill America. There are more arab states than just Iraq and Iran, but you never see them in the news. I take silence as denuciation until they give me reason otherwise. I've worked with and had too many Islamic friends to "paint them all with the same brush."


Asperger's Poster Child
SamSpade said:
I answered, he doesn't even speak for his own Christian ministry anymore, and sure as hell does NOT speak for conservatives, unless they meant only the really crazy ones.
I have a distrust of all self-appointed "spokespersons," no matter what movements they claim to represent. Robertson and Jackson and Sharpton are just egomaniacs and attention whores and ambulance chasers. I'm especially suspicious of their claims that they are selflessly working to help their fellow human beings. People who are truly motivated by that desire don't preen for the TV cameras at every opportunity.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
And I realize - this is the same damned argument when people say why don't you guys denounce Jesse Jackson, Farrakhan, Sharpton - and I realize MY answer is the same as theirs - WHY SHOULD I? They're clearly lunatics with a very small following.
Their following can't be too small if they're able to get the country to seriously discuss hate crime laws, affirmative action, reparation for slavery and racial profiling.

I'm happy to criticize Pat Robertson when he spews. I'll criticize anyone I think is being stupid. If you want to vomit absurdities, regardless of your political or religious affiliation, prepare to be criticized by me. :biggrin:

But the fact of the matter is that the left-wing media will criticize the Robertsons of the world with zeal - they don't need help from us. Where We the People come in is when a liberal media darling commits an act of wrong, because WE are the only ones who WILL criticize it.

And, unfortunately, when you are a minority (whether ethnic, religious or political) you must shout louder to make your voice heard over the din of the masses. This is why Muslims, blacks and other groups that have a public spokesperson who doesn't reflect their beliefs must yell their heads off - "This is not right! This is not the majority of my group!" Otherwise you get lumped in and it's your own fault for not speaking up.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have a question!

MMDad said:
You are 1,000% correct. My only issue is that we should not come across as holier than thou. Chas should shut his big yap and be happy we never made England one of our territories.

How are we NOT going to come off 'Holier than thou' when we are?

WE are the US of A.

WE are THE model for individual rights and liberties, world wide.

WE are THE Superpower.

WE are the ones who self-question every thing we do, from Gitmo prison abuse to Abu Ghrab to possible crimes in the field.

WE are THE model for balancing social needs with the wonders of capitalism.

WE are THE socially tolerant society that has a Hollywood coexisting with religious fundametalists, coexisting with every race, creed and color.

WE are the the ones who just got done celebrating, nationally, a lady who sat on a bus.

WE are the ones with immense amounts of privately owned 'Red Menace' land.

WE are the ones with an entire state run, lock stock and barrel, by one religion, Utah.

WE are the ones who find a way to get things done, even with a state like California.

WE are the ones who fought and bled our guts our to prove we mean all men are created equal AND have equal protection under the law.

WE are the ones, the imperfect ones, the ones who never stop trying, never stop self analysis and criticism, never stop striving for a more perfect Union for ALL our citizens.

Chuck, we ARE holier than thou. The question is; "What are the rest of you self righteous losers gonna do to stand up to our, THE, standard?"

We'll help you all, but the first thing you gotta do is admit you have a problem.

If not, bugger off. Maybe we'll come burn down Buckingham Palace. We owe you one anyway.

Of course, being as cool as we are, we got over that, to.


Asperger's Poster Child
Great stuff, Larry.

I can't speak for MMDad, but I read the phrase "holier than thou" in strictly religious terms. Some (not all) fundamentalists argue that Americans are God's chosen people. I don't believe that there even is such a thing as a "chosen people." If we start acting as if we think we're God's favorites, then I think we'll lose what makes America special. Prince Charles wouldn't understand all that, because his country has a long history of regarding Catholics as traitors.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's what we should tell...

...anyone who cares:

If we start acting as if we think we're God's favorites, then I think we'll lose what makes America special.

"We Americans know not whether HE be on our side or on their side. We only pray that we are on HIS side for he must be, as the parties are at such odds, in favor of one or the other. Thus, as we are winning and y'all suck. Don't blame us. God's will."

And let that speak for itself.

(Liberla thanks to A. Lincoln)


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
Great stuff, Larry.

I can't speak for MMDad, but I read the phrase "holier than thou" in strictly religious terms. Some (not all) fundamentalists argue that Americans are God's chosen people. I don't believe that there even is such a thing as a "chosen people." If we start acting as if we think we're God's favorites, then I think we'll lose what makes America special. Prince Charles wouldn't understand all that, because his country has a long history of regarding Catholics as traitors.
The Jews are God's chosen people.