Another Presidential Poll

Whoare you votin' for

  • John McCain

    Votes: 51 63.0%
  • Barack Hussain Obama

    Votes: 12 14.8%
  • I'm writing in someone else

    Votes: 9 11.1%
  • I'm not voting

    Votes: 9 11.1%

  • Total voters


Football addict
:yeahthat: I told my Romanian assistant I have a CB radio on my motorcycle and he told me in his country, it is illegal for citizens to have any device that can transmit. :faint:
Yikes. Romanian women are beautiful but that's about all Romania can offer.

Damn Russians.


Football addict
Honestly, I probably will end up voting because, and only because of this.
I just despise the way the voting is done with primaries electing two polar opposite candidates that no matter who I vote for I will 'lose' something in the end. Then with the electoral college individual votes mean very little.
With Obama I feel like we will just be moving further towards matter how hard you work you deserve no more than someone who chooses not to work at all. With McCain we will continue to deny certain groups of people their rights whether it be to decisions about their body or which adult they can and cannot marry.
I just feel darned if I do and darned if I don't...the conflicted life of a moderate.

Any voting system is flawed, no matter what. As soon as you solve one problem another sprouts up. Yes, the electoral college is flawed but it has panned out our Democracy for more years than most other countries can lay claim to.

You could argue on one end that the electoral college is not Democratic because our votes are left to the electorates. You must remember though, we technically don't live in a full-fledged Democracy. We do live in a Republic whereby the power is invested in its citizens. However, because of great population we invest that power in representatives that we choose either directly or indirectly.

Just wondering, do you have a better idea?

Your vote does matter though. If you really want it to make a difference, learn more about the candidates and issues. Find something or someone that you're passionate about and spread the word with whatever talents you subscribe to. Only four to six counties of the twenty-four to twenty-five counties in Maryland go Democrat. Although it was against a lame-duck candidate, Robert Ehrlich (Republican) won the governorship of Maryland. So, it can be done if enough people actually get out there.


Football addict
With McCain we will continue to deny certain groups of people their rights whether it be to decisions about their body or which adult they can and cannot marry.
I just feel darned if I do and darned if I don't...the conflicted life of a moderate.
Oh yeah, McCain is one of the most moderate Republicans in awhile. Sounds like you don't like Republicans, not in the least.:lol:


Active Member
Any voting system is flawed, no matter what. As soon as you solve one problem another sprouts up. Yes, the electoral college is flawed but it has panned out our Democracy for more years than most other countries can lay claim to.

You could argue on one end that the electoral college is not Democratic because our votes are left to the electorates. You must remember though, we technically don't live in a full-fledged Democracy. We do live in a Republic whereby the power is invested in its citizens. However, because of great population we invest that power in representatives that we choose either directly or indirectly.

Just wondering, do you have a better idea?

Your vote does matter though. If you really want it to make a difference, learn more about the candidates and issues. Find something or someone that you're passionate about and spread the word with whatever talents you subscribe to. Only four to six counties of the twenty-four to twenty-five counties in Maryland go Democrat. Although it was against a lame-duck candidate, Robert Ehrlich (Republican) won the governorship of Maryland. So, it can be done if enough people actually get out there.

Oh I DO lean about the issues and I make sure I know how each and every candidate I vote for feels about the issues. Two years ago I sat at the computer trying to find any information I could about every local candidate that was running before I chose who I was voting for. I even had a 'cheat sheet' I brought into the polls to remind me why I was voting for one candidate or the other.
My issue is that not matter who I choose I will lose something. Our current system not only favors two party but practically discourages a third party from running. And the two parties we do have keep getting more and more polar. Being a moderate and doing that little thing called compromise is 'frowned upon'. Well I am a moderate. I cannot side with either party. All those silly questionnaires out there to tell you what your are? I always score 50% plus or minus a point of two.
I am adamantly pro choice, pro gay rights, for protecting the environment but not sure I give in the the whole global warming thing. I am agnostic and the only thing that keeps me from being atheist is not caring whether a higher power exists.
While I am for the war in Iraq I believe we have done all we can for the country and now it is time to step back and let them take over. While I acknowledge they will continue to need our military presence we need to start pulling out to give the Iraqis the chance to take over power.
While I personally do not like guns I believe our citizens have a right to have them. More laws do not prevent gun violence because the law abiding citizen is not the one breaking the law. I am very anti-universal health care. While I believe every deserves access to affordable care, universal health care is not the answer. Social service programs...well yes there are people who are using them for the they were intended but I am the one who believes those people are not the majority. I believe we should be drilling for oil in our country. It is a long term solution I know but at least we will no longer be depending on foreign oil. I believe at least a portion of social security should be privatized. I do not believe it takes a village to raise a takes parents. But guess what? I believe gay parents are just as good as hetero parents.

I could keep going on and on. You give me an issue I will have an opinion about it. I know how I feel about the issues. So the question of the day? Which party do I fit in? My problem is my opinion does not fit into either party and right now both parties are becoming more and more polar. I wish more people would be willing to work together and compromise on the issues but it just does not look like that is happening anytime soon.
I wish everyone no matter their party had a right to vote in the primaries though I see why that would not work. I wish that if the popular vote is different that the EC vote we would support the popular vote as true.

But I guess it boils down to my issue not being so much with the system as the people. Compromise and working together (bipartisan support) is so important yet in our government we view it as weakness. That to me is just so sad and makes me a little apathetic.
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New Member
An American war hero veterans middle name is irrelevant.

