AntiFA Actions and Responses


Well-Known Member
Just pointing out a fact here that no none else has mentioned yet.

If ANTIFA was the KKK the FBI's major purpose and priority would be to arrest and prosecute every person involved.
As it is a leftist terrorist organization they appear to have no interest in it .

While using an old organization that is so weak it is dead in the water to call any white person who has an opinion other than theirs a White Supremacist, they let BKLM and ANTIFA do as they like.


PREMO Member

Accountability? Grand Jury Indicts 11 Antifa Members For Violent Attack During Patriot March

According to multiple reports, a grand jury in San Diego indicted eleven Antifa counter-protest participants on Tuesday for allegedly attacking Pro-Trump demonstrators at a Pacific Beach march last January 9th, only three days after the infamous march and riot in Washington D.C. Of those indicted, ten have pleaded not guilty, while the eleventh is expected to be arraigned in a few weeks.

As reported by KRSI News:

According to the indictment, the defendants responded to social media posts calling for “counterprotesting” about one week prior to Jan. 9, then showed up in Pacific Beach “dressed in black clothing, and armed with weapons and protective gear.”
Police and prosecutors allege that two counter-protest groups from San Diego and Los Angeles gathered at the event and attacked people perceived to be members of the “Patriot March” group. Some specific acts of which the defendants are accused include throwing a wooden lawn chair at a woman and striking her, hitting someone with a baseball bat, hitting someone with a flagpole, and attacking people with tear gas and a stun gun..”

San Diego County has moved to the left like much of the rest of California, but there is still at least some sanity remaining in the Golden State’s southernmost county. County DA Summer Stephan is currently registered as an independent but had been a Republican until 2019. Most importantly, Stephan is not a Democrat. Additionally, though the county is now 56.3% Democratic as of 2016, one of the five members of the House of Representatives representing the county is Rep. Darrel Issa (R-CA), a highly influential and conservative member of the House.


PREMO Member

Portland's Walk of Shame

And now everyone knows it. Because finally — finally — someone asked the question, and Portland wasn’t afraid to answer without being called a Nazi, racist, or fake white nationalist.

Antifa’s White Boy Summer with its BLM beards is over, and a poll shows that 81% of Portlanders aren’t happy that they got stuck mopping up the vomit and picking up the red solo cups.

Though The Oregonian’s reporter Zane Sparling can’t bring himself to call the 2020 nightly riots riots — a term reserved for January 6 paraders — at least the paper asked the question of whether more than 100 days of “raucous melees” did harm to Portland’s image.

OK, here’s the actual question a local polling firm asked. “In 2020, there were more than 100 days of protests in Portland. All things considered, do you think these protests did more good or more harm to Portland’s reputation?”

A whopping 81% said they’d done far more harm than good. Six percent said they’d done more good, and the “I don’t know” 4% were still trying to find a hairbrush.

It’s taken Portland more than two years to get the answer right.

Up to now, Portland was too busy inhaling its own armpits to realize where the real stink is coming from.

There was an 80% drop in business in the downtown area where revolutionaries executed the riots without a cause, where Antifa assassinated a Trump supporter, engaged in a street shoot-out, assaulted multiple reporters (and attempted worse), and torched businesses.


PREMO Member

Five Antifa members are charged with domestic terrorism: Cops swoop on Atlanta autonomous zone and find explosives - after locals were ambushed and homes set alight

  • Members of Antifa were arrested Tuesday in Atlanta for resisting a law enforcement operation to clear protesters from the site of a new police facility
  • The site of the protest has been the source of numerous incidents over the last few months with arrests made for arson and attacks on government officials
  • The protesters were seeking the preservation of the woods where the facility is to be built and for the police budget to be slashed
  • Of the five Antifa members charged with domestic terrorism, only one hails from Georgia, with one being a resident of affluent Kennebunkport, Maine


PREMO Member

Decision on 'Antifa' Group Arrested for Domestic Terrorism Says So Much

They were “accused of throwing rocks and glass bottles, resisting arrest and possessing pipe bombs and trip wires.” Domestic terrorism charges could net them from five to 35 years in prison. But one of the attorneys for the defendants dared to claim that they were “political prisoners” and tried to argue about the charges.

How did these leftist radicals who were charged with domestic terrorism fare when they appeared in court?

DeKalb County Senior Judge Mathew Robins reportedly granted bonds varying from $6,000 to $13,500. The defendants who live out of state must waive their extradition rights. None of them can contact each other, the activist group on social media or return to the public safety training center site.



PREMO Member

Georgia State Patrol trooper shot during raid to remove 'forest defenders,' shooter killed by police

A Georgia State Patrol trooper was shot today as police moved in to an area where protesters previously identified as domestic terrorists have been camping to prevent the construction of a new police training center. The individual who initiated the attack was shot and killed by police. (The image above is from a recent profile of this group but the identity of the shooter is still unknown).

Law enforcement officers helping conduct a “clearing operation” at the site of Atlanta’s planned public safety training center exchanged gunfire with a protester Wednesday morning, leaving the protester dead and a state trooper wounded, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
The identity of the protester, a male accused of initiating fire with troopers “without warning,” was not released pending notification of kin.
The wounded trooper, who was shot in the abdomen area, also was not identified. He underwent surgery and was in stable condition in the intensive care unit at a local hospital, Georgia State Patrol Col. Chris Wright said during a Wednesday afternoon press conference.

This is just the latest in an ongoing battle with police that has been going on for more than a year at this same site. The construction of the new police compound is set to begin soon but protesters, who call themselves “forest defenders,” have been building huts and tree houses and living in the area.


At the time I thought that would probably be the end of this particular occupation. Once people had been charged with domestic terrorism you’d think they would slink away quietly. But the Atlanta Journal Constitution points out the arrests last month have actually sparked more vandalism by anonymous anarchists in other parts of the country. For instance:

Five windows and an ATM were smashed at the Wells Fargo at 24th Ave and Irving St in retribution for the arrest of five Atlanta forest defenders on bullshit “domestic terrorism” charges.
Mitch Graul, a Lead Business Execution Consultant at Wells Fargo, sits on the Board of Trustees of the Atlanta Police Foundation. Atlanta Police Foundation supports the construction of a massive police training facility in Atlanta’s Weelaunee Forest on the land of the Muscogee Creek peoples. The site was a plantation and then a prison farm. The bones in the land demand a reckoning. Anyone who supports Cop City is a target everywhere. Solidarity means attack!

Here’s another:

Under the light of the full moon on Thursday Jan. 5, 2023, we anarchists in so-called South Florida (colonized Tequesta, Seminole, and Miccosukee land – struck the contractors Brasfield and Gorrie at their office inside Hotel Colonnade and at their construction site next to the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. We attacked them with revenge in our hearts for the Forest Defenders in Atlanta arrested and caged as “domestic terrorists.” In these past weeks, this upcoming weekend of action, and going forward, we will demonstrate that we truly have the numbers. From Portland to Miami to Atlanta, the forest defenders are everywhere!
We permanently closed down a construction site. While we love to see that the addition to the children’s hospital is all but completed, B&G shall not profit from this contract. We sabotaged their vehicles, we painted their trailer, we defaced their logo with the anarchist A, and we locked the gate behind us with a bike lock.

Where is the FBI :sshrug:

To busy creating Right Wing ' Terror ' Groups to be bothered with real terrorists


PREMO Member

Antifa Forces Lay Siege to Georgia County in Battle Against 'Cop City'

“Consider this a call for reciprocal violence to be done to the police and their allies. On Friday, January 20th, wherever you are, you are invited to participate in a night of rage in order to honor the memory of our fallen comrade,” read the tweet.

Sensibly, Twitter suspended the account.


