Any Virgins Out There?



:killingme:killingme Nice casual conversation between dad and daughter....

I don't know if he moved to the Philippines because he was jaded or if the Philippines jaded him. I just listened, observed and said not a word.


New Member
Sockgirl77 where does someone get friends like you? Trying to set up your friend with a virgin on SOMD.


I have a guy friend who has never "had" a virgin before. Legally, you must be over 18. :flowers:


WTF? Your guy friend either has self-esteem issues up the wazoo or is some sort of perv.

Most girls in SoMD have had their virginity taken away either by force or naivete. Which group does your friend fit into? Rapist or predator? And why are you helping him?

I have gone through life without ever having 'deflowered' a virgin. (And I used that term for a purpose, because it is stupid.)

Maybe you should tell your friend to STFU, grow up, and experience a mature sexual relationship with someone he loves.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Most girls in SoMD have had their virginity taken away either by force or naivete. Which group does your friend fit into? Rapist or predator? And why are you helping him?

So you are saying that most girls in SoMD are either stupid or victums? Making the guys pervs and rapists?

You are saying that most of SoMd relationships are dysfunctional, rather that the result of mature, responsible decisions?

Granted, if you are using the forums for this information, I can understand that attitude, but do you seriously believe that the forums are a true representation of people in SoMD?