Anyone watching the Bachelorette??


OMG, hes an azz.. (Wes).. I think she really likes Ed too but alittle hestitant since he left and came back.. I really liked Jake as well, and hope he'd be the next Bachelor.. but doesn't Jake come back towards the end and propose or something when shes getting ready to make her decision?

I'm glad she finally woke up and sent Wes home to his girlfriend. What a jackazz he is! Like I said before, she should have kept Jake. Hopefully he'll be the next bachelor.

I really think Ed is gonna be the one. Kipton & Reed don't seem to be willing to commit right away, which is what she seems to want. If not, I think Kipton. For some reason, I just don't see Reed being the last man standing. We'll see. Stupid reality shows! They rope me in!! :lol:


She got rid of Reed last night.. so its down to Kipton and Ed.. She tried getting Reed to open up and talk to her about feelings and things and he tried.. some people have a hard time opening up and talking about that kinda stuff.. so she let him go.. next week is the "Men Tell All" show.. But with the previews I think somethings going to happen..I thought from previous previews that Jake came back and tried talking to Jillian but last night it sounded like someone revealed another secret and she was upset and not sure how to handle it.. so I don't know.. ???

Missed it again last night, went to the soccer game at Regency Stadium, who went home and who is left. Must be down to final two.


New Member
She got rid of Reed last night.. so its down to Kipton and Ed.. She tried getting Reed to open up and talk to her about feelings and things and he tried.. some people have a hard time opening up and talking about that kinda stuff.. so she let him go.. next week is the "Men Tell All" show.. But with the previews I think somethings going to happen..I thought from previous previews that Jake came back and tried talking to Jillian but last night it sounded like someone revealed another secret and she was upset and not sure how to handle it.. so I don't know.. ???

It was funny last night when she massaged Ed to sleep:lol: I think it was the way they edited and put the clips together made it more dramatic than it was but then they show her outside getting upset on the bench worried that they did not have enough chemistry. I think he was just exhuasted and had maybe too much to drink.
Not sure who she should choose but next week there is supposed to be some kind of shocking confession.
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Well-Known Member
She got rid of Reed last night.. so its down to Kipton and Ed.. She tried getting Reed to open up and talk to her about feelings and things and he tried.. some people have a hard time opening up and talking about that kinda stuff.. so she let him go.. next week is the "Men Tell All" show.. But with the previews I think somethings going to happen..I thought from previous previews that Jake came back and tried talking to Jillian but last night it sounded like someone revealed another secret and she was upset and not sure how to handle it.. so I don't know.. ???

Thanks for the update.:buddies:


At the Men Tell All or the finale? if its the Men Tell All, I bet that confession will be from Wes saying he has a g/f and was only there for his career.. I tell u what, I would never EVER buy his music after seeing what type of person he is.. NO WAY..

It was funny last night when she massaged Ed to sleep:lol: I think it was the way they edited and put the clips together made it more dramatic than it was but then they show her outside getting upset on the bench worried that they did not have enough chemistry. I think he was just exhuasted and had maybe too much to drink.
Not sure who she should choose but next week there is supposed to be some kind of shocking confession.


ITS ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: I knew it.. I can't believe - I thought it was Jake coming back - not Reed... wow..


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
WTF was Reid thinking, showing up at the last minute, after she already dumped him and made her decision? In a suit and tennis shoes! :dork:


Well-Known Member
WTF was Reid thinking, showing up at the last minute, after she already dumped him and made her decision? In a suit and tennis shoes! :dork:

I know. He's trying to show her that he's serious an committed but shoes up dressing like a slob?

P.S. Her and Ed will not make it. She had the passion with Kypton (however the #### you spell that name). She should have gone for him. :yay:


Well-Known Member
I know. He's trying to show her that he's serious an committed but shoes up dressing like a slob?

P.S. Her and Ed will not make it. She had the passion with Kypton (however the #### you spell that name). She should have gone for him. :yay:

She sure did alot smooching with Kypton. Make-up people sure had to do alot of touching up, crying after she let Kypton go, then lots of crying and red eyes and hands through her hair with Reed, and then amazingly when Ed comes in finally, all wide eyed and bushy tailed no signs of upset. :faint::lmao:


I have never watched this show. Does the chick basically date a herd of guys and narrows the field down to a few then boink them and decide which one she wants to keep?


Well-Known Member
I have never watched this show. Does the chick basically date a herd of guys and narrows the field down to a few then boink them and decide which one she wants to keep?

yes. tonight on fox is the premier of "more to love". same concept as bachelor/bachelorette except w/ fat/women of larger size. :yay:


I have never watched this show. Does the chick basically date a herd of guys and narrows the field down to a few then boink them and decide which one she wants to keep?

Yeah, pretty much. Are you sure you've never seen the show? :lol: But what was strange this time is that she kept the one who she didn't boink and got rid of the one she did. :shrug:

But I'm not surprised she picked Ed. He was the one who she had no doubt would propose at the end. He seems like a good guy but we'll see how long it lasts.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretty much. Are you sure you've never seen the show? :lol: But what was strange this time is that she kept the one who she didn't boink and got rid of the one she did. :shrug:

But I'm not surprised she picked Ed. He was the one who she had no doubt would propose at the end. He seems like a good guy but we'll see how long it lasts.

I am assuming he was a bad lay :shrug: