? Anyone here who lives in South MD been charged with Reckless Driving?


Active Member
TruPeace said:
IF you been charged with reckless driving in Virginia (Caroline County) and what did you do to get it reduced? experiences?

Not sure what county it was in but an intern here in my office last summer got a reckless driving in Virginia. She was going I believe around 80-85 on 95 and they grabbed her. Anyways she got a lawyer and went to court expecting to just be able to get maybe just community service. Luckily for her people went before her. The judge was sentencing everyone to jail time and something ridiculous like 7 days for every mile over the 15 or 20 over to get reckless driving. To say the least, right then and there her lawyer made a deal and she ended up getting close to a 2000 dollar fine, driving school, 200 hours of community service, and 6 months of losing her license. She would have agreed to anything to not go to jail. That judge was on a warpath apparently. This was only her second ticket (she was 19) the first being for running a stop sign when she was 16. AND she was a virginia resident which I hear they are more leniant on to begin with. I believe its strictly on the whim of the judge.


In My Opinion
with the number of fatal accidents in southern maryland, I would wonder why anyone would give real advice to someone in the position of a wreckless driving ticket in that area.


24/7 Single Dad
Booboo3604 said:
she was a virginia resident which I hear they are more leniant on to begin with. I believe its strictly on the whim of the judge.
Not any more. They now have civil remedial fees. If you're a resident, the state sticks you with a big fine in addition to what the judge hits you with. Their way of funding highways.


New Member
TruPeace said:
IF you been charged with reckless driving in Virginia (Caroline County) and what did you do to get it reduced? experiences?

I got a ticket (my first and only) for reckless driving coming up on 3 years ago in VA, just north of the TN border. It was only myself and another truck (from TX) on the road. The dag on cop got both of us. Said we were doing 19 over. It was an 8 hour trip if I wanted to go back down there for court, so I called the sherrif's office. They told me and fine wouldn't be set until AFTER the court date, but I didn't have to come down for court. So I waited (it took about 1 1/2 - 2 months). They slapped my a$$ with a $300+ fine! And I think 2 or 3 points on my liscense.

My insurance company almost dropped me, but I sent them a copy of the ticket, and since it wasn't over 20 mph, they kept me. Don't think it went up either. Guess because I had never had any other tickets in the past.


NOT Politically Correct!!
You're lucky you don't reside in VA, they instituted an new system of court fines and state administrative fines.

Virginia Introduces $3550 Speeding Ticket
Virginia legislator introduces new speeding ticket tax that boosts penalties beyond $3550, driving business to his traffic law firm.

Virginia motorists convicted of minor traffic violations will face a new, multi-year tax beginning July 1. Led by state Delegate David B. Albo (R-Springfield), lawmakers slipped a driver responsibility tax into a larger transportation funding bill signed by Governor Tim Kaine (D) in April. Albo, a senior partner in the Albo & Oblon, LLP traffic law firm, can expect to see a significant increase in business as motorists seek to protect their wallet from traffic tickets that come with assessments of up to $3000 in addition to an annual point tax that tops out at $700 a year for as long as the points remain.

"The purpose of the civil remedial fees imposed in this section is to generate revenue," the new law states. (Virginia Code 46.2-206.1)

Driving as little as 15 MPH over the limit on an interstate highway now brings six license demerit points, a fine of up to $2500, up to one year in jail, and a new mandatory $1050 tax. The law also imposes an additional annual fee of up to $100 if a prior conviction leaves the motorist with a balance of eight demerit points, plus $75 for each additional point (up to $700 a year). The conviction in this example remains on the record for five years.

Other six-point convictions include "failing to give a proper signal," "passing a school bus" or "driving with an obstructed view." The same $1050 assessment applies, but the conviction remains on the record for eleven years.

Although the amount of the tax can add up quickly, the law forbids judges from reducing or suspending it in any way. The tax applies only to Virginia residents, so that out-of-state motorists only need to pay the regular ticket amount. Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Texas also impose a somewhat more modest driver responsibility tax which they apply to out-of-state residents.

The Virginia Supreme Court provides a full explanation of the new penalties for each traffic infraction in the 34k PDF file at the source link below. Update: Online petition to repeal ticket tax gathers support.


New Member
Actually I was clocked in at 81 in the 60 zone. The officer was ok with me. He told me to appear in court and the judge will tell me to take a driving course. Just make sure you come in wearing what you have on right now (suit and tie). I was looking pretty good that day. But anyway, am not sure because I found out recently that in VA a reckless driving charge is class one misdemeanor.
When I saw that I just shook my head at VA. Am still undecided what will be the best move without dishing out a lot of money. The funny thing was nobody was around me for a distance and I was slowing down at the moment.


New Member
Am most likely will do what the officer said to do. Take the drive, go to court with my driving record (only one speeding ticket for going 5 mph speed limit *ridiculous), tell the judge am guilty and hope I get a lesser charge and the online driving course.


It'll make ya feel good..
I think, and this is just IMHO, that if you are given a reckless driving ticket, you should be drug out of your car, through the driver side window, by your teeth, and put on your knees in the middle of the road. Then the flatfoot should produce his sidearm, and blow the front of your skull off. After all that, he shoudl send your family the bill for the bullet.

Just my thought.........but then again, I haven't gotten a ticket in 15 years. Muhahahahhaha........... :larry: :killingme


New Member
I got a reckless in Henrico County....back last year.

I was doing 89 in a 65. After going to court, lawyer-less I received a $375 fine and like $25 in court fees, that was it. No suspension, jail time or anything.

A friend of mine got a reckless in VA, going 105 in a 55 on 95 south near the mixing bowl. He had a lawyer and got a night in jail and like a $1500 fine. Oh and his license is restricted to and from work and to picking up his daughter only for a yr I believe. This was all before July 1st though.
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New Member
markskn said:
I got a reckless in Henrico County....back last year.

I was doing 89 in a 65. After going to court, lawyer-less I received a $375 fine and like $25 in court fees, that was it. No suspension, jail time or anything.

A friend of mine got a reckless in VA, going 105 in a 55 on 95 south near the mixing bowl. He had a lawyer and got a night in jail and like a $1500 fine. Oh and his license is restricted to and from work and to picking up his daughter only for a yr I believe. This was all before July 1st though.

See the thing is the laws have change in VA since last year. But I talked to someone again and they said don't even worry. You'll get the same what you said, without an lawyer. Either way VA is wack.

Thang, dude was driving 50 over the speed limit. Now that's non-sense.

I'll take any fine, community service or driver class. The worst case scenario will be a suspended drivers license for me.


New Member
No Problem...Good Luck.

I gotta deal with a ticket in King George soon, but my lawyer is handling that one. I'll let you all know how it turns out. :(


New Member
markskn said:
I got a reckless in Henrico County....back last year.

I was doing 89 in a 65. After going to court, lawyer-less I received a $375 fine and like $25 in court fees, that was it. No suspension, jail time or anything.

A friend of mine got a reckless in VA, going 105 in a 55 on 95 south near the mixing bowl. He had a lawyer and got a night in jail and like a $1500 fine. Oh and his license is restricted to and from work and to picking up his daughter only for a yr I believe. This was all before July 1st though.
Henrico County Police wouldn't let me get on I-91 after the race.

I understood, realizing they're dealing with drunks and all out there,. So, I asked Henrico Co. police officer for directions or some alternate route and he told me to figure it out myself.

Got a map, handed it to my brother and he was reading off directions. Ended up in the middle of bumfuick nowhere, 40 miles away from Tappahannock. He tries telling me Williamsburg was nearby, and we would be home in an hour. Williamsburg was still 85 miles away. :lol:

He's never giving directions again.


It'll make ya feel good..
A little humor there. If some of you guys stopped acting like you were in #3 at the Daytona 500, you wouldn't have to worry about it.... :coffee:


New Member
Still was lame. But anyways, I got back from court haters. Judge was a clowning for real. He told me since this is my first offense I can take a driving class of my choice. Then return back in two months and the charge will be dismiss. Then he said it's "All or Nothing" like a dumb. Then I said "thank you, your honor". Then he rolled his eyes at me. Judge was being a hater for real.