Appetite Suppressors


New Member
I completely agree with you.....
Unfortunately not everyone is open to a mostly raw diet. Before I became pregnant I ate raw foods and I had the most energy and best mood.

I know nuts are great energy, SG, if you snack on raw walnuts, raw Brazil nuts, raw almonds, small bits of dark chocolate, Greek yogurt with cinnamon and flax oil, it would do wonders. Fish oil capsules are great also, especially for diabetics. Everyone can benefit from fish oil.

I tried that this weekend, and it was AWFUL!! I'd like to start eating Greek yogurt, do you have any other ideas?


New Member
No one even came close to answering her question? The best one is phentermine, and if you stay monitored and don't abuse it, it works wonders....

Phentermine DOES work great...and there is even a board for lots of support...BUT EVERYONE I know IRL that has been on Phen. has gained ALL of the weight back after taking it. I gained 18 lbs back after being on it, my mom gained 10 lbs back, and my best friend immediately started gaining and went back on it and began losing again.
It's all well and fine *IF* you can find a doctor to prescribe it (good luck) and IF you are well monitored on it. It made me have REALLLLLY major heart palpitations...but I liked the weight loss results while on it...