Ok.. I liked Jillian on the Bachelor up until the last like 3 shows.. I just wanna in the back of her head! Why does she keep Wes?!?! How many times and how many people need to tell her Wes is only there for his career promotion and hes gotta g/f.. I really liked Jake.. she got rid of him.. I thought she really liked Jesse.. she got rid of him and Michael - which I liked Michael but didn't see a real spark from her towards him, and she kept Ed who came back. She should've kept Jesse and got rid of Wes. What the heck is going on ?!?!? Poor Jake, he tried telling her. and I know people are going to say - its a reality show, its a show, its all made up stuff anyway, why do u watch that stuff.. I watched it b/c I liked her on the Bachelor.. anybody else watching it????? Whose ur pick? I like Kipton..