Another Republicans Daughter Is Gay! Why Am I Not Surprised!!!!


Dancing Up A Storm
Vrai or Larry, have you guys jerked this idiot's user account from the forums yet?

I'll make the 1st motion.............


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...that pretty much every time something happens that you would tend to think would make a liberal Democrat happy, they get angry? They get mean and they attack in a manner completey devoid of compassion or tolerance.

In short, they are what they claim to hate.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I have NO powers here. I even got banned once.


My vote is let 'em go on. My most concise criticism of modern liberalism pales before their own words.


Asperger's Poster Child
UrbanPancake said:
Bush is racist. That's why he needs to parade African Americans around, so he can prove that he isn't. I just tell it like it is.
No, you're just stating your opinion. What has he said and done that makes you think he's racist? No matter what you think of Bush, it's not right for you to fling an accusation like that without something solid to justify your opinion.

I'll give you an example--I believe that Bush has a Messiah complex. That's based on two public statements he's made. The first was that God chose him to be President, and the other is that God speaks through him. But other people might view those statements differently, and I have no problem with that. I don't know what Bush truly thinks, and neither do you.


Dancing Up A Storm
Perhaps you're right Larry. Maybe the greatest indictment of the liberal doctrine was and is best described here:
"You are pathetic, vile, disgusting and a perfect example for that trove of dimwitted slugs in your party. You keep spewing your oooze you putrid scuzbucket. Please keep posting and posting.

There are quite a few out there who are on the fence and you make their choice easier.

When they see what vile scum inhabits the Democratic party they can't run to the GOP fast enough."


Pete makes some very telling points here. The more people who are "on the fence" read and hear what tripe these people actually thrive on, it will in fact make it much easier to for them to vote for a conservative like G.W Bush.<!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:

I'm really tired of Democrat racists and gay-bashers who say something nasty then try and pretend the Republicans are the bad guys.

What's even more tiring is that, for some reason, gays and blacks vote overwhelmingly for the people who call them ugly slurs and say they only got their jobs because of tokenism.

Why is that?

The SAME people that tell them they aren't smart enough, good enough and don't work hard enough to do anything for themselves.. that they HAVE to have governemnt help to make it... Democrats will take care of ALL the minorities because the minorities aren't smart enough or capable to take care of themselves.. THAT is RACISM at it's worst!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The day Nader...

...says the government needs to work around small business and not the other way around, I'm in.

Nader makes me feel like he'd treat us, small business as guilty until proven innocent as oppossed to a problem solving attitude where government is using it's weight for fixing a problem instead of confrontation.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I dunno...

...Pete doesn't need to lose it with pancake no matter how frustrated he is.

If you look at most of the lib 'conversation' around here, it's 'drive by'. Agitate a point and then call Bush stupid and that's it.

Pancake is at least interested in making a point; the case that Keyes and Cheney and, well, all of us right wingnuts, hate this and hate that and want homosexuals dead or marginalized or thrown in jail or...or...or. No facts. Far from it. All fear.

That Keyes could POSSIBLY still love his kid and STILL believe that defining your life based on your sexuality just might be somewhat...hedonistic, or that Dick and Lynne might actually eat dinner or share Christmas with ONE OF THEM is massively threatening to the emotional investment demanded by modern liberalism in the fact, FACT, that conservatism is evil.

How can Evil Haliburton Oilman Dick Cheney not only have a lesbo daughter but love and respect her and say so publicly?

How can a BLACK man be conservative? And have a gay child? Shouldn't he have drowned her at birth or something?

If you're a classic lib, this stuff warms your heart.

If you're a modern lib, it threatens the very foundation of your beliefs and you might lash out as we've seen here today.

Hey, there's plenty of GOP'ers who act just like pancake and for the same reason; their not comfortable with their beliefs.