Anyone Live on Tomohawk Trail West?


New Member
Ladies the house is on Tomahawk Trail West and it is a split foyer and on a sloped lot, quite a few trees, but the image on it looks green. The MLS is #CA4501446 so take a look and let me know if it is one that either of you have seen.


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PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kirsten
Ladies the house is on Tomahawk Trail West and it is a split foyer and on a sloped lot, quite a few trees...
That sounds like the one I saw. Do you have a link for the pic? :shrug:


My Sweetest Boy
I saw it but I couldn't see a picture of the house. How large is the lot? For that price, you certainly can do better in the county, although I don't know much about exactly where it's located.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Who took that pic? Sheesh! :lmao:

I still can't tell you positively if that's the house I saw because I looked up thru the driveway, so I could actually see the house.

From the pic, that one doesn't even look like it has shutters on it. It doesn't look green to me but everything else does. :wink:

Too hard to tell, sorry.


New Member
I know its an AWFUL picture. None of the realtor webites have much information on it. I am betting around .25 of an acre size lot, that seems to be the norm for the older homes. They originally listed it for $175 so there is negotiating room there. I will be most anxious to see what Hubby thinks of it. I wish my realtor would call me about the one in St Leonard. Cattitude you still haven't told me what you mean by issues in Nostalgia.


New Member
Well hubby went and looked at both, he didn't like the one in Saint Leonard that was more in our price range and from what he told me there is no way the one on Tomahawk Trail West would work for us. I have a 5.5 year old son and 2 year old twins so I need decent size bedrooms and he said one of the rooms is a closet and the laundry room has an issue, the dryer can't be used because when they remodeled the downstairs they put in a master bath and bedroom suite but the bath blocked the vent for the dryer. So you can wash but not dry, plus the neighborhood is a bit overcrowded for his tastes. Ah well we just keep hunting. I hate this, have I mentioned that I hate this?:rolleyes:


New Member
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, now lets just hold on here. Weren't you the one from up north that spent about 5 pages on the HOA thread completely trashing HOAs? And talkin about how you'll never live in one?

And now you're looking at CRE? Sweetheart, I think you're a little confused or a little misleading, one or the other.


Nothing to see here
Think you ought to go back and re-read...Trashing HOAs and preferring not to live in an HOA community are 2 different things..:rolleyes:


New Member
Http I also said I will have to put up with HOA's if I want to get my children into that school district. And yes I would REALLY rather not be in an HOA, however there don't seem to be many homes in neighborhoods that aren't HOA run that we can afford. Now we could always try our hand at buying land and putting up our own home but I was also trying to avoid spending a year apart. So Http I am neither confused or misleading. I don't want an HOA, have opened our search up to include St. Mary's county and will deal with its school system to get around them. However in all it is a moot point since most of the houses now on the market are out of our price range or go so fast we can't even get a showing on them before they are under contract. So that is my explanation for why we are even looking at homes in HOA's. I still rather not be in one and if I can find a home that hubby is willing to buy outside an HOA, since he is not really interested in living in an HOA neighborhood either, you better believe I will be buying it.


New Member
Originally posted by otter
Think you ought to go back and re-read...Trashing HOAs and preferring not to live in an HOA community are 2 different things..:rolleyes:

No, I don't need to go back and re-read. I wasted a whole day in that debate, I remember it well. She both trashed AND preferred not living in a HOA. She was adamant, serious and factual yet condescending, joking and ridiculing at the same time.

Now grant it, I have no problem with any of that, as we all came to the conclusion that everyone is different, for instance, me and someone like Kyle. But I also feel that 90% of everyone talks entirely too much about nothing, 90% of the time. Why waste the carpal tunnel fighting about something when ultimately you're going to go against your whole principle of the conversation. If SHE had read the first few threads from myself and others, and please don't make me re-post, all of her questions were answered. But no, she dragged it out and ultimately came around to the dark side anyway.

People who whine just to hear themselves whine or ask questions and do nothing but argue with the responses are annoying.


New Member
Originally posted by http
No, I don't need to go back and re-read. I wasted a whole day in that debate, I remember it well.
People who whine just to hear themselves whine or ask questions and do nothing but argue with the responses are annoying.

So I am not the only who whines to hear themselves whine am I? I just whined against your beliefs that is what bugs you more than anything isn't it. If I had been "whining" in favor of HOA's you wouldn't have been nearly as annoyed!


New Member
Originally posted by Kirsten
So I am not the only who whines to hear themselves whine am I? I just whined against your beliefs that is what bugs you more than anything isn't it. If I had been "whining" in favor of HOA's you wouldn't have been nearly as annoyed!

Not at all. I love arguing with people who point out intelligent alternatives to my beliefs. That's why I'm on message boards in the first place. Rarely do I engage in yippity yap boards. I always get on boards where I think I can help people, most of which SxyPrincess immediately points out how I'm 5 minutes late, or boards that I can debate on because of the intellectual stimulus.

However if you were unyieldingly defending HOAs, and then you turn around in another thread yahooing about how you just bought a house off of a rural drive with no Assoc., yea, I would question your overall integrity for defending HOAs in the first place. My whole point is, and I said it in a response, that "it [just] wasn't a big deal", I've done both with and without. Then you and a couple of other people jumped down my throat. Now you obviously don't think its all that big a deal either; that's all.

And I apologize, I don't mean to say that you are an annoying person, I really just meant the whole topic became annoying once you decided that HOAs were among the top of your search.


New Member
Alright I apologize as well, and if I didn't come off as clearly as I should have I am sorry. I really don't think HOA's are great, it is the town and county pushing their responsibilities to their citizens off on HOA's. (My dad and I had a long discussion about the similarities in HOA charters to the bylaws and zoning laws that towns enforce or don't up here). I also said early on in that debate that I was trying to get the lesser/most relaxed of all the HOA's since there didn't seem to be any way around them. I am relying on the information from the Realtors' websites and I don't see many homes listed on them that are not included in HOA's. I was wondering about the one in Lusby on this street because the picture on the realtor's website was horrendous. I also had mentioned that I would deal with an HOA if it meant getting my kids into Calvert County Schools because supposedly they have more $$$ to spend per pupil. As a parent you put up with things that ordinarily you wouldn't for the sake of your children wouldn't you agree? I don't mean to come off bitchy, I am tired and had a long night so I am not up for another fight. And I am not Happily looking at properties in HOA's but they seem to be the only ones readily listed on various realty websites. So it is a matter of personal sacrifice for the benefit of my kids and also keeping the drive time down to work for my hubby. I would have loved the one in St. Leonard, big piece of land, needed more work but no HOA, so overall my belief is still the same, but the situation I have been dealt requires having to sacrifice some of it to get what I want for the rest of my family.