ANNOUNCING...Defender of Islam...Prince Charles?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
The bottom line: It's great that a prince's opinion does not matter in the least.
It does to me. Every time one of these pantywaist kennedys opens their mouth to spew, it lends credence to other pantywaist kennedys and emboldens them to take their antics to a higher level. This pleases the terrorists because they realize that US wars are fought at home, not abroad. They know they can wait us out and we'll eventually quit, and 2,000 American soldiers will have died for nothing.


Asperger's Poster Child
MMDad said:
I only intended to show that none of us are holier than thou, as some other posters seem to have implied. The bottom line: It's great that a prince's opinion does not matter in the least.
:yay: Great sentiments.


Super Genius
MMDad said:
Sorry to confuse you, but I was raised as a Mormon, and they considered Native Americans to be a Red Menace. I guess you don't think many of them were killed in the name of god.

Likewise, many Mormons were killed because they were not mainstream christians. Do you want names?

If violent christians haven't been a problem for 5% of the time they have existed, is that something to brag about?

I am also living in 2005, where pedophile priests are protected by the church. People who claim to be Christian ignore His teachings, and try to portray themselves as the saviours of people who disagree with them. What would Jesus do? He wouldn't judge - That's his dad's job. He wouldn't use shock to make his point - He knows that is divisive. He wouldn't try to change the law - He knows that man's law has no effect on God's law. He would use logical discussion to try to lead people to do the right thing. Try it.
Your're right! Christian extremists are evil and should be sent to Gitmo! Go ahead and point them out to us! :cricket: :cricket: Oh yeah, they're all dead and buried.

Instead, why don't we just go after Christians in general. That will prevent the possibility that some more might come along! :sarcasm:

Just so you know...secular extremism can be just as dangerous as religeous extremism. Any ideology that is taken to the point of "our way or die" is bad.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
In this instance we are holier than...well, them anyway.
About Gitmo and Abu Ghirab, I never liked the "no better than the terrorists" argument. I think it's misleading and insulting to even try to make that comparison. It doesn't address the real issue as I see it, which is how we want our soldiers to treat POWs. I see it as setting our own standards and holding ourselves to those standards, not about comparing ourselves to an enemy's standards or lack of them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
:yay: Great sentiments.
No :bonk:

We're right, they're wrong. The end. It doesn't matter what happened a hundred years ago - none of us were even alive then so it has nothing to do with what's going on in the world right now. I refuse to live in the past and throw away my moral authority because of what one of my ancestor's might have done.


Well-Known Member
I must disagree..

Bringing religion in is a good thing...

What Does Christ expect? humility, service, placing others before you, respect for elders, care for widows and orphans, soberness, honesty, no discrimination between Gentile and Jew...

What does Muhammed expect? Sacrificial death to kill infidels, enslavement, belittling of women, Jihad, absolute acceptance of Sharia', a Caliphate ruler,
lie to infidels-that doesn't matter. 2nd & third class citizens...

Oh please do bring religion in....for millions of Americans that are blind to the building Islamic Tsunami...we need to see what is going to hit us....ande not 100 years from now, try a few decades. CAIR has already broadcast the hope that the US consitution will crumble and be replaced by Sharia'.

I will NEVER cease my warning cry on the onrushing threat of Islam...a violent and menacing "religion."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
About Gitmo and Abu Ghirab, I never liked the "no better than the terrorists" argument. I think it's misleading and insulting to even try to make that comparison.
I agree. Prisoners are at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib for a reason. If we make them stand on a box or put panties on their head, so what? They should have thought about that before they decided they wanted a piece.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Okay, but the fact of the matter is that Prince Charles has no business talking about the US when one of his Parliament dudes is knee deep in the oil-for-food scandal.

Bunch of corrupt cowards. "Sooo confrontational, don't you agree, Muffy?" :rolleyes: I'm tired of people criticizing the US for doing the right thing.
But he's just the heir apparent, he has no control over Parliment. He actually has less pull over Parliment than the President has over Congress. The Prime Minister is the real man in charge, the Royal family are now just diplomats and symbols, whixh is not bad. I kinda like the idea of a sitting monarch, so long as they are not the sole power.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
No :bonk:

We're right, they're wrong. The end. It doesn't matter what happened a hundred years ago - none of us were even alive then so it has nothing to do with what's going on in the world right now. I refuse to live in the past and throw away my moral authority because of what one of my ancestor's might have done.
:confused: I wasn't thinking about history any more ancient than the pedophile priest problem.

From a philosophical standpoint, I don't want the war against terrorism to become a war for Christianity. Partly because Bin Laden wants people to think that America wants to exterminate all Muslims in Auschwitz-style death camps. Yes, we're right and they're wrong, but not because of any harebrained claims about God being on our side or something. We're fighting for our own lives.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Tonio said:
:confused: I wasn't thinking about history any more ancient than the pedophile priest problem.

From a philosophical standpoint, I don't want the war against terrorism to become a war for Christianity. Partly because Bin Laden wants people to think that America wants to exterminate all Muslims in Auschwitz-style death camps. Yes, we're right and they're wrong, but not because of any harebrained claims about God being on our side or something. We're fighting for our own lives.
Agreed, the moment this becomes a crusade for Christanity is the moment I throw out my pention and get out of the military early.


Active Member
What does Muhammed expect? Sacrificial death to kill infidels, enslavement, belittling of women, Jihad, absolute acceptance of Sharia', a Caliphate ruler, lie to infidels-that doesn't matter. 2nd & third class citizens...

The Quran is actually very accepting of Jews and Christians, as they too are people of the book. They were some of the first people to give women rights of any type, these rights delt directly to widows and arranged marriage.

Also in the Quran there is mention of 2 types of Jihad:

The "Greater Jihad (internal)" and the "Lesser Jihad (external)"
the first one is the same deliberation everyone does on a daily basis: is this good or bad? should i do it? the old devil and angel sitting on your shoulder thing.

The lesser one is the one that many people capitalize on, and that too is divided into two subsections. Offensive and Defensive. The rules for engagement and very clear on each, and the offensive one is to be only be used in few situations:
retaking lost territory
defending opressed muslim communities
toppling a government that rules in the name of islam but it corrupt and unislamic in nature

there are also rules of engagement. The rules address various things such as the treatment of POWs (oddly enough it doesnt talk about beheading them, must be a cultural thing...). You cant attack women/children. You are to help the wounded and sick regardless of the side they are on.

Because a hand full of crazies interprited something something a certain way doesnt mean the whole religion is messed up. This extremist violence is only a small portion of Islamic history, there is and was plenty of good that came from the islamic community.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
The Prime Minister is the real man in charge
Which is a good thing, since Blair is a hell of a lot smarter than that inbred poofter Prince Charles. But the royals DO have some pull, if nothing other than the power to influence public opinion.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
I don't want the war against terrorism to become a war for Christianity.
And it never will be because there are too many non-Christians in this country. That whole "modern day Crusades" is a strawman that the libs have perpetuated to turn Americans away from doing what's right. Bush so far hasn't done a single thing to make us believe he's in this for the religion, so I don't know why people even bring it up.

It's like being worried that he'll implement a draft, or that he'll outlaw coffee because he doesn't drink it. There's been nothing out of the White House to indicate a possibility that these things will happen, so why talk about it?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
Because a hand full of crazies interprited something something a certain way doesnt mean the whole religion is messed up.
Much like blacks defending the Howard University exterminator, if Muslims would renounce their murderous brethren, we wouldn't be having this conversation. As it stands, they seem to want to make excuses and spew moral relativisms, which tells us that they don't really think jihadists are so bad.

If Muslims are so peaceful, they should PROVE IT. They should speak out against those who bastardize their religion and kill innocents. Until they do this, I am happy to paint them all with the same brush.


Well-Known Member
What were the "rules of engagement..."

when Muhammed went on a pilfering raid during their "Holy" Ramadan???
Or how about when he had an elderly poet who was critical of him...executed?
He also had at least one woman butchered because he didn't like her criticism.

Quit trying to defend Islam and its hypocritical butcher child molester "prophet."....there is no defense for his behavior nor any for the blood baths that have followed to the present.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
Bush so far hasn't done a single thing to make us believe he's in this for the religion, so I don't know why people even bring it up.
You're right--the idea of a holy war didn't come from Bush but from Ann Coulter and some fundamentalist commentators. I was concerned when Bush said that God speaks through him. But I haven't seen Bush conduct himself in a way that would suggest a Messiah complex. He's fighting the war on terror as an American, which is the way it should be.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
Much like blacks defending the Howard University exterminator, if Muslims would renounce their murderous brethren, we wouldn't be having this conversation. As it stands, they seem to want to make excuses and spew moral relativisms, which tells us that they don't really think jihadists are so bad.

If Muslims are so peaceful, they should PROVE IT. They should speak out against those who bastardize their religion and kill innocents. Until they do this, I am happy to paint them all with the same brush.
DING! DING! DING! :yeahthat: :yay: :getdown: :thewave: :banana: :high5: :dude: :clap:

For those that didn't understand that...I agree wholeheartedly with Vrai on that point. :biggrin:


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
As it stands, they seem to want to make excuses and spew moral relativisms, which tells us that they don't really think jihadists are so bad.

If Muslims are so peaceful, they should PROVE IT. They should speak out against those who bastardize their religion and kill innocents.
Yes. Here's my theory as to why they don't: I think they would see it as "telling tales out of school" or "airing dirty laundry in public." Sort of like how siblings squabble among themselves, but would back each other up in the face of an outside threat. I suspect that many black activists feel the same way about the Sharpton and Farrakhan types--they might criticize those guys in private but not in public. Personally, I think that's reprehensible, because hatred and murder deserve to be criticized, to say the least. It's almost cultlike behavior, where members are expected to sacrifice their identity for the sake of the group.


Active Member
Pakistan has been helpful in our search for Osama. Osama's family disowned him. The muslims I have met here, at school will be the first to tell you what a nut job the terrorists are and that they dont like them. They went in and took land from the already warring Byzantines and Sassanians. I am sure both empires stuck to the Geneva conventions themselves... To stay the Roman/Byzantine empire were icons of peace is laughable. Did you know forced conversion is forbidden from Islam, they dont walk around going door to door saying "Take this Quran and come to our Mosque for worship!" they feel after one learns the ways of Islam they will convert without pressure.

There must be some good in them... after all: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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