Anyone use Kure spine specialists?


Active Member
Looking for opions if you use(d) Kure practice for pain managment. Specifically chronic back pain and if they were able to help, how long treatments lasted and how often you had to go for treatment.
Have you tried chiropractor? My chiro took care of my backpain. Winters in C.H. is good. I used Dr. Kline in 'dorf for years. He was GREAT. Insurance wouldn't cover him, so I switched to Winters.


Well-Known Member
Looking for opions if you use(d) Kure practice for pain managment. Specifically chronic back pain and if they were able to help, how long treatments lasted and how often you had to go for treatment.

I have not, but have been referred to them. I am interested in reviews as well. As far as chiropractors go, I swear by Dr. Jay Lipoff. That man works wonders! His office is super friendly and their hours are great!


Active Member
Have you tried chiropractor? My chiro took care of my backpain. Winters in C.H. is good. I used Dr. Kline in 'dorf for years. He was GREAT. Insurance wouldn't cover him, so I switched to Winters.

Yep, tried Chiro, physical therapy, meds, orthopedic spec., massage. Nothing has worked so far but then it's been somewhere around 20 years give or take that I've been dealing with the issue.


Registered User
Yep, tried Chiro, physical therapy, meds, orthopedic spec., massage. Nothing has worked so far but then it's been somewhere around 20 years give or take that I've been dealing with the issue.

Stupid question, but have you had an MRI done recently?


aka Mrs. Giant
Looking for opions if you use(d) Kure practice for pain managment. Specifically chronic back pain and if they were able to help, how long treatments lasted and how often you had to go for treatment.

If you are referring to the place in Leonardtown, I went there once. My experience:

I arrived early with all the paperwork they requested, with many questions I found inappropriate, filled out. The ladies at the window didn't know what to do with the paperwork. They gave me sheets back, asked for sheets back, gave me sheets back, gave me sheets back. It was a clusterfck. They copied my drivers license and insurance card. Then I sat and waited and waited and waited.

That's when I saw the clients were mostly seniors. Everybody was treated rudely. They refused to make one very senior lady an appointment and told her to make it online. I doubt she knew what online was. She got very flustered and asked if she could just come back and make it and they told her to just call. She said she just wanted to ensure the appt, but they were rude to her. *That* pissed me off.

Then I sat and waited and waited and waited some more. I heard the staff discussing that they had overbilled somebody and oh well, not a big deal. Oh this one got charged twice on her credit card, might want to fix that but didn't know how....etc...Made me wonder how much cash I had in my pocket, because I didn't want these people messing with my checking / credit card.

I finally get called to see the doctor. After going through a very unstandard Q&A session, due to my neurological condition, the "doctor" said he couldn't treat me. He suggested upping my current medication through my neurologist.

However, this didn't stop him from recommending I come back in 6 months for a follow up appointment. WTF???

I was actually a little hot about this entire experience. I called my doctor's office and complained. She thought my experience was going to be totally different, and she was also disappointed. I suggested that she not recommend this place if she didn't know what they were actually doing.

Then a few days later I receive a phone call from a "pharmacy" about my "prescription". I thought it was something bogus and then asked for a number to call back. It was the Kure pharmecy in Annapolis and the "doctor" had recommended a cream for my skin. Sure, go ahead and send it.

But, why didn't the "doctor" write me a prescription so I could have it filled? I also have a personal rule that all my prescriptions get written out and then I take them to my main doctor to ensure that the prescription doesn't conflict with any other medications I'm on.

I was supposed to use a pea sized amount of this cream to cover the entire left side of my body. :eyebrow: Anymore would be toxic. That was the instructions. My husband and I looked it up and all it was was a mixed up OTC herbal blend. Nothing in it that was medicated. BTW it didn't do shiyt.

However, this didn't stop this so called pharmacy from trying to refill my "prescription" every freaking week. I kept telling them no.

As I discussed with my husband, I really feel this place is a scam. Especially for elderly patients who tend to not question the wisdom of their "doctors". It only seemed to be a way to make money off people who were in pain.

I would not recommend them and suggest other options if available.
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Active Member
If you are referring to the place in Leonardtown, I went there once. I would not recommend them and suggest other options if available.

Thanks for all the details. They have an office in Waldorf too but your review doesn't give me much confidence that they will be any better...sigh


Registered User
None of my doctors would ever request approval for one through my insurance...

Push the issue. You don't ask a doctor, you tell a doctor you need a MRI otherwise they are flailing around blindly and prescribing medication when they don't even know what is going on. There are many factors/causes/issues that can cause chronic back pain.

The most common is herniated/ruptured discs and they cause pain to travel up your spine and down your legs. Before you consider pain management which usually entails a set of injections, you need to know what and where the cause/pain is originating from. On the more drastic and scary side, cysts and tumors that branch out and into your spine can cause it.

Sometimes you have to tell the doctor what needs to be done instead of the other way around.


Registered User
If you are referring to the place in Leonardtown, I went there once.
I would not recommend them and suggest other options if available.

OMG Thank you so much for this information! I just had a new MRI done and my next step after the doc finally gets around to calling me..(fume fume grumble grumble I need to find a new fam doc) is to have PM and this is the same people she referred.

This isn't my first trip to PM (Pain management) and I wish I was still in P'cola for this because they were AMAZING and extremely detailed in all explanations.

I sure as hell don't need some dimwit messing with my back.


Well-Known Member
Push the issue. You don't ask a doctor, you tell a doctor you need a MRI otherwise they are flailing around blindly and prescribing medication when they don't even know what is going on. There are many factors/causes/issues that can cause chronic back pain.

The most common is herniated/ruptured discs and they cause pain to travel up your spine and down your legs. Before you consider pain management which usually entails a set of injections, you need to know what and where the cause/pain is originating from. On the more drastic and scary side, cysts and tumors that branch out and into your spine can cause it.

Sometimes you have to tell the doctor what needs to be done instead of the other way around.


You need to find a new doctor. I cannot imagine a doctor not asking you to get a MRI. It's a necessity when you're diagnosing the severity of back problems.


Registered User

You need to find a new doctor. I cannot imagine a doctor not asking you to get a MRI. It's a necessity when you're diagnosing the severity of back problems.

Our family doc is about (insert negative comment here).

I had a sonogram and C-scan done of my abdomen because I was having severe issues. Cysts were found on my ovaries and her conclusion was “We will watch it and see what happens.” KNOWING I have already been through cancer treatments once.

She misdiagnosed my husband with a hernia. We went to a specialist in Georgetown and the specialist said and I quote, "She should know this is not a hernia. I seriously doubt her competence as a doctor for such a stupid mistake."

Then she wanted my son to see a podiatrist for an ingrown toenail. :twitch: (We did go because the infection was not getting better (2 weeks), got antibiotics and the infection is gone and the toenail is growing out just fine.)

Now I have had the herniated/ruptured disc since I was 22 because of an accident. Most times I can tolerate the pain because I have a fairly high threshold and I refuse to take medications for it unless it is to the point that I can’t move.

Normally the pain lasts no more than two weeks. The week before last I told her I need an MRI to find out what’s going on because I have been on “bed-rest” (said laughingly because I can’t sit still) for the past month. Right now I am on week seven and the pain has not gone away. The MRI results should have been back Friday. I called yesterday and they said, “They will call me.”


Oh...I forgot to mention they have double billed me more than once...and charged me for diagnostic services which are covered by my medical with no copay. :burning:

So...Anyone know of a good family doctor?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Push the issue. You don't ask a doctor, you tell a doctor you need a MRI otherwise they are flailing around blindly and prescribing medication when they don't even know what is going on. There are many factors/causes/issues that can cause chronic back pain.

That. I even paid for x-rays and an MRI out of pocket to force things along and get some problems with my back taken care of.

The results of the MRI came as a bit of a shock...turned out to be a bunch of things that were messed up.


Registered User
That. I even paid for x-rays and an MRI out of pocket to force things along and get some problems with my back taken care of.

The results of the MRI came as a bit of a shock...turned out to be a bunch of things that were messed up.



Well-Known Member
Migtig - thanks for all that input on KARE. My mothers (who is 84) doctor is recommending her to go there for her back and hip pain. Now I don't think so.....


aka Mrs. Giant
Migtig - thanks for all that input on KARE. My mothers (who is 84) doctor is recommending her to go there for her back and hip pain. Now I don't think so.....

This was my experience, and I stress it's made off having being to several different doctor offices both in our area and up the road.

I think if she wants to go, I'd go with her and see how they treat her. But I'd also ask her doctor how many local patients have provided positive feedback on the place.

I really think doctors in our area are excited to have a local "pain management" office and since it's new, the area doctors just don't seem to be aware of what kind of place they are recommending. Admittedly, the idea is great. But if possible I'd go up the road to a real established pain management location.


Registered User
I got my results back for my MRI and I am so not impressed.
Nurse: Your results show that your L5-S1 is moderate to severely herniated and ruptured.
Me: I all ready knew that.
Nurse: Uh...
Me: So did the MRI show anything else?
Nurse: I don't know, I just have the notes.
Me: Do the notes state anything else?
Nurse: Let me look.
Me: What about the large white mass on my liver or the cysts on my spine the doc said I had?
Nurse: What side of the body?
Me: Are you f*ing kidding me?
Nurse: Uhh
Me: Ok so whats the next step?
Nurse: You need to go to pain management.



New Member
I got my results back for my MRI and I am so not impressed.
Nurse: Your results show that your L5-S1 is moderate to severely herniated and ruptured.
Me: I all ready knew that.
Nurse: Uh...
Me: So did the MRI show anything else?
Nurse: I don't know, I just have the notes.
Me: Do the notes state anything else?
Nurse: Let me look.
Me: What about the large white mass on my liver or the cysts on my spine the doc said I had?
Nurse: What side of the body?
Me: Are you f*ing kidding me?
Nurse: Uhh
Me: Ok so whats the next step?
Nurse: You need to go to pain management.


Nurses aren't qualified to read an MRI or the results, really.... some may be smart enough to do it... but as a rule they are not trained in that area.

I would suggest you have a talk with the doctor.... and please get a second opinion. A large white mass on your liver might be a cyst... this is true but it might also be benign....

You need an appointment with your doctor and another doctor.... the large white mass on you liver would require a gastroenterologist and the cysts on your spine would require a neurologist or an orthopedic doctor.

Dr. Haque is my gastroenterologist. He's in Calvert. Dr. Cirrillo is my orthopedic doctor. Both are excellent in my book.... As for surgery etc., I go out of the area... I go to GWU.



Registered User
Nurses aren't qualified to read an MRI or the results, really.... some may be smart enough to do it... but as a rule they are not trained in that area.

I would suggest you have a talk with the doctor.... and please get a second opinion. A large white mass on your liver might be a cyst... this is true but it might also be benign....

You need an appointment with your doctor and another doctor.... the large white mass on you liver would require a gastroenterologist and the cysts on your spine would require a neurologist or an orthopedic doctor.

Dr. Haque is my gastroenterologist. He's in Calvert. Dr. Cirrillo is my orthopedic doctor. Both are excellent in my book.... As for surgery etc., I go out of the area... I go to GWU.


I agree 100%. Another Doctor. What killed me was the nurse didn't know where the liver is at...

I'm in the process of finding new doctors. I have no faith in my current one.