Another Republicans Daughter Is Gay! Why Am I Not Surprised!!!!


UrbanPancake said:
Bush is racist. That's why he needs to parade African Americans around, so he can prove that he isn't. I just tell it like it is.
You are a racist for even insinuating that those people only got their jobs because of their skin color. Typical liberal trash, pick some minorities and act like you care all the while you are sticking it to them and fanning the flames of bigotry.

Why don'y you run right down to the State Department and tell Colin Powell "You only gotz yo job Toby cause unka George needs a token."

You are pathetic, vile, disgusting and a perfect example for that trove of dimwitted slugs in your party. You keep spewing your oooze you putrid scuzbucket. Please keep posting and posting. There are quite a few out there who are on the fence and you make their choice easier. When they see what vile scum inhabits the Democratic party they can't run to the GOP fast enough.
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Football addict
ylexot said:
Pete beat me to the slap on the wrist.

I found this quote interesting.
Sounds like a choice, doesn't it? :wink:
True it could be a choice. I think it's a combination of both Ylexot. You can either be born gay or choose to be gay. This is where you get gay people turning straight or straight people turning gay. Why can't you have both?


pixiegirl said:
19 hu? Is she hot? I will volunteer my time and effort to either confirm or discredit this allegation. :patriot:

:lol: I wonder how much karma you'll get asking if they can watch. :razz:


Asperger's Poster Child
UrbanPancake said:
This reminded me of Keyes’ remarks in late August, when he said that homosexuality was based “on the premise of selfish hedonism."
Urban, not all Republicans are gay-bashers and not all Democrats are tolerant of gays. The fact that Mary Chaney and Maya Keyes are lesbians and the daughters of Republicans doesn't prove anything. True, I think Alan's view of homosexuality is BS, but that debate is really between him and his daughter, not for the rest of us. We don't know if he loves his daugther less because she's a lesbian, and I hope he doesn't. You might have a point if Alan talked like Pat Robertson, trying to scare parents into thinking that all gays are out to convert their children.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
What does that mean? I don't understand backwoods talk, you have to speak to me in English, well unless your Bush... :whip:
And you write English so well, right?

Cut and paste without attribution and without permission. Sounds like a violation of your user agreement.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
5. If you knew anyhting about Allan Keyes you would know that "If" this wild assed rumor is true he would sit his daughter down and tell her she was a selfish headonist in person.
I've met and talked with Allan Keyes at length. Pete is right. He would not hold back. If Keyes ran for President, I would support him. I met and talked with John McCain too, and I can't say the same; McCain is a RINO.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:

Silly as long as there Republicans breeding there will be plenty of homosexuals out there.....
Another find example of your wonderful command of English. :killingme


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:

The one thing I do know is that Republicans parade him around like a medal. Just like they do with Colin Powell and that side dish Condolezza Rice.
Sharon said:
Now you're a RACIST dimwit azzhole.
Not only that, he is SEXIST too.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Are you stupid??? Heterosexual females are dying from AIDS faster then any other segment group right now. AIDS doesn't discriminate. I find that remark disgusting. Your showing your stupidity by stating such a stupid statement.
It is called SIN. If you are married and you and your spouse are faithful, you will not contract AIDS unless it is through exchange of body fluids from involvement in an accident or the like.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Bush is racist. That's why he needs to parade African Americans around, so he can prove that he isn't. I just tell it like it is.
Bush is a racist with the most diverse cabinet in Presidential history. You really need to get your facts at least close to being right.


UrbanPancake said:
What does that mean? I don't understand backwoods talk, you have to speak to me in english, well unless your Bush... :whip:

My favorite game.

It's called "Spot the Irony".

What you do is, locate the irony in the above quote, and then savor either the cleverness or the idiocy that spawned it.

Whether it is cleverness or idiocy is left as an exercise for the player.

Ready... go....


UrbanPancake said:
Bush is racist.

Please cite your evidence for this assertion.

UrbanPancake said:
That's why he needs to parade African Americans around, so he can prove that he isn't. I just tell it like it is.

Parading African Americans around? I hate to break this to you but Secretary of State and National Security Advisor are not positions that you put your "token" minorities in.

Usually you put your tokens in positions like.... Surgeon General


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Usually you put your tokens in positions like.... Surgeon General

I'm really tired of Democrat racists and gay-bashers who say something nasty then try and pretend the Republicans are the bad guys.

What's even more tiring is that, for some reason, gays and blacks vote overwhelmingly for the people who call them ugly slurs and say they only got their jobs because of tokenism.

Why is that?


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
Bush is racist. That's why he needs to parade African Americans around, so he can prove that he isn't. I just tell it like it is.
Sorry, I gave you negative karma for this post, but forgot to say that it was me. So you know which one was mine, I called you a moron. Of course, that may not narrow it down among your karma comments.

BTW, do you actually have any evidence whatsoever that Bush is a racist other than the fact that he hired several blacks, latinos, and women into important positions in his cabinet? Or is he a racist simply because he's a Republican?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is just me or is it the case...

...that pretty much every time something happens that you would tend to think would make a liberal Democrat happy, they get angry? They get mean and they attack in a manner completey devoid of compassion or tolerance.

In short, they become what they claim to hate.


I bowl overhand
UrbanPancake said:

The one thing I do know is that Republicans parade him around like a medal. Just like they do with Colin Powell and that side dish Condolezza Rice.
SO you are saying despite their FANTASTIC education credentials, and their expereince that is second to none for the jobs they do,, that they are just "Token Blacks" What an ignorant racist bastard you are to assume because they are black they couldn't be there on merit alone.. YOU are probably surprised by how articulate Condaleeza is too aren't you!??