
Well-Known Member
Boy you have a very active imagination. Because the may happen to 1 out of 100 kids we should show show no compassion for all asylum seekers?

Why do you continue to believe the scare mongering Trump and the GOP media tell you to believe?

Where is your humanity?
If it makes you feel better, take that part out.

They still come here illegally, get caught, and THEN claim asylum. We are not housing the ones who seek asylum at legal points of entry.

You r just like those people who say we should cut off food stamps and other benefit programs because they might be abused not caring about the 99% of people who need it and use it properly

You bitch and moan about contributing all the social safety nets and services and environmental protections we have in this country which makes us the great country we are and then call other countries crap holes for not having them.

Why do you want to turn america into a crap hole?

In fact, I've never claimed we should cut off those programs. I do think they're abused by far more than 1%, but probably not 50%. I think they should be supplemental help while one gets back on their feet and supports themselves and the system that helps them, not a way of life. BECAUSE I don't want America to turn into a crap hole.

Our country is great not for any "safety net" or environmental protections. Our country is great because we are the only nation known in the history of the earth that says, "you folks have rights because you exist, and the government can't take them away - government is here to protect your rights and should be minimally involved in your life." We are turning into a crap hole, slowly and not there yet, because we are moving away from that basic concept of the United States and her government.
How do you simultaneously not enter the county yet also enter the country to seek asylum moron?

It's really up at a port of entry, and when asked for your paperwork allowing you to come in legally you explain that you don't have any, but you would like to seek asylum.

It's like knocking on the door to someone's house and saying, "please let me in." You're at their house, and asking to enter legally.

The people that are detained are the ones who break the window of the house, climb in, and hide out in the closet hoping not to be found - then, when they're found, say, "may I come in, please?" The ones who knock on our door and say, "may I come in please" are given some paperwork and allowed to enter the country legally. They are physically present at the United States without having entered illegally.

It's really not a difficult concept.


PREMO Member
Where is your humanity?

for all your keening and wailing ... why did you vote against Border Security

Obama was giving speeches 10 yrs ago about problems on the southern border

Bitch about Trump - WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION ?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
for all your keening and wailing ... why did you vote against Border Security

Obama was giving speeches 10 yrs ago about problems on the southern border

Bitch about Trump - WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION ?
his solution is to let them all in and pay them out of the treasury to vote democrats into power.


Active Member
What a bunch of POS'S you Trump supporters are.



Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Let's add this wrt the back & forth over labor camps and extermination camps.

Apologies, in advance, if this was earlier/elsewhere posted.

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Well-Known Member
You'd think he'd at least learn not to make the same failed arguments as others:

Sap: They're refugees!!!

Everyone: Well, no, by law they're not even close to that.

Sap: Then, they're here legally seeking asylum!!!

Everyone: No, they're here illegally seeking asylum and incarcerated for illegally entering the country.

It's as if Sappy can't read, because the arguments Sap is making have already been proven wrong.
Well, he does keep pulling arguments directly out of his ass, so it's not like he's going to run out of material anytime soon.


PREMO Member

"You can call our government's detention of migrants many things, depending on how you see it. It's a stain on our nation, maybe. A necessary evil to others to deal with an untenable situation, perhaps. But do you know what you can't call it?" Todd said on Wednesday night.

He then rolled a clip of Ocasio-Cortez's Instagram Live stream during which she says: "The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border. And that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps."

Todd pointed out that Ocasio-Cortez, a self-described democratic socialist, later made a distinction between concentration camps and Nazi death camps used to murder millions of Jews and others during the Holocaust.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Why did Barry and the Congress make it a requirement to separate children? Why doesn't Congress fix all the reasons why? Why are you so stone ignorant of the actual facts on the ground at the border? Why don't you take another long pull on that vodka bottle?
I don't think it's vodka.


God bless the USA
I don't think it's vodka.

You are right. It is Kool-aid. Shades of Jim Jones. Hitler would be so proud, if he had not committed suicide because he was, actually, a coward. Irony, for sure. Mein Kamph, my foot! God bless the people who died, suffered, and still are alive after the holocausts that have plagued our world. The US is trying to help illegals, but it has become overwhelming. There is no doubt that major powerful and filthy rich people are funding this massive invasion to bring America to her knees. I guess the World still doesn’t understand who We really are, That is to their detriment.
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PREMO Member
Maybe it’s because their analogies are embarrassingly ignorant and intellectually lazy, or maybe it’s because people like Ocasio-Cortez, perhaps unknowingly, diminish the suffering of millions of dead. Or maybe it’s because my own grandfather was taken as slave labor in Austria.

Then again, maybe it’s because the comparison itself is a despicable smear of the American people.

It’s true that we’re not prepared for the crush of refugees on the southern border. While there is a border, however, we ask migrants who show up to follow existing laws, ones that are subject to the democratic process and the court system.

Sometimes we reacted ham-fistedly, even temporarily breaking up families who are transporting children without any oversight.

Some migrants have been abused, and some have died in our care. There is no excuse for it. Neither is sanctioned by the state.

If you believe any of this is morally equivalent to carting away millions of people to crematoriums for execution because their faith, your moral compass is irreparably broken.


Well-Known Member
Migrant children held at detention center are not entitled to Tootpaste, blankets or sleep argues Trump administration.

I know denying these are concentration camps makes it easier for you guys to ignore the human rights violations going on at the border but arguing over words when children are being treated this way is just a distraction

The government went to federal court this week to argue that it shouldn’t be required to give detained migrant children toothbrushes, soap, towels, showers or even half a night’s sleep inside Border Patrol detention facilities.

The position bewildered a panel of three judges in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on Tuesday, who questioned whether government lawyers sincerely believed they could describe the temporary detention facilities as “safe and sanitary” if children weren’t provided adequate toiletries and sleeping conditions. One circuit judge said it struck him as “inconceivable."



#*! boat!
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
So they were inviting more jews to immigrate to germany?

You are literally defending and sounding just like nazi

You are subhuman and not worth arguing with


Well-Known Member
Migrant children held at detention center are not entitled to Tootpaste, blankets or sleep argues Trump administration.

I know denying these are concentration camps makes it easier for you guys to ignore the human rights violations going on at the border but arguing over words when children are being treated this way is just a distraction

The government went to federal court this week to argue that it shouldn’t be required to give detained migrant children toothbrushes, soap, towels, showers or even half a night’s sleep inside Border Patrol detention facilities.

The position bewildered a panel of three judges in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on Tuesday, who questioned whether government lawyers sincerely believed they could describe the temporary detention facilities as “safe and sanitary” if children weren’t provided adequate toiletries and sleeping conditions. One circuit judge said it struck him as “inconceivable."

You'd think democrats would simply fund the agency to supply these things. Or, to send the people back home where they had toothbrushes, soap, towels, showers, and maybe more than a half night's sleep. Where they could file for refugee status at an embassy, or, come to a port of entry and seek legal entry to the United States by applying for asylum.

Too bad they chose to violate our laws, and face consequences instead. Horrible people those illegal alien parents that would do this to their children! :yay:


Well-Known Member
Migrant children held at detention center are not entitled to Tootpaste, blankets or sleep argues Trump administration.

I know denying these are concentration camps makes it easier for you guys to ignore the human rights violations going on at the border but arguing over words when children are being treated this way is just a distraction

The government went to federal court this week to argue that it shouldn’t be required to give detained migrant children toothbrushes, soap, towels, showers or even half a night’s sleep inside Border Patrol detention facilities.

The position bewildered a panel of three judges in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on Tuesday, who questioned whether government lawyers sincerely believed they could describe the temporary detention facilities as “safe and sanitary” if children weren’t provided adequate toiletries and sleeping conditions. One circuit judge said it struck him as “inconceivable."

From the link: "But although the conditions that were the subject of the 2017 ruling back to the Obama administration, ….Gee ruled in June 2017 that these Obama-era conditions ..."

So, we can fairly say that the Obama administration is the one who started these policies.

Sap, I'll believe you're actually upset about the illegal immigrants' fate when you say the Obama administration was wrong for these conditions the Trump administration is continuing - that obviously the Obama administration was as racist as you claim the Trump administration is.