Anybody feel like crap today?


mama to two
Sinusitis/Bronchitis; I get the same thing every year when the weather goes from winter to summer; since we don't necessarily get a spring.

I was lucky again this year; haven't been sick since pneumonia in 2009 (also, I gave up the flu shot that same year). Take lots of vitamins! Hope you feel better soon. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
I was lucky again this year; haven't been sick since pneumonia in 2009 (also, I gave up the flu shot that same year). Take lots of vitamins! Hope you feel better soon. :huggy:

Thanks for the well wishes. I'm on the backside of this crap; it's just taking its sweet-a** time going away. I'm poppin' Tylenol, etc., etc..

Gotta go back to work Monday though, fully recovered or not.