Another Nut Gives Guns a Bad Name

While I am all for CCW laws, in fact, I think all states should be "Shall Issue", not "May Issue". BUT, what part of Private Property does this azzclown not understand? You own the property, you make the rules.


I disagree that this guy is a nut. He's doing what I wish more people had the guts to do.. challenge the system in regards to guns. People have stretched Freedom of Speech to its limits by continually pushing the envelope, being challenged in court, and having the courts uphold their actions. If these people didn't do that, then the right can get nibbled away bit by bit.

I think it's the same deal with guns. We have a right to keep and bear arms that is getting nibbled away at more and more every day because people aren't challenging all of these BS rules in the courts and the NRA (despite all its alledged power) is afraid to go to the courts. If a mall posted a sign that said "No Opinions May Be Expressed Here" or "No Religious Symbols Permitted", or "No Reporters Allowed", there would be all sorts of challenges. But let them post "No Guns Allowed" and in the past there wouldn't be any challenges. I'm hoping maybe this guy's action will start to change that.

I wonder why the ACLU is so quiet on this issue?


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by huntr1
You own the property, you make the rules.

Same as..."No shirt, no shoes, no service."

The rules for "off-limit" gun carry in Minnesota (where Mall of A is) are:

* Public or Private Elementary, Middle or Secondary Schools.
Their improved property and any place a school sponsored function is being held.
* School Buses.
* Child/Day Care Centers
* Private establishments - if posted that establishment bans guns on premises.
* Places of employment, public or private, if employer restricts the carry or possession of firearms by its employees.
* A public postsecondary institution ... may establish policies that restrict the carry or possession of firearms by its students while on the institution's property. ... an employer or a postsecondary institution may not prohibit the lawful carry or possession of firearms in a parking facility or parking area.
There are a few exceptions to these rules.

I wouldn't say he's a gun nut either but, plain and simple, he knew what he was doing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I hate people who break the rules just to make some stupid stand. That "whaddaya gonna do about it?" mentality. :duh: I don't go in and fire up a cigarette in the mall, this guy shouldn't be carrying a gun.

But, JLab, if I saw this guy at the mall with his gun in plain sight, I wouldn't bat an eyelash. But then again, I'm not afraid of guns.


Sorry about that chief.
I'm not afraid of guns either, have hunted since I was 10. Afraid of nuts who walk around the mall with a gun on their hip & a chip on their shoulder.

Vrai, what if your kids were there with you, alone or with friends, would you feel less comfortable about this guy then?


If it weren't for people like him gays would have no rights, blacks would have no rights, women would have few rights and wouldn't be allowed to vote, and we would have a state-sponsored church.

I just find it amazing how people are so willing to accept double standards when it comes to their Constitutional rights. Simply amazing...


Enjoying life!
The man should have every right to openly carry a firearm, but I have to agree that if the mall clearly states "no guns permitted" then he shouldn't have them there. The mall is trying to maintain a safe, public environment for shoppers. And it is private property.

But his actions do not make him a nut, either. Why do gun control advocates always use the description "gun toting nut", or describe an individual as a potential safety risk because he is carrying a gun? Do we say the park is filled with "baseball bat-weilding juveniles" or that restaurants are amok with "ravenous, knife-wielding loonies"? Of course not. Its always about the dreaded gun! :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Vrai, what if your kids were there with you, alone or with friends, would you feel less comfortable about this guy then?
No. He wouldn't even register with me unless he was acting strange - furtive or aggressive or something.

Both of my folks carry guns and Larry sits across the desk from me cleaning and messing with his gun. I don't get that shock that some people get when I see someone with a gun in their hand. To me it's like a fork or a sewing machine - I don't pay it any mind.


Sorry about that chief.
I wouldn't be bothered if I saw this guy in the rural west, MT, NM, OK, etc. But in a big city it would bother me. Because you know he isn't carrying the gun to shoot rattlers, its to shoot people.


Enjoying life!
Quick question

If you see someone with a gun in a classic hip holster, do you think differently of that person than of someone who has a gun in one of those shoulder, under-arm (whatever they're called) holsters? It seems to me that the latter would probably be more frequently viewed as some member of law enforcement. Maybe thats just me.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by jlabsher
Vrai, what if your kids were there with you, alone or with friends, would you feel less comfortable about this guy then?

If it were Waldorf Mall I'd make friends with him and have him walk me to my car!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Because you know he isn't carrying the gun to shoot rattlers, its to shoot people.
And, more likely than not, the people he wants to shoot are criminals and bad guys. I have no problem with that.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
... Because you know he isn't carrying the gun to shoot rattlers, its to shoot people.
People of a criminal nature are more of a problem than rattlers. :rolleyes:


Sorry about that chief.
I'm glad you are all so trusting of your fellow man that you wouldn't feel the least bit threatened by people walking around packing. Just don't cut them off in the parking lot, or take the last sale item from the bin in Hechts.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Just don't cut them off in the parking lot
That should be a capital punishment offense anyway.

I'm more scared of the psychotics over at the DU than I am of any gun.


New Member
Nobody likes to have someone else's rights shoved down their throats. Back in the day it was not uncommon for hunters to strap their deer kills across the hood, roof, or trunk of their cars and parade them around town. In fact, I put more mileage on the first buck I killed then he had in his whole life. Nowadays, hunters don't do that. I believe its out of common courtesy. Same issue here, he has the right to carry his gun but why force it on someone else?

I think in this case its more about calling attention to the individual than it is about gun rights. The man has serious self image problems. One should not need a gun to do their talking.

There's a fine line between gun nut and gun enthusiast. My man crossed it.


There's a difference between private property and private property that's open to the public. The mall is private property but it is open to the public, which means that you cannot restrict access to any particular person based on grounds that are protected by the Constitution. For example, the mall can't say that Blacks, Gays, reporters, feminists, priests, the handicapped, etc., are barred from entering the mall. Likewise, it's also unconstitutional to say that someone bearing a firearm cannot enter, as this is a constitutionally protected right. There is no right to go about naked, so they can impose reasonable restrictions on dress.

The line between the rights of property owners in the case of closed and public access property were clearly defined when the Jim Crow laws were struck down. So what bothers me is that people who would have a cow if they were told they couldn't go into the mall because they're black, or gay, or in a wheelchair don't seem to mind if someone is told they can't enter because they bear a firearm, even though the law is just as unconstitutional.

The fact that this law was allowed to be passed and has stood without challenge bugs the crap out of me, and I'm dang glad this guy is challenging it. What also bugs me is that this guy will get no help from either the ACLU or the NRA. :mad:


Originally posted by jlabsher
I'm glad you are all so trusting of your fellow man that you wouldn't feel the least bit threatened by people walking around packing. Just don't cut them off in the parking lot, or take the last sale item from the bin in Hechts.

Why should I feel threatened because someone is carrying a gun? Because of media hype? I remember back to the day when the Tylenol tamporing thing was all over the news, and I would hear people in the grocery store talking about how they would never buy Tylenol again, despite the fact that there were three or four tamper-resistant measures on the bottle. "It's just too dangerous!" they would say. Then these same pinheads would go up to a total stranger at the end of the isle who was handing out some crap on a cracker and eat it without thinking twice about it. Why? Because they had been told over and over again to see the Tylenol as a threat, but not the mystery cheese on the cracker.

It's the same deal with guns. Everywhere you turn there's another jackass telling you that you need to be terrified of guns and the people who own them. Once again, there's no difference between telling people that and telling them that they should be terrified of gays because "they all have AIDS" or blacks because "they're all dangerous." Yet one viewpoint seems to be perfectly acceptable while the other two are deemed offensive and deplorable.