A muslim raised candidate's is. :smack:

There is no "muslim raised" candidate for President. And Obama's name is no more relevant than McCain's.

Anyone who thinks his name is an issue is a total idiot. :shutup:


Lem Putt
There is no "muslim raised" candidate for President. And Obama's name is no more relevant than McCain's.

Anyone who thinks his name is an issue is a total idiot. :shutup:

You should call the Secret Service and report him for using Obama's middle name!


Lem Putt
Why should I do that?

Imagine -- for a minute -- the conversation taking place between Kerad and the USSS when he calls in.

USSS -- State the nature of your emergency please.

Kerad -- *Drool* Pepole on the internet are treating me.

USSS -- They're what? Ma'am, is someone hurt? Are you okay?

Kerad -- *coughs* Yes, they internet forum pepole are treating me and my Obama. They doing it want dead. (Sounds of tin foil rustle as Kerad fixes the drapes).

USSS -- Ma'am I don't understand. Are you saying you have received treats over the internet? Do you know who the treats are from? Have you eaten them? Were they poisoned?

Kerad -- The treats are from Mikey with one leg and he is spackle addict. I had a treesome with him and my hubband Andy so he would leave Andy and me and Justice and baby Faith alone. She just from hostipal after her kidneys checked okay but I need to stole some formula for her because sugarcane IFeelYa is coming.

USSS -- Ma'am, are you high? Do you feel okay? Can you tell me where you live?

Kerad -- We're not high anymore sense we fixed the keriolsene poisin in our trailer. Keriolsene caused baby faith problems.

USSS -- Wait a minute ... is this Kerad from forums? (snickering)

Kerad -- Yes, that me. My hubband Andy is on too. And Mikey my exhubband. He sending me meam red karma with treats. Dems telled me to agnore it but hard to do when it's so treating. He suckosed to be in jail and stay away but he escaped and we did a treesome with Andy to keep him away. Now sending me meam karma and variolbde won't make it stop. She called me drooling queen and be meam too.


New Member
Imagine -- for a minute -- the conversation taking place between Kerad and the USSS when he calls in.

USSS -- State the nature of your emergency please.

Kerad -- *Drool* Pepole on the internet are treating me.

USSS -- They're what? Ma'am, is someone hurt? Are you okay?

Kerad -- *coughs* Yes, they internet forum pepole are treating me and my Obama. They doing it want dead. (Sounds of tin foil rustle as Kerad fixes the drapes).

USSS -- Ma'am I don't understand. Are you saying you have received treats over the internet? Do you know who the treats are from? Have you eaten them? Were they poisoned?

Kerad -- The treats are from Mikey with one leg and he is spackle addict. I had a treesome with him and my hubband Andy so he would leave Andy and me and Justice and baby Faith alone. She just from hostipal after her kidneys checked okay but I need to stole some formula for her because sugarcane IFeelYa is coming.

USSS -- Ma'am, are you high? Do you feel okay? Can you tell me where you live?

Kerad -- We're not high anymore sense we fixed the keriolsene poisin in our trailer. Keriolsene caused baby faith problems.

USSS -- Wait a minute ... is this Kerad from forums? (snickering)

Kerad -- Yes, that me. My hubband Andy is on too. And Mikey my exhubband. He sending me meam red karma with treats. Dems telled me to agnore it but hard to do when it's so treating. He suckosed to be in jail and stay away but he escaped and we did a treesome with Andy to keep him away. Now sending me meam karma and variolbde won't make it stop. She called me drooling queen and be meam too.

That's completely ridiculous...I'm quite sure I sound nothing like you. Get back to your moonshine and stop fantasizing about me.


Lem Putt
That's completely ridiculous...I'm quite sure I sound nothing like you. Get back to your moonshine and stop fantasizing about me.

Did you call the Secret Service on Jesse Jackson? After all, his threat to Obama is far more credible than the one you called in. He actually has access to Obama's gonads.


New Member
Did you call the Secret Service on Jesse Jackson? After all, his threat to Obama is far more credible than the one you called in. He actually has access to Obama's gonads.

Nope...sure didn't. Why are you so concerned about the Secret Service?


Obama destroyed America
There is no "muslim raised" candidate for President. And Obama's name is no more relevant than McCain's.

Anyone who thinks his name is an issue is a total idiot. :shutup:

It's amazing what lack of knowledge will cause some people to say.
Yea, being raised by a muslim father and 2 years in a muslim school is nothing. :duh:

That's ok, I believe our commanders will take care of him if necessary.


USSS: May I help you?
Kerad: He's at it again.
USSS: Click


New Member
Do a search on your name. You're sort of a laughing stoc.... ummm..... hero in these parts. :yay:

Seeing as how you're one of the biggest buttholes on here, I'm not too concerned what you (or those like you) might think of me. :shrug:


Lem Putt
What is it I'm not supposed to remember?

"Plausible Deniability." Look it up. Before you say something didn't happen, you should get rid of the evidence. Too late now!


This is going to be fun.

For anyone paying attention, the phone number for the Baltimore field office of the U.S. Secret Service is 443-263-1000.. The D.C. number is 202-406-8000

They have regular office hours, but if you know an extension, or have something that needs immediate attention, you will get through, 24/7.

We have lots of internet "toughies" on this site, but once someone encourages the assassination of our public officials, it's your duty to report them.

They're not there yet, silly... I'm still on the phone with them.

Sleep well tonight. I don't imagine you'll hear from them immediately. Unless you do something even more stupid than you already have, that is.

They've got some research to process before they swing by and chat you up.
Procedures, etc...

This isn't TV or the movies.