Apology for Slavery-Second attempt

Do we owe an apology and money for slavery?

  • Yes (I am black)

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • Yes (I am not black)

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • No (I am black)

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • No (I am not black)

    Votes: 80 89.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


24/7 Single Dad
I think that reperations should consist of a seat on a military flight to Liberia and $100 to everyone that thinks their problems are due to conditions 100 years ago.

Military flight so there's no ticket to cash in.


Harley Rider
Pushrod said:
If the super-racist like Sharpton and Jackson would keep their yaps shut and the government would stop all this PC crap racism maybe would dissapear into the back corners of America!
A majority of blacks commit a majority of the violent crimes, there is no way around that. To blame the white population for the actions of the unner city underclass black people is absurd!
There are many blacks living an honest upstanding life in society, so there is no excuse for those that don't! :yeahthat:

The only reason that Sharptongue & Jackass cry racism is because they know that this sappy government will give into them. Anyone can succeed in life but it takes work. It's easier to say that we oppressed them when, actually, they started slavery! They don't want to hear that. Now, there are lots of blacks that are doctors and are in other high paying jobs because they made something of themselves, so the others have no excuse for their laziness! If the government would not give into them and enforce the laws properly, the problem would go away. I'm Italian but I don't EVER refer to myself as an Italian-American! I am an American and that's it. If you are something else first, the go back to that something else place! :high5:


Highlander's MPD
gumbo said:
Dear Dork
You have much to learn grasshopper.
First lesson a white heterosexual male must learn. Embrace and accept the fact that you are a sexiest, homophobic, raciest. It is your heritage, be proud that you have not excepted the politically correct lobotomy.
Don't label, but accept being labeled.

As for retribution. Millions, if not billions of tax paying Americans and governmental leaders migrated to America well after the fact.
Is the Government of today the same government of then?
Absolutely not! We had a civil war. So how can the government of today be responsible for the southern government of then, that doesn't exist any longer?
The thought problems that blacks have inherited were caused by the propaganda lies that them damn Yankees were telling to support their cause.
The big lie that still showing it's snowball effect today.
All wars use propaganda. The civil war was no different.
The Yankee's used the image of the mean plantation owner,abolish slavery.
They used this to cover up a bigger lie. The lie of taxation. The south was getting nothing for their taxes but yet the roads where getting paved and so on in the north. The south had had enough and divided it's self from the north. The north was saying where are we gonna get our cotton and food now?
Fact is, them Yanks had to make up a lie, they just couldn't come out admit that they have been spending all the south's tax money on themselves.
So still to this day we live and suffer the great American lie.
Because the fact is... The south had agreed years before the civil war to abolish slavery, machinery was a lot more cost effective.

Now did whites enslave blacks or did blacks enslave blacks? Did not blacks introduce slavery to America?
How else would have black people got to America?
They now live in the greatest country in the world only because of slavery. If it were not for slavery they wouldn't be here at all.

Fact is Africans were not sailors then and are not sailors today.
But lets just say they were and that three African ships full of half naked bone through nose's Africans set sail to the new land and landed in Boston.

Oh hell yea I can picture this. Americans would have welcomed the bush tribe and their bare chested women with open arms,,,then reloaded um.

We are talking about a nation that would torture and burned women for witch craft. A nation that killed our own for being non Christan. A nation that slaughtered Indians with a clear conscience, because they were non Christan heathens.

Booga Booga me Kounta Kentia come to live in land of free... yea OK..
At what point in American history would have Africans been accepted in America?

I would have rather they did migrate here, but I honestly believe that would have never happened.

Could have blacks flourished in America if it were not for slavery? Anyone with half of a brain cell knows the answer to this.

Now lets look at evelution..look at the blacks in the world in their natural inhabitant. I don't mean to sound cruel, but the fact is they are only one step up the evolution ladder from the cave man.
No where in the world has white people lived like tribal bush natives for how many century's? But because the white man forced the black man to evolve we owe them. OK I understand.. NOT!

Uuummmm????? What did you say? Can someone translate?

Fat Momma

Dork said:
So far I have been told that "most negros think they deserve an apology and money" and I was called a racist idiot. For what it's worth, I am white, have more non white friends than white. I work with super black people and don't have a problem with black people until they prove themselves to be stupid, lazy, and think they are owed something. Then again, I know white people I don't like for the same reason.

You are right. Most of my people do, but there are some of us that don't. No one owes me a thing, what happened then happened then. Those people that go around saying my people were slaves are full of d####. How the hell can we hold anyone accountable for things that were done bu other people to other people way back when?


New Member
Fat Momma said:
You are right. Most of my people do, but there are some of us that don't. No one owes me a thing, what happened then happened then. Those people that go around saying my people were slaves are full of d####. How the hell can we hold anyone accountable for things that were done bu other people to other people way back when?

Hi Fat Momma :howdy: :huggy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's a point...

...to ponder in order to form an opinion;

What would most slaves of 1860 have to say to descendants today and how they choose to live their lives?

