Are all Kennedys idiots?


Lovin' being Texican
Bustem' Down said:
I don't think they are all idiots. John Jr. was smart enough to stay out of politics.

But foolish enough to think he was a crack pilot. Kinda in the same vein as John Denver (another notorious idiot).


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Lenny said:
But foolish enough to think he was a crack pilot. Kinda in the same vein as John Denver (another notorious idiot).
John Jr. in bravado continued VFR flight into IFR conditions. That is a killer almost all the time. John Denver was not familiar with the airplane and lost control looking for the fuel valve to switch tanks. He forgot the first rule of flight; fly the airplane.


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PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Logic tells me there would be a worse terrorist threat because then they'd have nothing to lose. The US can refuse to do oil business with them all we want, but there are still a whole host of countries that would, not to mention that the UN would figure out a way to funnel money to them.

Besides, I thought most of our oil came from Canada?
The largest *single* supplier of oil does come from Canada - Alberta's rich shale oils. We still import a great deal of it from the Middle East.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hot N Bothered said:
Of course, parts of the Middle East are saying that Katrina is divine retribution from Allah
I wonder if they also see this earthquake as divine retribution from God?


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
I wonder if they also see this earthquake as divine retribution from God?
In all seriousness, something like this SHOULD make these fanatics wonder what their god is thinking.

river rat

Why did dinosaurs become extinct? I can assure you it wasn't man's fault. But it might have been warming or cooling or some other change in their environment. Adapt or die - that is nature and there's nothing you can do about it.[/QUOTE]
There were never any dinosaurs ...silly (except for "Barney")