April 19th


In My Opinion
What happened to Italian Scallion?

I.S. Is doing fine.
He is helping a friend remodel a house, still doing his nightly radio show.
with the schedule he is keeping right now, he really has little time for any outside activities.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Actually, if it helps straighten things out, I think I brought up the nekkid womens.

:lol: ALL I said was the Meet & Greets were the ANTI-Tiki Bar experience and we liked it that way. Nothing about nekkid womens or anything or anyone else.

In FACT, if I recall correctly - last year the Friday Nighters were at CIP the night of the Tiki opening & we were pretty much commenting about the same thing, as we watched that Tiki taxi party bus (or whatever it's called) pull up in the parking lot.

Of course, that was after I showed off my tattoo when we were out on the veranda. :whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In FACT, if I recall correctly - last year the Friday Nighters were at CIP the night of the Tiki opening & we were pretty much commenting about the same thing, as we watched that Tiki taxi party bus (or whatever it's called) pull up in the parking lot.

OMG, you're right. And do you know what that means? Check your PMer in 5....4....3....2....


Well-Known Member
I.S. Is doing fine.
He is helping a friend remodel a house, still doing his nightly radio show.
with the schedule he is keeping right now, he really has little time for any outside activities.

Dude has a radio show? Does he do requests? I wanna hear some ol' school rap


In My Opinion
Have a house full of teen girls tonight,
Im hanging here to protect the property and kill any teen boys that might have lost their damn mind and think its a good idea to pull into my driveway.

I apologize in advance to anyone that loses a teen boy tonight