Anyone here every go to Toots??


New Member
SRV said:
I'll buy yu a drink ...what you drinking? :love:

One of everything thanks, and as soon as I drink the first one, I hope you don't mind if I go sit next to the old guy with the glas eye and the cane made from a bull's testes.

BTW , I'm the official welcoming comittee chairperson..All members are new members are invited to come have a drink with me at my bar..

By the lake...

With the cabins....

And the sign that says:

"Welcome to Crystal Lake: Population169 and diminishing"



New Member
migtig said:
uh uh comment...uh...I plead the 5th...on the grounds that whatever I say from this point on may incriminate me... :whistle: It's not my fault. :angel: BTW, one was really really tall - I think taller than you.

One really tall, one really short and balding (course, they all are but this one kinda looked looks like a short Garfunkle) named Chris, another one HUGE guy with a belly, beard.. I was at a party with these guys late this past summer and they were speaking of a trip to SOMD, and a night or two in Toots, where they had just a grand 'ol time, and how the ladies just LUVVED them all up. :lol: I couldn't see it, not even knowing the area, but after seeing your post Mig, it seems much clearer. :lmao:

Chris is in town this week. We'll prolly hit Toots at least once if you'd like to join us.


Cleopatra Jones
Ponytail said:
One really tall, one really short and balding (course, they all are but this one kinda looked looks like a short Garfunkle) named Chris, another one HUGE guy with a belly, beard.. I was at a party with these guys late this past summer and they were speaking of a trip to SOMD, and a night or two in Toots, where they had just a grand 'ol time, and how the ladies just LUVVED them all up. :lol: I couldn't see it, not even knowing the area, but after seeing your post Mig, it seems much clearer. :lmao:

Chris is in town this week. We'll prolly hit Toots at least once if you'd like to join us.

Good thing you're cute cause you're none too bright. They were talking about Tailgates not Toots.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
Good thing you're cute cause you're none too bright. They were talking about Tailgates not Toots.

Oh, I guess I'm supposed to waste even MORE of my day, and read ALL the posts?? :dammit:

I like to show my roots sometimes.


New Member
That's exactly what I was talking about AIRGASM..... She's one hot mamma!

PONYTAIL is going to be at TOOT's this week??

Send out a memo!! Get all the girls there to swoon and drool 'round the clock 'til we can capture him!!! :slurp:


fttrsbeerwench said:
One of everything thanks, and as soon as I drink the first one, I hope you don't mind if I go sit next to the old guy with the glas eye and the cane made from a bull's testes.

BTW , I'm the official welcoming comittee chairperson..All members are new members are invited to come have a drink with me at my bar..

By the lake...

With the cabins....

And the sign that says:

"Welcome to Crystal Lake: Population169 and diminishing"

I was just making conversation I hope I didn't cross any lines here.


aka Mrs. Giant
Ponytail said:
One really tall, one really short and balding (course, they all are but this one kinda looked looks like a short Garfunkle) named Chris, another one HUGE guy with a belly, beard.. I was at a party with these guys late this past summer and they were speaking of a trip to SOMD, and a night or two in Toots, where they had just a grand 'ol time, and how the ladies just LUVVED them all up. :lol: I couldn't see it, not even knowing the area, but after seeing your post Mig, it seems much clearer. :lmao:

Chris is in town this week. We'll prolly hit Toots at least once if you'd like to join us.
Actually, :lmao: by the end of the night in Tailgates they were looking for me, beerwench and another "innocent" lady to hang out with them - we all told them to go to somd and hang out and gave them directions to each other's prospective bartending locations. If I am not mistaken they did find beerwench and then she sent them on a wild goose chase throughout southern maryland including Toots, and let me know I owed her BIGTIME! :roflmao: Sounds about right. And you can keep them, the tall one started to freak me out when he tried to "freak" me at Tailgates. Ain't noway that was gonna work. :yikes:


New Member
migtig said:
Actually, :lmao: by the end of the night in Tailgates they were looking for me, beerwench and another "innocent" lady to hang out with them - we all told them to go to somd and hang out and gave them directions to each other's prospective bartending locations. If I am not mistaken they did find beerwench and then she sent them on a wild goose chase throughout southern maryland including Toots, and let me know I owed her BIGTIME! :roflmao: Sounds about right. And you can keep them, the tall one started to freak me out when he tried to "freak" me at Tailgates. Ain't noway that was gonna work. :yikes:

:lmao: I'm betting it's my biker buds. I'll try to remember to post a pic tonight.

Does the name "Shep" ring a bell with ya's? :whistle:
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New Member
Vince said:
Hey PT, don't forget this. DC Motorcycle Show

Yea, I know. There's a poker run and a Maryland Biker Build off show this weekend too. All of which I think I'm going to have to miss. :ohwell: I have to head out of town for the weekend. Long boring story, but basically comes down to family obligations.


Ponytail said:
Yea, I know. There's a poker run and a Maryland Biker Build off show this weekend too. All of which I think I'm going to have to miss. :ohwell: I have to head out of town for the weekend. Long boring story, but basically comes down to family obligations.
Biker Build off?? Where? When?


New Member
migtig said:
Actually, :lmao: by the end of the night in Tailgates they were looking for me, beerwench and another "innocent" lady to hang out with them - we all told them to go to somd and hang out and gave them directions to each other's prospective bartending locations. If I am not mistaken they did find beerwench and then she sent them on a wild goose chase throughout southern maryland including Toots, and let me know I owed her BIGTIME! :roflmao: Sounds about right. And you can keep them, the tall one started to freak me out when he tried to "freak" me at Tailgates. Ain't noway that was gonna work. :yikes:

Yeah, and your tall dude had one MASHED UP GRILL!!! :barf:

Guess what Mig, I have a :celery:..



aka Mrs. Giant
fttrsbeerwench said:
Yeah, and your tall dude had one MASHED UP GRILL!!! :barf:

Guess what Mig, I have a :celery:..

Shiyat. I work tonight and Fri. Wanna go to a 7th district party Sat? If he shows up we can take good care of him. :whistle: