I dunno...
...Pete doesn't need to lose it with pancake no matter how frustrated he is.
If you look at most of the lib 'conversation' around here, it's 'drive by'. Agitate a point and then call Bush stupid and that's it.
Pancake is at least interested in making a point; the case that Keyes and Cheney and, well, all of us right wingnuts, hate this and hate that and want homosexuals dead or marginalized or thrown in jail or...or...or. No facts. Far from it. All fear.
That Keyes could POSSIBLY still love his kid and STILL believe that defining your life based on your sexuality just might be somewhat...hedonistic, or that Dick and Lynne might actually eat dinner or share Christmas with ONE OF THEM is massively threatening to the emotional investment demanded by modern liberalism in the fact, FACT, that conservatism is evil.
How can Evil Haliburton Oilman Dick Cheney not only have a lesbo daughter but love and respect her and say so publicly?
How can a BLACK man be conservative? And have a gay child? Shouldn't he have drowned her at birth or something?
If you're a classic lib, this stuff warms your heart.
If you're a modern lib, it threatens the very foundation of your beliefs and you might lash out as we've seen here today.
Hey, there's plenty of GOP'ers who act just like pancake and for the same reason; their not comfortable with their beliefs.