


Are any of y'all aware colorless antifreeze? I remember someone (not forumite) saying they bought some that was colorless but can't remember what brand it was...

I need to get colorless antifreeze... any suggestions?


Originally posted by vraiblonde
So the feral cat doesn't suspect.


:lol: (that does remind me I'll have to hide it really well out of pets paths).

I need it for my projection TV, I'm replacing the fluid in the tube thingy's and its ethanoly glycol or something or other... its basically colorless antifreeze -- (it serves as an optical cooling fluid). :) But if the antifree has color, it would mess the color lenses up and be a distorted color.

Any sugestions? Have y'all seen any of this stuff?:confused:


Dogs and cats love anti-freeze colored or not. Wish I could get those two rabbits in my yard to drink some.:biggrin: Still haven't gotten around to catching the little bastages.


Originally posted by Vince
Dogs and cats love anti-freeze colored or not. Wish I could get those two rabbits in my yard to drink some.:biggrin: Still haven't gotten around to catching the little bastages.

I'll let you borrow my RWS! :biggrin:


24/7 Single Dad
Originally posted by Vince
Dogs and cats love anti-freeze colored or not. Wish I could get those two rabbits in my yard to drink some.:biggrin: Still haven't gotten around to catching the little bastages.
Know a guy that got some of the little Gerbil water bottles and filled them with anti-freeze, the stuck them down in the mole tunnels running through his yard. No Mo Moles.


Originally posted by cariblue
Why do you need colorless antifreeze?

I've been searching for a few days and am not having much luck finding this -- I think there was a law passed where antifreeze has to have dye and smell added to it or something. I don't mind the smell as I won't be smelling it from inside tv tube, but how would I get the blue color out? Would bleach make the color come out?


Well-Known Member
Dear dems4me

Before you add chlorine to ethylene glycol would you be kind enough to leave a list of your next of kin?


Originally posted by donbarzini
Dear dems4me

Before you add chlorine to ethylene glycol would you be kind enough to leave a list of your next of kin?

I'm researching the dangers now... I don't just hap hazardly mix chemicals all over the place... trust me, I do have some intellect... Thanks though.:biggrin:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by donbarzini
Dear dems4me

Before you add chlorine to ethylene glycol would you be kind enough to leave a list of your next of kin?
I was gonna say I was kidding... geeze...:biggrin:


Originally posted by CMC122
Why don't you call a TV repair shop?

I tried and they estimated the entire bill to be around $500.00 -- for tv pick up, repair and return. It just seemed way cheaper to do it myself -- nothing is wrong with the tubes, its just the coolant in there is all cloudy and gunky and needs to be replaced. BF is helping me. One of the main reaosns you take it to repair person is because of the circuit board being directly underneath these liquid tubes but if you are careful you can do this yourself. I was just trying to not spend all the money. I also recently called a tv repair place and got the run around when I was talking to them, naming parts, etc... and where would I get the fluid -- I just gave up and have been trying to look this up online myself and have not been having too much luck. But, after I posted this thread, I think I may have found what I need after all. :dance:


Originally posted by mainman
I was gonna say I was kidding... geeze...:biggrin:

I would have confirmed this first through research before trying... :biggrin:


Originally posted by donbarzini
Dear dems4me

Before you add chlorine to ethylene glycol would you be kind enough to leave a list of your next of kin?

Also, I think I'm going to go with the propylene (sp?) glycol instead anyways... Thanks!! I can find this without the dye added


Originally posted by vraiblonde
You can't possibly or you would take the TV to a qualified repair person.

Its not hard to do if you do all the research first...:biggrin: its just a matter of removing nuts and bolts and getting into the set... its not a car or anything complicated like that. I refuse to pay $500.00 for someone to pick up tv, replace fluid and return is all... :frown: I take it apart about once every year or two to clean the screen and the mirror and glass parts and vacuum the dust out... I just have considered it maintenance -- and now I need to replace the fluid is all. :frown:
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