Any Virgins Out There?



So you are saying that most girls in SoMD are either stupid or victums? Making the guys pervs and rapists?

Not just SoMD, but everywhere.

Most women I have known had their first sexual encounter with their father / stepfather / mother's boyfriend / uncle / brother / brother's best friend / sister's boyfriend / teacher / coach.

And if they escaped that gauntlet untouched, they had to defend, "Awww, don't you like me?" from every pimply faced high school dick.

So I stand by my statement. Most girls lose their virginity to a combination of force and coercion.

The fact that Socki is even trying to get in that mix disgusts me. What next? She holds some 8th grader down while her 'friend' climbs on top?

Read this thread from the beginning. There is no real outrage from the community against Socki's search for a 'cherry' for her 'friend'. That lack of outrage is a contributor to why children get molested.

Sorry if I offended anyone. I gotta go puke now.

And God help your kids if Socki is their babysitter.
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I was walking down the street in South Korea in a suburb outside of Seoul... and the 'virgins' there are abundant - send him over there!

Best one I had happen was a kid (early teens) said something to the effect of;

You looking for good time? I get you my mother - she is a virgin, no s#$% - she show you good time too...

Mommasan (SP?) quickly came out of her bar and ran the boy off and offered me a discount on 'top notch' girl...

I quickly moved down the street!


Not just SoMD, but everywhere.

Most women I have known had their first sexual encounter with their father / stepfather / mother's boyfriend / uncle / brother / brother's best friend / sister's boyfriend / teacher / coach.

Where do you hang out?


What love is all about
I hear those girls in Korea can do some strange ####. My husband said he ended up in the wrong bar one night. Oh my you just dont want to know.:whistle:
I hear those girls in Korea can do some strange ####. My husband said he ended up in the wrong bar one night. Oh my you just dont want to know.:whistle:

I was only over there for 2 week stints (total of 3 trips I think) and man-oh-man do I have some stories! Some of them are outrageous... the guys I would travel with would just mess with them to see what they could get them to do. :lmao:

I never partook in any "activities" because I did not want to come home with something I did not go over there with!!! Plus, I think the wife would be a bit upset!


What love is all about
I was only over there for 2 week stints (total of 3 trips I think) and man-oh-man do I have some stories! Some of them are outrageous... the guys I would travel with would just mess with them to see what they could get them to do. :lmao:

I never partook in any "activities" because I did not want to come home with something I did not go over there with!!! Plus, I think the wife would be a bit upset!

Yea she probably would have been. I wasnt with him at the time but as far as I know he didnt do anything other than going to the bars. But yea he has told me some stories and I am still trying to figure out how they are able to do some of the things he said. I have to say that I cant even do those things. Not that I would really want to.:killingme
Yea she probably would have been. I wasnt with him at the time but as far as I know he didnt do anything other than going to the bars. But yea he has told me some stories and I am still trying to figure out how they are able to do some of the things he said. I have to say that I cant even do those things. Not that I would really want to.:killingme

One of the guys on our team married a ROK national years before and took her back home to visit on the site survey; they found us a "safe bar" where we could go and hang out without the girls messing with us. One night is was really nasty outside and they (bar owner/momasan and girls) bought US dinner - had it delivered. Nice to have a place to go to IF you can get in good with a business owner.

Here is one of the stories -

The team lead was 'negotiating' (he was pulling stuff off the top of his head) with Momasan to get one of the girls to 'dress up in a blue gorilla suit, hang from a doorway, crap on his chest and smash it with a tennis racket while she had sex with him...' I thought the woman was going to clock him but
Momasan went away for 5 minutes, came back and said she could not find a gorilla suit but everything else for the whole night was $150 with that girl (pointing to a pretty young Korean)... I would not have believed it if I was not sitting there - I almost fell off the chair! :otter:

I called my wife from the safe bar when we got back and told her the story -she was in hysterics! :killingme
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Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
Where do I begin?
So, unfortunately, I wasted a prototypical synaps reading this thread... Tell your buddy who looks so good, a wasted coffee can of a vagina like SG is gonna hook this dude up with somepoor defenseless piece of untouched ass to ruin a set of sheets for him.
Sounds like some good family entertainment for the trailer tonight jo-bob.