

Dream Stealer
Well to a point he's totally right. Anxiety is a human condition..and everyone feels it. it is a good, positive feeling in many cases, as it alerts you to things that are dangerous or wrong. But when anxiety takes hold over things that are illogical or unlikely..that's when it helps to take a little time to work on yourself and figure out ways to cope with that..that will no longer BE a cop out..but something you can deal with and move on without it affecting you.... Not to mention, I am pretty convinced (and I have recently started a little research on this, part of my own coping :) that female hormones are linked to anxiety...interesting subject. Also, there are several actual biological causes for anxiety-like feelings..ans as other posters have mentioned..we are practically CONDITIONED from birth anymore to be in a constant state of worry, fear and anxiety over every little thing... but I am pretty firm against drugs..I DO think those can be a cop out a lot of times. Far better to do the work and put in the effort to understand yourself and your own can be as simple as changing the way you think about things to make you feel a lot better


Well to a point he's totally right. Anxiety is a human condition..and everyone feels it. it is a good, positive feeling in many cases, as it alerts you to things that are dangerous or wrong. But when anxiety takes hold over things that are illogical or unlikely..that's when it helps to take a little time to work on yourself and figure out ways to cope with that..that will no longer BE a cop out..but something you can deal with and move on without it affecting you.... Not to mention, I am pretty convinced (and I have recently started a little research on this, part of my own coping :) that female hormones are linked to anxiety...interesting subject. Also, there are several actual biological causes for anxiety-like feelings..ans as other posters have mentioned..we are practically CONDITIONED from birth anymore to be in a constant state of worry, fear and anxiety over every little thing... but I am pretty firm against drugs..I DO think those can be a cop out a lot of times. Far better to do the work and put in the effort to understand yourself and your own can be as simple as changing the way you think about things to make you feel a lot better

Are you still against drugs if one has had all the biological testing for suspect medical causes that could cause the anxiety, and did the psychological work? Have you ever had a severe, and I mean severe, anxiety attack?


New Member
Are you still against drugs if one has had all the biological testing for suspect medical causes that could cause the anxiety, and did the psychological work? Have you ever had a severe, and I mean severe, anxiety attack?

Yes...and a long run does you better....look inside of you instead of what your little brain tells you....WORD.


Dream Stealer
Are you still against drugs if one has had all the biological testing for suspect medical causes that could cause the anxiety, and did the psychological work? Have you ever had a severe, and I mean severe, anxiety attack?

I had a panic attack once when I was driving..where I actually lost my vision. I don't know if I *really* lost my vision..or I just thought I did but it was scary as hell. So I am not talking out of turn. But except for say, schizophrenics or something of that general I am against drugs. They are over prescribed and over relied upon. There are better and healthier ways of handling problems, and I have seen them work...on many different levels of problems. Low doses of certain anti anxiety meds have their place, and I myself have used them on one or two occasions when having upsetting/scary/painful medical testing done...and can be used for, say, cancer patients or someone going through something severe..for very short time periods. So they can be useful. But to be on them for life to avoid feeling anxiety? I am against that.


Yes...and a long run does you better....look inside of you instead of what your little brain tells you....WORD.

My little brain just can't handle all the big skeery things in the world. :ohwell:

WAIT! I'm going to go take a run! I'll feel a lot better! Thanks. :huggy: