Another failing grade for the St. Mary's Co. School bus transportation


they are the most rude people I have ever seen. One very rude man who I will not name but use to be a DNR man threatened a parent and told her to walk quietly out of the office and not bother the head man in charge or he would make sure her kids had to walk a mile to the busstop. 2 first graders who happen to be girls... He told her he could put a "X" anywhere on the county map and fine a sexual offender. So her concern did not concern him... She came to my home and told me as I am her child care provider and he told her that her provider only cared about her infant children and not her children and maybe she should find another provider.... I have been in Daycare for over 30 years and I love all of my children and would die protecting them. He does not know me or a damn thing about childcare... So I will take my 4 month old and 16 month old and my 3 year old outside and pick up my children at the stop sign everyday. As they do not care about the infants only saving a gallon of diesel fuel. This winter I will have to do the same as they don't care and I have to make sure my children all of my children are safe... They are complete idiots and the superintendent needs to waste some more of MY tax paying dollars and send those people to a class on how to treat Tax paying citizens who have a real concern about their children... I could go on and on but won't as I don't know that it will solve a thing other than letting me vent my anger at the most uncaring rude people I have ever seen... The Board of Education should change their slogan as they do not care about the well being of some children.. Only care about not having to go 1/10th of a mile to pick up 5 children under the age of 9...


5thstreet said:
I believe in most of the staff at SMCPS is doing their best with what they have to work with but not the Ego-manic that is running the ship. He has his own agenda. If someone on this board disagrees with my opinion then so be it. This is America and we all have a right to say what we want to a extend. As you may know if you have work or know someone who has work in the school system it is a mess and is going down hill. They are going to continue to lose decent staff and find themselves in trouble. I would recommend those who are left find work somewhere else because their voices are not gonna be heard.
Wonder why my kids school was on the list of "Top 100 Schools" in some Washington Times area ranking? It also had excellent MSA scores, some cleanliness award called a "Glossy", some other award I forget, the teachers all have been there for years, low turn over and my kid is learning and happy there?

It boggles the mind we are all so stupid we don't realize the pure hell hole ST Mary's county public school system really is!


Gigi said:
they are the most rude people I have ever seen. One very rude man who I will not name but use to be a DNR man threatened a parent and told her to walk quietly out of the office and not bother the head man in charge or he would make sure her kids had to walk a mile to the busstop. 2 first graders who happen to be girls... He told her he could put a "X" anywhere on the county map and fine a sexual offender. So her concern did not concern him... She came to my home and told me as I am her child care provider and he told her that her provider only cared about her infant children and not her children and maybe she should find another provider.... I have been in Daycare for over 30 years and I love all of my children and would die protecting them. He does not know me or a damn thing about childcare... So I will take my 4 month old and 16 month old and my 3 year old outside and pick up my children at the stop sign everyday. As they do not care about the infants only saving a gallon of diesel fuel. This winter I will have to do the same as they don't care and I have to make sure my children all of my children are safe... They are complete idiots and the superintendent needs to waste some more of MY tax paying dollars and send those people to a class on how to treat Tax paying citizens who have a real concern about their children... I could go on and on but won't as I don't know that it will solve a thing other than letting me vent my anger at the most uncaring rude people I have ever seen... The Board of Education should change their slogan as they do not care about the well being of some children.. Only care about not having to go 1/10th of a mile to pick up 5 children under the age of 9...
This made my head hurt. WTF are you talking about?


Restricted User
5thstreet said:
I totally agree and from what I learned this new director has NO experience in Transportation what so ever. GO Firgure!!! :jameo:

YES!!! And isn't it great to see that the Chief Operating Officer who oversees this department and is second in command has the time to take every Friday off when all this is going on?

Gotta love it. Only at St. Mary's can the ship be sinking and the administration not see the writing on the chalkboard.


WTF am I talking about.. All you have to do is read it... There are rude a-holes working in transportation. They don't care about the 5 year old and 2-6 year olds walking to a bus stop from their daycare that has 3 babies that are going to have to be taken out twice a day to the bus stop. Yeah right now no problem... How about December, January when it is blustery cold and rainy... That is the point... The bus came to my driveway for over 10 years and now they can't... They are not being fair about this and this man threatened one of my parents and he should not have his job. He needs to go to school and learn how to interact with parents. There is alot more to this story but, I don't want to burn out your brain.....


