Another Fundy wacko bites the dust


Soul Probe
Thread title?

Frankly, he said nothing different than you have with your insistence on salvation being *your* way by *your* interpretation and anyone who doesn't believe in *your* way and *your* interpretation are not saved, and if not saved they don't obtain Heaven, and if they don't obtain Heaven, well then, they go to Hell now don't they.


(I'm guessing those chips have already started to fall where they may.)
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Well-Known Member
Frankly, he said nothing different than you have with your insistence on salvation being *your* way by *your* interpretation and anyone who doesn't believe in *your* way and *your* interpretation are not saved, and if not saved they don't obtain Heaven, and if they don't obtain Heaven, well then, they go to Hell now don't they.


(I'm guessing those chips have already started to fall where they may.)

So frankly, chuckt did not condemn anybody, and he didn't say it. Neither have I. The Jesus taught biblical path to salvation would certainly imply that if you were not saved that way. Only God, and His Word, can condemn. All we can do is talk about it.

Ya'lls just like to type words into peoples posts.


Well-Known Member
Frankly, he said nothing different than you have with your insistence on salvation being *your* way by *your* interpretation and anyone who doesn't believe in *your* way and *your* interpretation are not saved, and if not saved they don't obtain Heaven, and if they don't obtain Heaven, well then, they go to Hell now don't they.


(I'm guessing those chips have already started to fall where they may.)

Neither chuckt or I have ever condemned anyone. I or chuckt don't insist on it - God does. Take it up with God who wrote the requirements, and ask Him if man needs to do anything else outside of His message of salvation.
What some call profanity others call descriptive and apt words.
Too funny...something an Irish Catholic might say.

Of course I love you Chuck! If I didn't I wouldn't have tried to help you be a better evangelist. You asked why no one listened and I told you. According to you, I'm scripturally justified in not being nice about it, or is that reserved for you alone? Regardless, there you have it -- I love you therefore I'm going to be mean to you. :huggy:
Even funnier! But perhaps the most bizarre expression of love I've ever seen :roflmao:
Never side seems to have won the debate here. But bird-dog would appear to have the *biggest douchebag* award all wrapped up. All ad-hominem, no substance.


Soul Probe
So frankly, chuckt did not condemn anybody, and he didn't say it. Neither have I. The Jesus taught biblical path to salvation would certainly imply that if you were not saved that way. Only God, and His Word, can condemn. All we can do is talk about it.

Ya'lls just like to type words into peoples posts.

Neither chuckt or I have ever condemned anyone. I or chuckt don't insist on it - God does. Take it up with God who wrote the requirements, and ask Him if man needs to do anything else outside of His message of salvation.

Sure he did. As far as I'm concerned, that's not Jesus taught, that's Chuckt taught. What he insists on is everyone accepting *his* interpretation of scripture. Since he's not very successful at it, he wants to say that "some Catholics" will not be saved when within his own doctrine to not be saved means going to hell. Don't back peddle for him (or yourself for that matter).

Perhaps you need a reminder of the problem persons such as you and he have and why you can't rightly tell anyone they are saved or not. According to your own Sola Scriptura doctrine, we (meaning anyone else) can determine what God said without you or Chuckt having to tell us.
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Funny isn’t it…that everyone is absolutely certain that they themselves are saved and it’s the other guy that’s going to hell. Because it's always the other idiot who is practicing the wrong version of your religion, or another religion altogether.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well, I think we can all agree the Druids are going to hell. (Goat head wearing, bonfire dancing freaks.) :razz:

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Funny isn’t it…that everyone is absolutely certain that they themselves are saved and it’s the other guy that’s going to hell. Because it's always the other idiot who is practicing the wrong version of your religion, or another religion altogether.

Where has a member of the RCC stated that someone on these forums is going to hell because they do not believe like we do? hominem :)


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Us Druids are lookin' like the better option every day that goes by, eh? And we were "there" first, so...