

I had a panic attack once when I was driving..where I actually lost my vision. I don't know if I *really* lost my vision..or I just thought I did but it was scary as hell. So I am not talking out of turn. But except for say, schizophrenics or something of that general I am against drugs. They are over prescribed and over relied upon. There are better and healthier ways of handling problems, and I have seen them work...on many different levels of problems. Low doses of certain anti anxiety meds have their place, and I myself have used them on one or two occasions when having upsetting/scary/painful medical testing done...and can be used for, say, cancer patients or someone going through something severe..for very short time periods. So they can be useful. But to be on them for life to avoid feeling anxiety? I am against that.

I'm with you on there being better ways of handling problems than drugs, but sometimes I think it's necessary. I'm talking about having a severe anxiety disorder....the panic attacks, like the one you had, but having them ALL the time, to a point where it intervenes with life. I think if the medication helps, and not being all doped up, but being on a reasonable dosage, helps, then why not?


New Member
Not at all which it why it made me think he might be related to Lance...:lol:

I didn't understand a thing about your post... but maybe you have a secret language going on with the haughty women...:lol:


Naw...just being honest..oh well....that's the way the cookie crumbles.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Not at all which it why it made me think he might be related to Lance...:lol:

I didn't understand a thing about your post... but maybe you have a secret language going on with the voices in your head...:lol:

Gotcha. :biggrin:


Active Member
anxiety & depression

I can't believe that some people are actually making FUN of one of the MOST dibilitating mental illnesses there are! People like some of you, could actually make the person that is asking for HELP, do something drastic. I wouldn't want that on my shoulders for the rest of my life. Some of these posts have been extremely archaic. Some mental disorders actually have to be treated like a disease, like Diabetes, or Thyroid Problems, or even Hypertention. I for one, have been taking meds for near 25 years. I have seen very positive outcomes by taking medication. It does NOT numb me, it does not make me feel loopie, it has made me feel normal...if there is such a thing. I never knew that I was depressed, until I gave it a try, and FINALLY..I saw the sun shine at the age of 39, for the first time in my life!! Exercise, and changing your chain of thought helps too, and so does asking for help, which I think is the main point here. She, was asking for help, NOT Criticisim. Is that considered the Adult Form of bullying? So let's get in the mind-set that Mental Illness is no longer being swept back under the rug, like it was when my Mother died from it!!
I can't believe that some people are actually making FUN of one of the MOST dibilitating mental illnesses there are! People like some of you, could actually make the person that is asking for HELP, do something drastic.
Huh? What thread are you reading...:confused:


Hi, I don't post on here very often but some of you forumites are so informative, I thought I would give this a try. I have been suffering with severe anxiety for the last 6 mos. Have been to two pshychiatrists and didn't like neither one. This is in St.Mary's. One just threw pills at me and I was in the office for only 5 mins and the other one intimidated me so bad I never went back. All the meds that have been prescribed to me have such horriffic side effects , it's worse then the anxiety. I've gotten so I wake up in the morning in a panic of having to face another day. My question is can anyone suggest a good and compassionate physician in St.Mary's that deals with this sort of thing or any meds that you've had very good results with, without the side effects. I would appreciate your input. Thanks in advance for your suggestions

I don't take any drugs for anxiety or depression because I am afraid of the side effects. Over the years I've found things that work for me without them, I think it's a matter of finding what works for you and sticking to it. If you want I can tell you what works for me and you can try [or not] some of them to see if they help you. It doesn't mean I don't get anxious or depressed, it just means I have the tools to help myself without drugs.