Another Fundy wacko bites the dust

Where has a member of the RCC stated that someone on these forums is going to hell because they do not believe like we do? hominem :)

This was a rhetorical remark. But I wouldn't expect someone with your painfully obvious limited level of intellect to comprehend that.


Where has a member of the RCC stated that someone on these forums is going to hell because they do not believe like we do? hominem :)

Doesn't the RCC believe their is only one infallible bible (King James version?) and all others are false, and if you read anything other than KJV you are following false doctrine, therefore not saved?

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you are not baptized you aren't saved?

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you don't take communion you aren't saved?

Isn't it true, according to Catholics, that there is only one true church, the RCC, and you MUST be a member in order to be saved?
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Doesn't the RCC believe their is only one infallible bible (King James version?) and all others are false, and if you read anything other than KJV you are following false doctrine, therefore not saved?

I went to a college in a Catholic area and I could only find an RSV. I'm sure some use a Jerusalem Bible, an Orthodox Bible and other versions. You are thinking of the 1611 King James only crowd.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Doesn't the RCC believe their is only one infallible bible (King James version?) and all others are false, and if you read anything other than KJV you are following false doctrine, therefore not saved?

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you are not baptized you aren't saved?

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you don't take communion you aren't saved?

Isn't it true, according to Catholics, that there is only one true church, the RCC, and you MUST be a member in order to be saved?

No, but I'll wait for Radiant to slice and dice you on your ignorance of the RCC.........

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Doesn't the RCC believe their is only one infallible bible (King James version?) and all others are false, and if you read anything other than KJV you are following false doctrine, therefore not saved?

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you are not baptized you aren't saved?

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you don't take communion you aren't saved?

Isn't it true, according to Catholics, that there is only one true church, the RCC, and you MUST be a member in order to be saved?

But again, where on these "forums" has any member of the Catholic Church said you are going to Hell because you do not believe like we do.....please show the post.

Otherwise STFU.........


Soul Probe
Doesn't the RCC believe their is only one infallible bible (King James version?) and all others are false, and if you read anything other than KJV you are following false doctrine, therefore not saved?

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you are not baptized you aren't saved?

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you don't take communion you aren't saved?

Isn't it true, according to Catholics, that there is only one true church, the RCC, and you MUST be a member in order to be saved?

No, no, no, and no. I can explain where Catholicism stands on each thing one-by-one if you like.

And my proverbial blade will only come out to slice and dice you unless and until you continue to say such things after being informed differently. It's ok to be ignorant of what Catholicism teaches, and it's ok to reject Catholicism once told, but what is not ok is to be informed and then continue with willful ignorance which then becomes deliberate lies.

I don't recall you ever having done that, Psy. We may not agree on things, and you can be tedious in conversation sometimes, but you are intellectually honest and I respect you for that. :huggy:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Drinking wine cause that's all I have...would suggest wine drinking be added to the Druid doctrine if not there already

Noted. I'll put that suggestion on the agenda for the next meeting of the Elders. :buddies:

It was a pretty sparse agenda anyway...about all we had on the table was a selection of different tree graphics to choose this year's t-shirt design from. And a motion to purchase a few more goat heads.
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Noted. I'll put that suggestion on the agenda for the next meeting of the Elders. :buddies:

It was a pretty sparse agenda anyway...about all we had on the table was a selection of different tree graphics to choose this year's t-shirt design from. And a motion to purchase a few more goat heads.

Sounds good, how do the Druids feel about Bacon as the ceremonial meat because nothing beats bacon...the Druid's holy communion - or better yet "Unholy Communion" could be Anything with/Bacon and Mead!?:cool:


But again, where on these "forums" has any member of the Catholic Church said you are going to Hell because you do not believe like we do.....please show the post.

Otherwise STFU.........

Now, don't get sassy. If you believe those things are true, then by inference those that don't get baptized (even if they accept Christ as their savior) are going to hell. If you don't participate in communion you're going to hell. If you aren't a member of the 'one true' church you're going to hell. No need to come out and say it.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sounds good, how do the Druids feel about Bacon as the ceremonial meat because nothing beats bacon...the Druid's holy communion - or better yet "Unholy Communion" could be Anything with/Bacon and Mead!?:cool:

Bacon as a ceremonial meat... what do you think they do with the goats???
No, no, no, and no. I can explain where Catholicism stands on each thing one-by-one if you like.
With respect to the sacraments, are any of them required for salvation? If your answer is no, how about just putting into your own words, what you believe ensures your salvation.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Sounds good, how do the Druids feel about Bacon as the ceremonial meat because nothing beats bacon...the Druid's holy communion - or better yet "Unholy Communion" could be Anything with/Bacon and Mead!?:cool:

We regard bacon as sacred. Same for Doritos. And onion dip.
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Bacon as a ceremonial meat... what do you think they do with the goats???


Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Now, don't get sassy. If you believe those things are true, then by inference those that don't get baptized (even if they accept Christ as their savior) are going to hell. If you don't participate in communion you're going to hell. If you aren't a member of the 'one true' church you're going to hell. No need to come out and say it.

I said "NO". Now what part of "NO" do you not understand.

Radiant said "no. no, no and no. What part of her saying no did you not understand.

Now reply to my post or STFU.
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
See..I think all y'all need to stop by and attend one of our Druid revivals....sometimes mis-labeled by haters as a "blow-out pig roast party with debauchery in excess". But as we like to say.."hey dude..its all ritual. Chill"


Soul Probe
[SUP said:
PsyOps;5539101]Doesn't the RCC believe their is only one infallible bible (King James version?) and all others are false, and if you read anything other than KJV you are following false doctrine, therefore not saved?

Absolutely not. We really dislike the KJV. Not only is it missing books but it's a poor translation. You have us waaay confused with someone else. If I didn't know you were being sincere, I'd think you were making a joke.

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you are not baptized you aren't saved?

Ultimately the answer to that is no. Baptism removes the "stain" of original sin or our "sin nature" so obviously the sacrament of baptism gives us an easier road so to speak; however, there are people who may not have ever heard the gospel or have heard it but misunderstood it and therefore are not baptized. If their ignorance is to no fault of their own, then they can be saved if they live a life according to their conscience. The same would hold true for someone who desired baptism, but for whatever legitimate reason could not perform the sacrament.

Doesn't the RCC believe that if you don't take communion you aren't saved?

No for more or less the same reasons as above; however, to receive Christ's glorious body in the Eucharist is to receive a grace from God that would otherwise be missed. This is true of all sacraments.

Isn't it true, according to Catholics, that there is only one true church, the RCC, and you MUST be a member in order to be saved?

No. If it were not for the Catholic Church then there would be no salvation because the gospel would not have spread to anyone. Remember, the Catholic Church is the Apostolic Church and was there to spread the gospel by word of mouth before any scripture was written let alone put together in a bible. Does that mean you *must* be Catholic? Not necessarily.

With respect to the sacraments, are any of them required for salvation? If your answer is no, how about just putting into your own words, what you believe ensures your salvation.

The sacraments, most especially baptism and Eucharist, are *highly encouraged* (to put it lightly); however, *ultimately* they are not *absolutely* required for salvation as there are always caveats. See above.

The only assurance of salvation I have is if I continue to work with God's grace. I fall (sin), I get back up (repent). I fall again (sin), and I get back up again (repent). Christ's sacrifice was to open the doors of Heaven so that we might finally be able to obtain justification; however, there is no guarantee that we will be saved. To be saved, we must cooperate with God's grace. To do so is a reciprocal act of love between God and man, it's not a one-sided deal. We do individually what Israel did collectively. So, by Christ's sacrifice I have been justified (the doors of Heaven have been opened for me) but my salvation remains to be seen (whether I actually walk through those doors or not) and that is up to God's continued loving response to me and my continued loving response to God.


Soul Probe
See..I think all y'all need to stop by and attend one of our Druid revivals....sometimes mis-labeled by haters as a "blow-out pig roast party with debauchery in excess". But as we like to say.."hey dude..its all ritual. Chill"

I have been developing a romantic relationship with a neo-Druid the last few months. He's the only man I've ever met who can keep up with me in intensity and passion in the numerous and various directions that I tend to run -- Anam Cara!

I'd be more than happy to party with y'all. I'll bring bread and wine! :buddies: