I thought it was odd that I got nothing from the Trump campaign, and I actually subscribed to get crap from them. Then I looked in my Gmail spam folder online and....there they were.
So Trump gets flagged as spam, but Biden sails right on through.
And I am getting the Trump mail - a lot. I'd be ok with it, if they were all the same - but since they all have different sources, I ignore them all, because I have no way of knowing which are legitimate, and which are spam - if any. If I want to give to Trump again, it will be through regular channels.
Did that years ago, also, with different House candidates I wanted to contribute to. I've since decided to follow my oft-stated principle that if you can't vote for them, you shouldn't GIVE to them. So they don't get money from me anymore. BUT - I got mail from them for months until I wrote back and asked them to stop.