I have a question!
MMDad said:
You are 1,000% correct. My only issue is that we should not come across as holier than thou. Chas should shut his big yap and be happy we never made England one of our territories.
How are we NOT going to come off 'Holier than thou' when we are?
WE are the US of A.
WE are THE model for individual rights and liberties, world wide.
WE are THE Superpower.
WE are the ones who self-question every thing we do, from Gitmo prison abuse to Abu Ghrab to possible crimes in the field.
WE are THE model for balancing social needs with the wonders of capitalism.
WE are THE socially tolerant society that has a Hollywood coexisting with religious fundametalists, coexisting with every race, creed and color.
WE are the the ones who just got done celebrating, nationally, a lady who sat on a bus.
WE are the ones with immense amounts of privately owned 'Red Menace' land.
WE are the ones with an entire state run, lock stock and barrel, by one religion, Utah.
WE are the ones who find a way to get things done, even with a state like California.
WE are the ones who fought and bled our guts our to prove we mean all men are created equal AND have equal protection under the law.
WE are the ones, the imperfect ones, the ones who never stop trying, never stop self analysis and criticism, never stop striving for a more perfect Union for ALL our citizens.
Chuck, we ARE holier than thou. The question is; "What are the rest of you self righteous losers gonna do to stand up to our, THE, standard?"
We'll help you all, but the first thing you gotta do is admit you have a problem.
If not, bugger off. Maybe we'll come burn down Buckingham Palace. We owe you one anyway.
Of course, being as cool as we are, we got over that, to.