Anyone know this scumbag?


Well-Known Member
It could be him. I was told that you add 5 to the grade, i.e., sophmore (10th grade) and you come up with the age of a person, so if that is true he would have been 15 in 1999, which was approximately 8 years ago so 15 plus 8 is 24. So I think it could be the guy you went to school with. :shrug:

edit--- today is his birthday according to the court records so he is now 25.

Damn...what a shame. That poor baby. :frown:


Throwing the deuces
:yeahthat: Inmates do not take kind to child crimes... when he gets in gen-pop and the masses find out, his azz is grass. He'll get his...

Unfortunately they will never put him in with the general population for that very reason. The guys I work with have to go to DC Jail today to pick up two people. Maybe I can get them to stop by and check him out. Lord knows when we pick inmates up in DC, there's atleast a two hour wait until they are ready.


Back in the saddle
Sitting here with my 2 month old I could not even think of laying a hand on her. What in the hell goes through peoples minds? Sick I tell you!

He wouldn't have to worry about what would happen to him in jail. He wouldn't make it if he had done this to one of my kids.:burning::boxing:


Do Work Son!
:confused: I went to school with a Ryan Woodford. He was 2 yrs behind me in school. He was a sophomore in spring of 99. Does that make sense? Wouldn't he be older than 24? Maybe not. If this is the same guy, it doesn't sound like him. He was white and nerdy. :shrug: Could be him though.

If it is the same guy, I too went to school with him. I find it hard to believe he would do that that, he was never like that in school. Hell, a few months ago he called me about a reference for a job. I gues people can change.....

Now, to another topic...... Cowgirl, I'm thinking i know you. Did you graduate from LHS in '99 and now live on the Eastern shore?


No Longer the Kid
:confused: I went to school with a Ryan Woodford. He was 2 yrs behind me in school. He was a sophomore in spring of 99. Does that make sense? Wouldn't he be older than 24? Maybe not. If this is the same guy, it doesn't sound like him. He was white and nerdy. :shrug: Could be him though.

He graduated with me in 2001... and I'm 24 :shrug:

But your right, he was a total dork in high school...

And I promise you now, as a father, if all this is true, I'll bust him right in the mouth IF I ever see him again. I haven't seen him since graduation.

Granted, its not the right thing to do, but got news for ya, now that I am a father, and I know how my daughter means to me, it won't take much for me to knock someones ass out that does this crap.


Well-Known Member
If it is the same guy, I too went to school with him. I find it hard to believe he would do that that, he was never like that in school. Hell, a few months ago he called me about a reference for a job. I gues people can change.....

Now, to another topic...... Cowgirl, I'm thinking i know you. Did you graduate from LHS in '99 and now live on the Eastern shore?

I think I know who you are, too!! :howdy: I'll PM you!!


Well-Known Member
He graduated with me in 2001... and I'm 24 :shrug:

But your right, he was a total dork in high school...

Yeah, I mean, the times I talked to him, he seemed like a nice kid. I wonder what happens to make someone snap? I mean, sure, kids can be VERY overwhelming, but why can't you just put them in their crib and walk away? :confused: Or call someone for help!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I mean, the times I talked to him, he seemed like a nice kid. I wonder what happens to make someone snap? I mean, sure, kids can be VERY overwhelming, but why can't you just put them in their crib and walk away? :confused: Or call someone for help!!!

Check his rap sheet. There's a list of burglary and pot charges. Not that either are a violent crime but he's no angel and it takes a special someone to have burglary charges.


Well-Known Member
Check his rap sheet. There's a list of burglary and pot charges. Not that either are a violent crime but he's no angel and it takes a special someone to have burglary charges.

That's nuts. I guess his life has drastically changed since I knew him. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
That's nuts. I guess his life has drastically changed since I knew him. :ohwell:

It happens. I've seen a few people from HS that went totally downhill. It's sad. However, I so enjoy seeing those hot jerk football players now that they look like crap. I was amazed at the amount of beer guts I saw at my reunion. :lmao:


I can tell you one thing, if I get a call from St. Mary's Detention Center from this guy looking for representation, I have a few choice words for him and the answer is NO, we will NOT represent you. :slamphonedown: Also, I am wondering if this guy is related to Kathy Woodford, the Principal at Piney Point Elementary School, where my son goes....


I can tell you one thing, if I get a call from St. Mary's Detention Center from this guy looking for representation, I have a few choice words for him and the answer is NO, we will NOT represent you. :slamphonedown: Also, I am wondering if this guy is related to Kathy Woodford, the Principal at Piney Point Elementary School, where my son goes....

Ryan is her son


Ryan is her son

Wow, can you even imagine having a son that did something like this pos did? Especially when you dedicate your own life, day in & day out, to helping children? I feel so bad for this child, as well as for Ryan's family. People don't seem to think of the consequences of their actions before doing stupid things. I'm sure he'll get what's coming to him in jail. It's too bad they don't leave him in DC with all those gang bangers.