I must disagree..
Bringing religion in is a good thing...
What Does Christ expect? humility, service, placing others before you, respect for elders, care for widows and orphans, soberness, honesty, no discrimination between Gentile and Jew...
What does Muhammed expect? Sacrificial death to kill infidels, enslavement, belittling of women, Jihad, absolute acceptance of Sharia', a Caliphate ruler,
lie to infidels-that doesn't matter. 2nd & third class citizens...
Oh please do bring religion in....for millions of Americans that are blind to the building Islamic Tsunami...we need to see what is going to hit us....ande not 100 years from now, try a few decades. CAIR has already broadcast the hope that the US consitution will crumble and be replaced by Sharia'.
I will NEVER cease my warning cry on the onrushing threat of Islam...a violent and menacing "religion."