any gobbling???


New Member
Lots. I would tell you where but I would have to kill you. :killingme

Looking forward to the season it is going to be a good one.


I love her wild,wild hair
Every morning I wake to the sound of gobbling. My farmhouse is really well built and insulated, it's hard to believe that I can hear that turkey inside.


Happy Camper
I saw two along the side of 235 yesterday afternoon. They were in front of an Amish farm...


Well-Known Member
I've seen lots of turkeys. One tried to commit suicide the other day by running in front of my car. Luckily I saw the goober and stopped. :lol:


New Member
Got him!

Took a nice long beard April 24th. 18.5 pounds, 10" beard and 7/8" spurs. Hope to tag out with another one this weekend. If I could photo-shop my ugly mug out of the picture, I'd post it.
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Took a nice long beard May the 24th. 18.5 pounds, 10" beard and 7/8" spurs. Hope to tag out with another one this weekend. If I could photo-shop my ugly mug out of the picture, I'd post it.

Holy Crap Batman! It is only May 6th, you must be one hell of a shot! :killingme

OMG That's funny.

JD come get these turkeys near me. I swear they are charging my car like a deer in rut. I saw one yesterday as big as me. :jameo:

We have a good bit of them around us, first time in years I have seen them run around like this... and only a few years ago DNR released like 12 of them in Zekiah Swamp, now I am seeing them regularly.

I have never been Turkey hunting in all my years, but I have family that do... guess I need to give it a whirl. :yay:


New Member
Lots of gobbling on our farm. I know I saw about 8 to 10 in the bottem field this past weekend but hear a bunch down by the creek.


New Member
here is one group the hang on the farm


  • turkey gretchen 001.jpg
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I have a pic on my phone of a nest w/ 13 eggs on the property I hunt.
Saw a dead turkey on the side of 235 last Sunday.


New Member
I have a pic on my phone of a nest w/ 13 eggs on the property I hunt.
Saw a dead turkey on the side of 235 last Sunday.

I'm trying to stay out and not disturb the woods where I hunt so I have not seen any nests yet. Maybe tomorrow or Saturday when I go hunting again...hoping to tag out.