Anyone looking to half lease a horse?


My real name.

You don't agree with what I say??? Really, because those are the facts of how horses reproduce and live in the wild. Get a book.

"... regardless of however the horses would live in the wild - then it would still be their own lives, and uncaring humans have violated the lives of the horse by turning the horses into the forced slavery."



New Member
"... regardless of however the horses would live in the wild - then it would still be their own lives, and uncaring humans have violated the lives of the horse by turning the horses into the forced slavery."


What's the matter cannot admit you were wrong? :killingme


Active Member
"... regardless of however the horses would live in the wild - then it would still be their own lives, and uncaring humans have violated the lives of the horse by turning the horses into the forced slavery."


Wow.. You need an education!
My horses are fed twice a day, snack all day long, manicures every four weeks, two checkups every year... They don't have to work every day, buy groceries, clean or do the laundry...

I eat once a day, have a snack couple of times a day, never had a manicure in my life and I get one annual checkup a year. I pay for all the groceries, do all the cleaning and the laundry...

Now that I see it, my horses get better treatment than I do!



New Member
If the horses were free then they would mate with another horse of their own choice, and every two mated horses would raise their own colts, and become grandparents and each horse would have their own family and extended family, as that is their right to life / right to live.

horses are loving and friendly animals that are not known to ever purposely hurt anything

Cool story bro. My horse used to fart butterflies and poop rainbows before I enslaved him :popcorn:


I think the best thing for you to do is leave the forums to the horse people. These forums are set up for people who have serious questions regarding HORSES! Everyone has the right to an opinion, BUT if you don't agree with the individuals that own horses, than my best advice is to be quiet. Some of these questions asked are very serious, and sir you don't know the horse community very well. WE will attack any idiot that puts horses down in a heart beat. So, again leave quietly and go bother someone elses forum to get a rise out of them. There is no room for ignorance here.


My real name.

I think the best thing for you to do is leave the forums to the horse people. These forums are set up for people who have serious questions regarding HORSES! Everyone has the right to an opinion, BUT if you don't agree with the individuals that own horses, than my best advice is to be quiet. Some of these questions asked are very serious, and sir you don't know the horse community very well. WE will attack any idiot that puts horses down in a heart beat. So, again leave quietly and go bother someone elses forum to get a rise out of them. There is no room for ignorance here.

I myself have very real concerns for the horses.

It seems rather peculiar that the so called "horse people" only want to know of their own self flattery and self praise while rejecting any claim that they are the ones doing wrong.

I figure the person who started this thread will find some one to "half lease a horse" because they do not much care about the true ethical treatment of such animals.

Carry on.



New Member
I myself have very real concerns for the horses.

It seems rather peculiar that the so called "horse people" only want to know of their own self flattery and self praise while rejecting any claim that they are the ones doing wrong.

I figure the person who started this thread will find some one to "half lease a horse" because they do not much care about the true ethical treatment of such animals.

Carry on.


So, the magic wand is waived, you are supreme ruler.

What's your realistic plan to liberate all domestic horses?


My real name.

So, the magic wand is waived, you are supreme ruler.

What's your realistic plan to liberate all domestic horses?

Honestly - it is NOT a matter of liberating the horses - no, it is a matter of liberating the humans away from the cold cruel mentality and the selfish hearts which infect the human beings.

As to a magic wand and a supreme ruler = that is the idea behind this: thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, which is also like this below:

6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

10 And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.

KJV, Isaiah 11:6-10

The horses are just one of the many different victims of our assorted human evils, and so I have no grand solution of my own.



Active Member
I myself have very real concerns for the horses.

It seems rather peculiar that the so called "horse people" only want to know of their own self flattery and self praise while rejecting any claim that they are the ones doing wrong.

I figure the person who started this thread will find some one to "half lease a horse" because they do not much care about the true ethical treatment of such animals.

Carry on.


Leasing is actually a smarter thing to do and I always try to talk new horse owners into this option before making a long term commitment...

Often times, They do not realize how much time and money is involved to properly care for a horse. There are some kids who want a horse but later lose interest and the horse suffers as a result.... The lease allows them a way out when they realize they have gotten in over their heads so they are not stuck with a horse they no longer want or need.

For new horse owners, even a half lease is better than being stuck later and the horse suffering as a result......



Podunk FL
My horse had such a rough life in the wild that when I go see him he wants his cookies and drops his head for scratches. Your an idiot. Go pay your child support for your childern.


My real name.

My horse had such a rough life in the wild that when I go see him he wants his cookies and drops his head for scratches. Your an idiot.

I do not see why anyone with a decent regard for the truth would ever see the horse bowing its head to mean that it wants you to scratch its head.

Far more ethically sound is that the horse is sorry to see that intrusive human returning over and over again to put your nasty human hands onto its body.

Apparently you think that the horse is an idiot too.

And you say the horse wants your human style cookies, as if the horse needing to feed is some show of affection to its human captor - well it is not.

When I was in jail and the guards brought us our food, then we had to eat whatever they handed to us, and very seldom did any prisoner thank the guards for feeding us. Just FYI.

Go pay your child support for your childern.

The same thing from you is here with this too, because I do not owe any Child Support, and nobody is wanting any Child Support from me.

You simply make claims and dribble based on your own empty and baseless projections.

Link = Psychological Projection the Codependent's secret Weapon.



Lem Putt
Wirelessly posted (Change we can believe in!)

Jimmy, this thread was strarted for a legitimate purpose, not for you to ramble about pure stupidity. Why do you have to screw everything up? Confine your ramblings to appropriTe places.


My real name.

Jimmy, this thread was started for a legitimate purpose, not for you to ramble about pure stupidity. Why do you have to screw everything up? Confine your ramblings to appropriate places.

You are the one of us two who are NOT talking about the given thread subject.

I myself am very concerned about the horse, and about the sinful humans who mistreat the animals.



Crazy Guy

Ok sir we heard you the first time, second time, thirt time etc...... Here is the thing. We asked you to leave and we ment it. Now leave our forums. Another thing, while you where in jail I don't care if you get fed dog food or a Ritz cracker. You did a crime that you don't deserve to get a choice. People like you have screwed up our society with your ingnorance and then you come here and push what you believe to a great community of people. You have no idea that you entered the lions den. We don't care what you think or believe! What you really need to do is preach your ideas to other peopel who will respond to you. (don't know who and don't really care). NOW GET OUT OF HERE! Your clogging up the forum for people who have serious questions and concerns about their horse. BEAT IT! Take your crazy issues to some place else!
