Dymphna said:
The problem is with the contractor system of buses. The BoE contracts with something in the neighborhood of 200 bus owners, each owning from 1 to 4 buses. Charles and I think Calvert each use one bus company. Some conscientious bus drivers/owners have always done practice runs, but they were unpaid. This is the first year, bus drivers were actually paid to drive their routes in advance, in their buses rather than personal vehicles.
The bus routes are published online. Our neighborhood is on it, but not our actual address (elementary school, they stop at each house). I was a tad concerned that the transportation department doesn't know where we are, but I knew my bus driver knew...sure enough, Monday morning she stopped by our house on her trial run.
Because of the system St. Mary's uses, if some bus messes up, the school has to figure out which of 15 to 30 bus owners they have to call up and scold. The other advantage to having fewer bus owners is they can afford to have substitute drivers and spare buses readily available. As it is, if an owner has, say 3 buses and one driver calls in sick, they end up calling up a retired driver, another owner who doesn't actually drive anymore, or someone else who owes them a favor. And heaven forbid a bus breaks down.
Oh please! know what your taking about before you open your pie hole!!!
You are commenting on something you are totaly ignorant of and you are spreading hate and discontent
There are 52 contractors (NOT 200) all ranging from 1 bus to 16 buses many of whom are hard working business men and women trying to provide a service for the county. All operating the buses with less money the county could do it for.
So if your wanting a tax increase to pay for it keep jabbering hate and discontent.
Each contractor is operating their own business, most contractors are certified themselves to drive their own bus. most contractors have their own spare buses. ones that don't really don't take their business seriously and are slowly disappearing. in 3 years now the # of contractors has fallen from about 65-70 to 52.
Transportation has most all bus #'s, drivers, contrators memorized in their head because thats what you get when you do your job for 30 years. they transport 16500 students to and from school everyday, GIVE THEM A BREAK!!
They are not a bunch of idiots, they added several new programs and a new school this year, so your lil' darlings can get a good education. COULD YOU DO ANY BETTER! I'd bet my paycheck you couldn't.
This is the second year of having a dry run. it ocurred on Monday 20th, drivers had to sign in at each school when they arrived. drivers that did not show up are worthless, but still employed because there is no one else willing to do their job. ARE YOU WILLING???
Calvert has more than one contractor and I believe chuck county has several contrators. 18 or more of 24 countys in MD have the contracted system. In fact there are more school systems in the US moving to contracting then there are municipalities(sp?) buying their own.
Dept. of Transportation has their hand firmly holding the contrators jewels. They call us daily dictating what we need to do.
If you feel you can go get a loan for $85,000, buy 1 bus, hire a certified driver that doesn't miss a day of work and can fix every parent grip, then you are smoking something.
Seat belts, car seats
It is more dangerous with seat belts and car seats, besides who will enforce there usage, you can hardly get them to sit down and shut up (oh BTW you can't tell them to shut up) Imagine this, your bus rolls over and is on fire, you have 50 kids dangling from carseats and they can't release the harness.
The seating system is supose to mirror the egg carton concept. better a few kids get banged up then a bus load trapped and helpless. yes in a rollover they may tumble and toss, maybe break a few bones but in a serious accident they need to evacuate the bus as fast as possible.
Besides millions of federal $$ has already been spent debating this issue and you really don't stand a chance of having lil ol SMC revisiting it.
""""The other advantage to having fewer bus owners is they can afford to have substitute drivers and spare buses readily available.""""
WTF WTF WTF WTFreak does having fewer bus owners have to do with affording substitute drivers and spare bus availability. Did this sentance drop staight down your leg. I GIVE UP.