What would most slave owners have to say to theirs?

What would the common man have to say?

Frederick Douglas said at the time in response to the constant opinions on what should be done and for blacks after they were freed, paraphrasing; Leave us alone. We want to be Americans.


Highlander's MPD
Geek said:
Don't make me sniff your armpit :mad:

:flowers: Geek, I'm not sure why you'd wanna sniff my armpit but I will take a shower just in case. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. :huggy:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
:howdy: Ancestors were poor Polish immigrants. Didn't own any slaves, don't owe anyone anything, and if you think I still do owe you something, I have 10 years of military service so far. Consider my portion paid.

Fat Momma

Considering the conditions they were living in before they came over, and still living in.... I consider myself lucky. I know it was hard and all but it was the times then. You can't change the past, just learn from it. Work for a better future and stop whining about how your people got the sham. People get the sham all the time. No one said life was easy. Get over it.

You are here now so live for now....again no one owes me anything. I think anyone who cries the slavery thing is olny doinig it for attention and to try and get something for free. For the three black people who voted yes, please help me understand why you think you should get something for free? If that is the case I am a victim of black on black crime. I think the other black people should pay me for my suffering and my mistrust of my own people.

I am more concerned over the press one for english press two for spainish.
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Highlander's MPD
Fat Momma said:
Considering the conditions they were living in before they came over, and still living in.... I consider myself lucky. I know it was hard and all but it was the times then. You can't change the past, just learn from it. Work for a better future and stop whining about how your people got the sham. People get the sham all the time. No one said life was easy. Get over it.

You are here now so live for now....again no one owes me anything. I think anyone who cries the slavery thing is olny doinig it for attention and to try and get something for free. For the three black people who voted yes, please help me understand why you think you should get something for free? If that is the case I am a victim of black on black crime. I think the other black people should pay me for my suffering and my mistrust of my own people.

I am more concerned over the press one for english press two for spainish.

I agree with you Fat Momma and would also like to know why a few people actually think they should get an apology or money. There's an idiot that keeps trying to get legislation passed so that black people don't have to pay income taxes. I just don't get it. When it comes to crime committed by black people, you can't blame them. Just listen to the media. It's all the Police's fault. :sarcasm: Police lock up, pull over and shoot more black people because they are ALL racists. Give me a break! Could it have something to do with them doing something wrong. I heard an officer tell someone once that he never wanted to have to shoot someone but if he did, he hopes the person isn't black (because he'd be raked over the coals). Anyway, the black people I know and hang out with don't get locked up or have any problem with the Police. I can't say they never get tickets. One of my buddies just got a speeding ticket about two weeks ago. Guess what! He was speeding.

I also concerned abou the Press 1 for English thing. What country is this? I am actually learning spanish using the Rosetta Stone software and it's really helping. I want to learn spanish to help me commuicate with the hispanic people I know and run into daily but I still think they should be learning English if they are planning to stay here. Oh, and how can we give driver's licenses to Illegal Aliens? What part of Illegal am I missing?

Isn't it time we classify Liberalism as a mental disorder? As soon as we do, someone can work on a cure! I'd send a donation to find that cure.

Fat Momma

Dork said:
I agree with you Fat Momma and would also like to know why a few people actually think they should get an apology or money. There's an idiot that keeps trying to get legislation passed so that black people don't have to pay income taxes. I just don't get it. When it comes to crime committed by black people, you can't blame them. Just listen to the media. It's all the Police's fault. :sarcasm: Police lock up, pull over and shoot more black people because they are ALL racists. Give me a break! Could it have something to do with them doing something wrong. I heard an officer tell someone once that he never wanted to have to shoot someone but if he did, he hopes the person isn't black (because he'd be raked over the coals). Anyway, the black people I know and hang out with don't get locked up or have any problem with the Police. I can't say they never get tickets. One of my buddies just got a speeding ticket about two weeks ago. Guess what! He was speeding.

I also concerned abou the Press 1 for English thing. What country is this? I am actually learning spanish using the Rosetta Stone software and it's really helping. I want to learn spanish to help me commuicate with the hispanic people I know and run into daily but I still think they should be learning English if they are planning to stay here. Oh, and how can we give driver's licenses to Illegal Aliens? What part of Illegal am I missing?

Isn't it time we classify Liberalism as a mental disorder? As soon as we do, someone can work on a cure! I'd send a donation to find that cure.

I think if you move to a county (any country) you adapt, if I moved to Germany, or anywhere for that matter IMO it is up to me to learn the lingo.

I ge what you are saying about the police too. If the dumbass what not out there commiting the crime then they would not have been busted. end of story. Dont mater what color you are wrong is wrong.

As for them not paying taxes....they need to rework and say not to live off taxes. Yeah I know white people are on welfare but not as many. I tell my people stop whining, stop looking for excuses, have some pride and join the rest of us that are out working for a living and trying to do the right thing.