any one have raccoon problems like i do?



Four*Leaf*Farm said:
... they come up our porch and just stare at us challengingly when we yell at them. So, my husband gets out the 22.

Maybe you should talk nicer to them :shrug:



Ahhhh Florida!
Four*Leaf*Farm said:
It was going through the potted plants, uprooting my flowers, eating the cat food and taking the bowls out into the yard. Even if we put a bag of paper trash out back, they will open it and strew it everywhere. Just like all the other racoons before him. We don't like it when they come up our porch and just stare at us challengingly when we yell at them. So, my husband gets out the 22.
Maybe they don't speak your language. NO speaka no englis :shrug:


dems4me said:
I have a few where I live. Here's the mother.

She says thanks for the dog food. :lmao:

I have two that fight each other to make sure Peanut has eaten all his food. They're aren't scared of me at all. :jameo: He just ignores them. He's eating his hay 4 feet away from them. I chase them.

Then, they come on our deck at night and eat bird seed and yell at each other, waking me up at 2am.

We had a possum coming up on the front porch and stealing cat food, but now we bring the cat food inside at night.

Darn critters.


New Member
I had a leprechaun that lived under my house once. Mean mamajama. Always drunk. Sceaming "STAY AWAY FROM MY GOLD!" all the time.


New Member
Well, it's not as if the raccoons can can dial up Papa John's..or head over to Food Lion with their coupons.

Every day more and more woodlands are cut down for housing. What do we think the woodland animals are going to do?


mistymoofwf said:
tri county takes them and test them to see if they're sick.

Test them for what?

Unless there has been an exposure, no reason to kill it and test it....
You release them somewhere?


Four*Leaf*Farm said:
It was going through the potted plants, uprooting my flowers, eating the cat food and taking the bowls out into the yard. Even if we put a bag of paper trash out back, they will open it and strew it everywhere. Just like all the other racoons before him. We don't like it when they come up our porch and just stare at us challengingly when we yell at them. So, my husband gets out the 22.

Wow...good thing the neighbors cat or dog is not doing all that...then you would have to shoot the dog or cat!!

How about doing the smart thing...bring in the food at night and get out the hose instead...they were here long before you were and are just trying to survive.
And put you trash out in the morning....

Possums and skunks also get into the trash and flower beds....

This time of year it is a momma trying to raise her only annual litter of babies....

You stay up all night garding your cat food and trash and flower beds??
(most likely they are looking for grubs, worms, snails and moles..)

What ya do with the bodies?
Pelts and skulls go for $$$$$ on eBay,,..


RIP Quinn
Inkpen said:
Wow...good thing the neighbors cat or dog is not doing all that...then you would have to shoot the dog or cat!!

How about doing the smart thing...bring in the food at night and get out the hose instead...they were here long before you were and are just trying to survive.
And put you trash out in the morning....

Possums and skunks also get into the trash and flower beds....

This time of year it is a momma trying to raise her only annual litter of babies....

You stay up all night garding your cat food and trash and flower beds??
(most likely they are looking for grubs, worms, snails and moles..)

What ya do with the bodies?
Pelts and skulls go for $$$$$ on eBay,,..

The neighbors cat is coming around, beating up our cat... She's walking a thin line. My husband is gonna shoot her too.

Are you suggesting we start selling 'coons on eBay?


Four*Leaf*Farm said:
The neighbors cat is coming around, beating up our cat... She's walking a thin line. My husband is gonna shoot her too.

Are you suggesting we start selling 'coons on eBay?

Keep you pussy inside and not out wandering the public spaces and getting beat up.....

Yup..sell your fur on eBay....if ya husband shoots: then eat and sell it...why waste a good piece of meat?


live to ride
Inkpen said:
Test them for what?

Unless there has been an exposure, no reason to kill it and test it....
You release them somewhere?

we have taken them down the rode and released them but the first 2 i cought last month where coming in the barn while i was in their during the day, and the 3rd was realy mean and i was not going to release him he would have turned around and eaten me.

dont they sleep during the day?


They should be sleeping during the day. Atleast hiding anyways, since they're nocturnal animals.
Do what ya gotta do in terms of getting rid of them... they're still wild animals nonetheless.


mistymoofwf said:
we have taken them down the rode and released them but the first 2 i cought last month where coming in the barn while i was in their during the day, and the 3rd was realy mean and i was not going to release him he would have turned around and eaten me.

dont they sleep during the day?

They live in family groups...

The "mean" one was was most likely the momma, and you trapped and relocated her wonder she was pissed...

You have food in your barn?
Grain, mice, snakes, rats, ?????
Might be they found good shelter and a good food source.

And this time of year..spring/summer....a momma with anywhere from 2 to 4 babies to feed will need to hunt during daylight hours to be able to produce enough milk to feed babies for up to 4 months.

At that point, she weans them and teaches them where to live and find food. They will stay with mom until at least a year.

Males are sexually mature at 2 years, females at 1 year.

You provide food and shelter, you will attract wildlife.

You get rid of a family, another group will move in.

You need to clean up your area to detract wildlife and not make it such a good place to live.

Don't feed the birds, by feeding them you create a complete ecosystem for all kinds of critters from mice, rats and snakes up to hawks, owls, deer,,and all the stray cats and dogs.

Want to know more....feel free to call me.

This is still country and like it or not..wildlife was here first and will all the development..they are running out of space to live.

It is a balancing act.....try to live in balance...they are trying to survive in what is now "our" world, and are having a hard time.

IF you need to get rid of them, contact me and I will help you trap and will leagally relocate.

When you trap and release just one raccoon, it has a 10% chance of living. Local, resident raccoons will attack and kill it as an intruder.

Better for you to shoot it and kill it with ONE shot so that they do not suffer...A 22 is not a good choice....

You do have the legal right to protect your crops and property from damage from wildlife.

You have a moral obligation to try to live in harmony and work to reduce encounters with local wildlife.

I hope you all can find a peaceful solution to your wildlife problems.

Again, need me.



RIP Quinn
Inkpen said:
Keep you pussy inside and not out wandering the public spaces and getting beat up.....

Yup..sell your fur on eBay....if ya husband shoots: then eat and sell it...why waste a good piece of meat?

My pussy doesn't wander public spaces. We live on many acres. My pussy likes to stay home. And she will never be an indoor cat.
She stays right here on the front or back porch. She's a little older and doesn't even venture to the barn. The nuisance cat comes from a farm way down the road. We have witnessed her repeatedly corner our cat and attack her. Literally scares the shat and pizz out of her on our porch. So yes, (to Earls friend..) I guess I am just a mean person because when it comes to my cat and the other... I will have my husband shoot her.

As for the racoons... I had 3 or 4 babies in a tree that came down last summer. So... we waited for a few days. The mom never came back for some reason... On the third day some crows found them. I called animal control and the health dept. and no one wanted to help. I felt bad for them. Too bad I didn't know who else to call at the time.