Main Streeter
kwillia said:
6th grade is a new school and thus a new stop for the standard bus routes. We had the same problem when my first born graduated to middle school and then when he graduated to high school (new stop for the standard high school route). I learned from the middle school change over so when he was going into the 9th grade, I made it a point to call the transportation department prior to the start of school. It took a few days to get it straight, but they had it straight before the first day of school that year. You may want to remember this for when yours will be switching to the next school level in three years.

I wish I had thought of this. My son started middle school and they didn't add him to the bus stops so I had to send this form to the transportation dept. Sent it on Wed and haven't heard back yet. I thought it would be a no brainer but I guess not.


New Member
More Bus Issues

Yes, we went to the open house, and when our road was not on the list, we filled out the form, letting them know and they said they would give it to transportation and take care of it. It's not like they have never picked up at our house before, my kids have been in the system for the last 5 years.
I half way didnt expect them to show up for the first day, thats ok, but then dont be ugly and angry with me when I call to let them know that they missed us.

The same woman I spoke with the first morning, called me back Wed afternoon, left me a message, said that my son should get onto bus 5XX, and it should be at the intersection of our roads at around 655am. We went yesterday am at 647 or so,,, waited, and waited and waited. No bus. I took him, late again. Since I dropped him at the end of the road and went to get ready for work myself, what choice did I have. (BTW,,My high schooler is getting picked up ,, no problem. )

So I told him,, well, maybe they came earlier than we expected, go ahead and get back onto that same bus number and they will surely bring you home. They dropped him off alright, on RT 5, about 1/4 of a mile from our 2/3 of a mile long dirt road! No walking path on this very busy through street, mind you. I am furious. Why would they drop him off more than a mile from his house? OK our dirt road is not their issue, but leaving a child on the main highway is WRONG!
I call back and ask whats the deal, that so and so called me and left me a message that this was supposed to be his bus, HELP. The man I spoke with told me straight out that there's no reason why she should have called and left that message (i saved it on my cell) because they still havent figured out which bus is going to be ours. He also said he didnt have time to deal with it right now since they had a missing child yesterday afternoon and he needed to deal with that situation first! I can imagine.
Im beside myself with anger, thinking that could be MY child missing after they dropped him off on the main highway.

OK, deep breath,,,,, so at this point I have spoken with at least 5 different people at the Dept of Transp. I have not one time given them my home number. I have given them my cell number every single time so that I could make sure to get the call, if one came. Well, one came this morning to my home! I'm not there!!! My mother in law happens to be visiting us for a week and she was able to take the call. but still no final decision on the bus he is supposed to take home. Im at a loss here. I know there are lots of children in the district, and there is a lot to coordinate, but maybe some of this needs to be done MID summer. Post the routes in the middle of the summer, let parents have the opportunity to see if they are on the routes or not AHEAD of time!!! not three days before school. I dont get the paper, I use the internet as a tool for finding out information, they didnt post the routes this year, at least not someplace that I can find. I looked for an hour Tuesday and never found any routes of any kind.
I cant believe how frustrating this whole mess has been. I would just like some resolution. STAT.


New Member
Again, we have been in the house 6 yrs. My daughter went to jr high a mere 2 years ago. It was an issue when she went originally but not an issue for her transition to high school. His transition should have been fairly smooth. Not necessarily a new route, there have been at least two busses driving it for more than 5 years.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
edgeofarson69 said:
I dont get the paper, I use the internet as a tool for finding out information, they didnt post the routes this year, at least not someplace that I can find. I looked for an hour Tuesday and never found any routes of any kind.
Someone posted the link here yesterday, but here it is again:

but I found it when I first went looking... if you start at the main Public Schools page, go to "our offices" then "transportation" there are links running down the side and one says "school bus routes"


New Member
Error 504 'www.smcps.k12...' Gateway Timeout.
Try reloading the Web page.
Retype the address in your browser.
Check your computer's Internet connection.
search Try searching:

OK,, the above is the message i got many many times over the last week as I was trying to get info for transportation. This was what occurred after I went to the link you provided.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
edgeofarson69 said:
Error 504 'www.smcps.k12...' Gateway Timeout.
Try reloading the Web page.
Retype the address in your browser.
Check your computer's Internet connection.
search Try searching:

OK,, the above is the message i got many many times over the last week as I was trying to get info for transportation. This was what occurred after I went to the link you provided.
Works for me... if you pm me the school and a regular email address, I will download the pdf file for that school and email it to you to check out.


Well-Known Member
Gigi said:
WTF am I talking about.. All you have to do is read it... There are rude a-holes working in transportation. They don't care about the 5 year old and 2-6 year olds walking to a bus stop from their daycare that has 3 babies that are going to have to be taken out twice a day to the bus stop. Yeah right now no problem... How about December, January when it is blustery cold and rainy... That is the point... The bus came to my driveway for over 10 years and now they can't... They are not being fair about this and this man threatened one of my parents and he should not have his job. He needs to go to school and learn how to interact with parents. There is alot more to this story but, I don't want to burn out your brain.....
:confused: it's transportation responsibility to get the kids to the bus stop? you had the luxury and probably was accommodated for 10 years of having the bus stop at your driveway and you're complaining :smack: -- i think transportation should be calling you an a-hole. try more valid reasons to bi@tch about!! Is one of the things that came along with being selected as the care provider was to get the kids to the bus stop?? if so, then do it. If you can't accommodate the parents, then tell them and maybe they should seek other arrangements.
Last edited:


New Member
Pete said:
Wonder why my kids school was on the list of "Top 100 Schools" in some Washington Times area ranking? It also had excellent MSA scores, some cleanliness award called a "Glossy", some other award I forget, the teachers all have been there for years, low turn over and my kid is learning and happy there?

It boggles the mind we are all so stupid we don't realize the pure hell hole ST Mary's county public school system really is!

Hey moron, We are talking about central administration not specifically one school's performance.


New Member
Dymphna said:
The problem is with the contractor system of buses. The BoE contracts with something in the neighborhood of 200 bus owners, each owning from 1 to 4 buses. Charles and I think Calvert each use one bus company. Some conscientious bus drivers/owners have always done practice runs, but they were unpaid. This is the first year, bus drivers were actually paid to drive their routes in advance, in their buses rather than personal vehicles.

The bus routes are published online. Our neighborhood is on it, but not our actual address (elementary school, they stop at each house). I was a tad concerned that the transportation department doesn't know where we are, but I knew my bus driver knew...sure enough, Monday morning she stopped by our house on her trial run.

Because of the system St. Mary's uses, if some bus messes up, the school has to figure out which of 15 to 30 bus owners they have to call up and scold. The other advantage to having fewer bus owners is they can afford to have substitute drivers and spare buses readily available. As it is, if an owner has, say 3 buses and one driver calls in sick, they end up calling up a retired driver, another owner who doesn't actually drive anymore, or someone else who owes them a favor. And heaven forbid a bus breaks down.

Oh please! know what your taking about before you open your pie hole!!!

You are commenting on something you are totaly ignorant of and you are spreading hate and discontent

There are 52 contractors (NOT 200) all ranging from 1 bus to 16 buses many of whom are hard working business men and women trying to provide a service for the county. All operating the buses with less money the county could do it for.

So if your wanting a tax increase to pay for it keep jabbering hate and discontent.

Each contractor is operating their own business, most contractors are certified themselves to drive their own bus. most contractors have their own spare buses. ones that don't really don't take their business seriously and are slowly disappearing. in 3 years now the # of contractors has fallen from about 65-70 to 52.

Transportation has most all bus #'s, drivers, contrators memorized in their head because thats what you get when you do your job for 30 years. they transport 16500 students to and from school everyday, GIVE THEM A BREAK!!

They are not a bunch of idiots, they added several new programs and a new school this year, so your lil' darlings can get a good education. COULD YOU DO ANY BETTER! I'd bet my paycheck you couldn't.

This is the second year of having a dry run. it ocurred on Monday 20th, drivers had to sign in at each school when they arrived. drivers that did not show up are worthless, but still employed because there is no one else willing to do their job. ARE YOU WILLING???

Calvert has more than one contractor and I believe chuck county has several contrators. 18 or more of 24 countys in MD have the contracted system. In fact there are more school systems in the US moving to contracting then there are municipalities(sp?) buying their own.

Dept. of Transportation has their hand firmly holding the contrators jewels. They call us daily dictating what we need to do.

If you feel you can go get a loan for $85,000, buy 1 bus, hire a certified driver that doesn't miss a day of work and can fix every parent grip, then you are smoking something.

Seat belts, car seats
It is more dangerous with seat belts and car seats, besides who will enforce there usage, you can hardly get them to sit down and shut up (oh BTW you can't tell them to shut up) Imagine this, your bus rolls over and is on fire, you have 50 kids dangling from carseats and they can't release the harness.

The seating system is supose to mirror the egg carton concept. better a few kids get banged up then a bus load trapped and helpless. yes in a rollover they may tumble and toss, maybe break a few bones but in a serious accident they need to evacuate the bus as fast as possible.

Besides millions of federal $$ has already been spent debating this issue and you really don't stand a chance of having lil ol SMC revisiting it.

""""The other advantage to having fewer bus owners is they can afford to have substitute drivers and spare buses readily available.""""

WTF WTF WTF WTFreak does having fewer bus owners have to do with affording substitute drivers and spare bus availability. Did this sentance drop staight down your leg. I GIVE UP.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
observer said:
Oh please! know what your taking about before you open your pie hole!!!

You are commenting on something you are totaly ignorant of and you are spreading hate and discontent

There are 52 contractors (NOT 200) all ranging from 1 bus to 16 buses many of whom are hard working business men and women trying to provide a service for the county. All operating the buses with less money the county could do it for.

So if your wanting a tax increase to pay for it keep jabbering hate and discontent.

Each contractor is operating their own business, most contractors are certified themselves to drive their own bus. most contractors have their own spare buses. ones that don't really don't take their business seriously and are slowly disappearing. in 3 years now the # of contractors has fallen from about 65-70 to 52.

Transportation has most all bus #'s, drivers, contrators memorized in their head because thats what you get when you do your job for 30 years. they transport 16500 students to and from school everyday, GIVE THEM A BREAK!!

They are not a bunch of idiots, they added several new programs and a new school this year, so your lil' darlings can get a good education. COULD YOU DO ANY BETTER! I'd bet my paycheck you couldn't.

This is the second year of having a dry run. it ocurred on Monday 20th, drivers had to sign in at each school when they arrived. drivers that did not show up are worthless, but still employed because there is no one else willing to do their job. ARE YOU WILLING???

Calvert has more than one contractor and I believe chuck county has several contrators. 18 or more of 24 countys in MD have the contracted system. In fact there are more school systems in the US moving to contracting then there are municipalities(sp?) buying their own.

Dept. of Transportation has their hand firmly holding the contrators jewels. They call us daily dictating what we need to do.

If you feel you can go get a loan for $85,000, buy 1 bus, hire a certified driver that doesn't miss a day of work and can fix every parent grip, then you are smoking something.

Seat belts, car seats
It is more dangerous with seat belts and car seats, besides who will enforce there usage, you can hardly get them to sit down and shut up (oh BTW you can't tell them to shut up) Imagine this, your bus rolls over and is on fire, you have 50 kids dangling from carseats and they can't release the harness.

The seating system is supose to mirror the egg carton concept. better a few kids get banged up then a bus load trapped and helpless. yes in a rollover they may tumble and toss, maybe break a few bones but in a serious accident they need to evacuate the bus as fast as possible.

Besides millions of federal $$ has already been spent debating this issue and you really don't stand a chance of having lil ol SMC revisiting it.

""""The other advantage to having fewer bus owners is they can afford to have substitute drivers and spare buses readily available.""""

WTF WTF WTF WTFreak does having fewer bus owners have to do with affording substitute drivers and spare bus availability. Did this sentance drop staight down your leg. I GIVE UP.
I don't hate anyone, but I suggest you look to yourself for that emotion.

If you look back over the 3 years this thread has been floating around here you will see two things... one, I LOVE my kids' bus driver. She is absolutely FANTASTIC and super consciencious and caring. She busts her butt to do her job on-time and safely... and two, I'm not the first one to use the number of 200 contractors, and I will concede that my source for that number, being another forumite is not necessarily reliable.