But the group opened a new account called “Scenes from Weelaunee.” A blog entry for the group claims, “Following a targeted mass-reporting campaign orchestrated by the far right, our old twitter account is now permanently suspended.”

The group has also descended on the offices of the contractors in charge of the project and members have reportedly invaded church services where contract employees were worshiping. On his radio show on Thursday, Erick Erickson spoke with a caller who claimed that the group was digging pits in the woods and lighting brush fires in the hopes that firefighters would fall into the pits.

🤣 A Rightwing Mass Reporting Campagin ... too bad a$$holes, you no longer have coverage to use Twitter to organize and co-ordinate violent actions

Second Civil War is Brewing ...
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PREMO Member

Antifa Attacks Atlanta Police Foundation, Police Cars—But It Doesn't End Well for Them

Leftist radicals and Antifa people called for a “night of rage” for Friday night, in response to the killing of a radical protester, Manuel Teran. Teran was reportedly shot and killed in Atlanta, Georgia, after he allegedly shot a police officer without warning when the police came to “clear” the leftist occupation of an area under construction to be a police training center.

Their calls for a “night of rage” seemed to fail on Friday when, apart from a couple of “vigils” here and there, there was no violence to speak of directed at police across the country as they had wished.

However, on Saturday, they tried to put some of that violence into action against the police in Atlanta. First, they marched with signs, including one that said, “They can’t kill us all.” Are they all intending to shoot at cops?



PREMO Member

Media Claims 'Largely Peaceful Protest' in Atlanta, Mayor Quickly Demolishes That

Notice how everyone is dressed in black and masked up — this isn’t a protest that accidentally devolved into a riot. It’s like most Antifa actions; it’s a ‘protest’ in anticipation of the riot, as people break away and then attack things.

It soon went violent, with Antifa attacking the Atlanta Police Foundation building, as well as police vehicles and other businesses. They set at least one police car on fire.

But what was incredible was that even as the local news was covering it, we had something of a throwback to the “mostly peaceful protest” comments of CNN and MSNBC in 2020. Listen as the local reporter talks about the “largely peaceful protest,” even with the violence and the flames in the background.



PREMO Member

Atlanta Mayor Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Saturday's Terrorism in the City

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens countered that narrative in his press conference on Saturday night. He also pointed out that most of the protesters aren’t local.

“Many of them don’t even live in Atlanta or in the state of Georgia, and they don’t represent the voices of Atlanta,” he said. “And some of them were found with explosives on them — you heard that correctly, explosives — and that has led to a police officer’s car being set on fire, and other destruction has occurred.”

But it’s what he said next that’s most noteworthy.

“So make no mistake about it, these individuals meant harm to people and to property,” he continued.

It’s worth pointing out that Dickens is a Democrat, but he’s not following the woke crime rhetoric of many Democrat mayors.

Dickens is a refreshing change after the Keisha Lance Bottoms years. During the 2022 gubernatorial campaign, Dickens praised Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, and barely mentioned Democrat Stacey Abrams — whose foundation work helped lead to the violence that took place this weekend.


Power with Control
These two right here. Were I a cop they are "riskin a friskin". Peaceful protestors don't need gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints, nor hardhats. Go back to the vid and watch them. Funny I paused the video highlighting their interest in being recorded. I'll bet you the various bags strung around his body contain a host of interesting items.

tifa thugs.jpg


PREMO Member

Alleged Far-Left Rioters Attack Police, Smash Office Buildings In Atlanta

“Several arrests have been made at this time and order has been restored to the downtown space,” APD added. “This is still an active and ongoing investigation, and we will not be able to provide specifics on arrests numbers or property damaged, at this time.”

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp condemned the violence in a statement posted to social media and said that the riot would not be tolerated.

“Violence and unlawful destruction of property are not acts of protest,” Kemp said. “They are crimes that will not be tolerated in Georgia and will be prosecuted fully. Thank you to the hardworking [Georgia Department of Public Safety, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Atlanta Police Department], and others actively keeping our streets safe tonight.”