
Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
From an electronics repair website: Projection TVs: set looks out of focus or cloudy:This is usually a problem with contaminated coolant liquid in the picture tube reservoirs. Unfortunately there isn't much an untrained person can do in this situation. This is a big job to perform. The picture tube/s with the contamination will have to be removed and the contaminated fluid drained, the reservoir cleaned and refilled with coolant fluid. There is most likely going to be a convergence realignment requirement with special test equipment. Also the lenses will need cleaning and an inspection of all three tubes to check for any fluid leakage, which can short out the electronics and create a hazard as well.

I wonder what it will cost after you try the repair on your own?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Ken King
I wonder what it will cost after you try the repair on your own?
Don't listen to him, Dems. The repair guys are just trying to scam you out of your money. Go ahead and do the repair yourself and let us know how it turns out.



thanks for your help but periodically I fix the convergence myself as well... no "special" tool or anything needed... the tv has a cross on it for you to align your convergence (red and blue flush against the white cross)... you aim tube try again... not rocket science.

Convergence is not the problem... :rolleyes: I just need to get the fluid to replace it... yes of course you would clean the tubes, etc... after draining fluid... there's a film slim on the bottom that I need to get too... that's why picture and colors are not coming out as sharp. Its just the blue and green that I need to drain and replace the fluid in - red is fine.

thanks anyways for the info, I read this long ago, but never needed to replace the fluid... its not as hard as they make this shiat out to be ... if you have one -- take a look for your self...

Remove screen and look inside at the tubes... then remove outer casing (marking where they are aimed at) until you get to the fluid.... -- drain and replace -- convergence shouldn't get messed up if you mark where they the outter casing was aimed at to begin with and put it back with the marks lined up -- kind of like when you remove spark plugs... generally you number them so you get the right firing order when you return them. :shrug: I was just asking if anyone has purchased any antifreeze lately that didn't have any color. Thanks anyways.:frown:
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Originally posted by dems4me
I tried and they estimated the entire bill to be around $500.00 -- for tv pick up, repair and return. It just seemed way cheaper to do it myself -- nothing is wrong with the tubes, its just the coolant in there is all cloudy and gunky and needs to be replaced. BF is helping me. One of the main reaosns you take it to repair person is because of the circuit board being directly underneath these liquid tubes but if you are careful you can do this yourself. I was just trying to not spend all the money. I also recently called a tv repair place and got the run around when I was talking to them, naming parts, etc... and where would I get the fluid -- I just gave up and have been trying to look this up online myself and have not been having too much luck. But, after I posted this thread, I think I may have found what I need after all. :dance:
After the boating fiasco, why don't you two just call a professional before one of you gets killed.


Originally posted by sifl
After the boating fiasco, why don't you two just call a professional before one of you gets killed.

It wasn't exactly a fiasco :lol:

Am I the only one on this forum that takes a gumption to fix things form themself? I take things to a professional if its out of my league -- same as computer stuff... I don't know much about hardware, etc... and wouldn't attempt it... nor would I attempt to remove all my wisdom teeth myself, etc...

but TV's are generally not very complex :shrug: I just need to do a simple fluid replacement and if done right (which it will be) will save $500.00. :shrug: What's wrong with that? :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Am I the only one on this forum that takes a gumption to fix things form themself?
No way. Mig gave herself an emergency appendectomy on the battlefield once. :yay:


Originally posted by Ken King
Here then, order some. It's $5.95 a pint through these guys

I tried them a few weeks ago and everytime I hit place order I'd get a an error message saying invalid page or something... I'll try again... thanks!

Sorry this is a different one that I sent a few emails to and never got a response...

I'll keep looking. Thanks:biggrin:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by kwillia
.... and don't forget Pixie for planning to brave that do-it-yourself-c-section in order to save B some money...
Not to mention Christy amputating her own thumb :yay:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Not to mention Christy amputating her own thumb :yay:

why or why do I still bother to post :bankhead: :bankhead: :banhead:



Originally posted by vraiblonde
I think you should invite JLab and ST over to help you fix the TV.

I just need the colorless antifreeze at this point -- :shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
Originally posted by dems4me
I tried them a few weeks ago and everytime I hit place order I'd get a an error message saying invalid page or something... I'll try again... thanks!
So what happened when you called them at (800) 541-3341?