As far as putting the job on the county, believe me, I'm not asking for that... that's what is screwing up the system. The county is trying to coordinate all these contractors and they are messing it up. If they had fewer contractors, the contractors, those folks who are in the trenches would be able to better coordinate the bus routes, the drivers, and so forth, because they are out there on the street (and the highways and the rural backroads) and they know the job.

As far as your biatching about seat belts, don't look at me, I never said a word. Find someone else to whine to.

Not all of the bus contractors have spare buses. My wonderful bus driver owns 3 buses and no spare, which is why she was a half hour late this week when her bus broke down, she would NEVER let that happen if she had a spare, she's too responsible. But she doesn't and had to borrow a bus from another contractor who does have a spare.

As far as having fewer contractors meaning having more spare buses and substitute drivers, it's simple economics. If you own 3-4 buses, you can't afford to buy and maintain an extra bus that will be sitting unused most of the time, even if it is an old second-hand bus. You also can't afford to keep an extra person on your payroll for those few times your drivers need to call out sick. If you own 16 buses, that's easier to do, chances are, at least one bus will be broken down and at least one person will call out sick each week or so. If you own 100 buses, maybe you can afford to have 5-6 extra buses and 3-4 extra drivers on hand, so there is always a back up plan.

The other thing a larger bus contractor can do is offer benefits to it's employees and have something better to offer and be able to attract better drivers, so that those you call "worthless" but unfortunately still employeed, wouldn't be the only choices out there. I know a couple of them and I count my blessings everyday that my kids' driver is one of the best ones out there.

As for transportation having the bus numbers and knowing who to call up when the bus doesn't show... well the fact that this thread is resurrected every year by parents whose kids got left behind goes to show something isn't right. My own experience with the transportation department supports that. When my oldest entered pre-k, I checked the bus routes as soon as I knew he was in the program. My whole neighborhood was skipped. Transportation insisted that I lived on a private street, even though I'd seen buses in here the year before. They insisted that no buses actually enter my neighborhood. When I insisted that they did and told them that there was no way I was taking my 4-yo to a bus stop half a mile away, when the school itself isn't that much further, they said they'd check into it and call me back. I was fully prepared, right up until the day before school to drive my kid to school myself, when I got a call from the K/pre-k bus driver asking for directions to my house. She knew nothing about my call to transportation, she just knew her job better than they did. Transportation still doesn't know where I live. They can find my street now, but my stop isn't on the list. When I saw that, I just shook my head, then went out and waved hello to my driver when she stopped here on her test run last Monday.


New Member
Dymphna said:
Not all of the bus contractors have spare buses. My wonderful bus driver owns 3 buses and no spare, which is why she was a half hour late this week when her bus broke down, she would NEVER let that happen if she had a spare, she's too responsible.

I don't want to belittle her but if she is "too responsible" she would spend the $ it takes to buy a spare, and be dependant on herself, not a fellow contractor. Being late is inevitable because of breakdown, its true whether you own a spare or not. I guess if you broke down in the driveway and just hopped over to the spare you could still be on time. But hey, who's that responsible

You are right I sounded off on a few things you are not responsible for saying. I started to rant and respond to everything in the post up to that point.

I do disagree that more buses makes you a better contractor. You may be able to offer more because your profit margin is higher, but it really just means your problems are much LARGER too. If you were forced to offer more, your profit margin will shrink. So you may have 30 buses but if your profit margin is that of someone that has 20 buses, what’s the point.
Should I say the "S" word?
Since each bus is a separate contract you would have to have a backup plan of 1 to 1 employees. If more drivers didn't show up for work then you had substitutes, your screwed. The contracted system is almost a safety net for the county. Driver problems are the contractor's problem.

The county is using a gps guided software first implemented 2 years ago. It's not perfect. The buses are not aloud to go onto roads that are not county maintained. They are trying to eliminate as much backing up as possible because of safety. They are trying to route buses so that they pick up on the right side to minimize the kids crossing the road. They are doing all they can and people just want to slam them to the ground every time someone dorks up.