Are Good Paying IT Jobs Dead?!


:moon:Getting paid 6.00 an hour sucks, but be thankfull you have a job. Also why is it a bad thing to work at a fast food place? If no one did it how would we eat out so cheap?



That was a very humorous quip regarding document shredding!  LOL!


I didn't mean to imply that fast food jobs suck.  However, I implied that at least fast food jobs offer fringe benefits in addition to low hourly pay.


I think you need to get a life, sit back, relaxe and maybe you might find a nice IT Job, I am sure there are some good ones out there.  Don't give up.  And yes that job was a little low, but it is good for people who are just starting out.  And it is also good for a person who is still in college.  You must remember this is not the 90's when you got stupid dollars.  Times have changed.  Trust me I know, I was making 42,000.00 a year then I lost my job.  As I said before,  grin and bear it, now I am making less, but I do have a nice job and some day I know I will be back on top.  Keep the faith my friend and smile.   :)      :dance:  :)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
There are two openings on the NAVAIR website for Information Technology Specialists, open to all US citizens.  Starting salary for the lowest graded position is 50K.


The Original Lilly
You see Warren it is a pretty simple system when hiring and staffing corporations large enough to actually need a "document scanner".  Menial pay for menial tasks.  If you are a person with an IT degree or experience you really shouldn't be applying for this job anyway.  It is for someone with little to no experience, that is why the pay is so low.  Very little is required.  If you start to pay outrageous salaries for menial jobs, pretty soon those overpaid employees start to feel that they are "above" thier own work and without education or experience to do anything else they become corporated placeholders who eventually get paid to do almost nothing.  
Besides it was a temporary position - why would fringe benefits be offered for a temp position?
Ken King,

Thank you for the information, it is nice to know that there are people out here that is willing to help others.

Thank you and you have a Great Day, and Weekend!

:dance:    :)   :clap:


Ken King,

Thanks for posting that job tip about NAVAIR.  Would you
know who are the points of contact for those positions?
FYI, I already have NAVAIR (and NAWCAD's) Human Resources
web page URL.  And, I bet you have to have an active security
clearance before you would be considered for those NAVAIR
positins, eh?

Even if you need a clearance, I think it was nice of Ken King to send some kind of support!  :cussing:
Men! Men! Men!
:moon:         :moon:            :moon:


LOL, brownbunny.  You're right about Ken King's supportive
post.  But you know how us guys are, we have to let
that testosterone FLOoooooooow!  LOL! :)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm confused :confused:  Why are we talking about IT companies when it's obvious by Diane's email address that she's with a CPA?  Bowles CPA, to be exact.  She didn't even <i>say</i> she was IT, unless you think that anyone who can turn on a computer or scan a document is an IT professional. :lol:

Warren, you're sitting here busting on Diane and emailing her about a job you're obviously over-qualified for - why should she waste her time getting into a pissing contest with you over email when she's just trying to hire some temp to scan docs?  And since you said she filled the position, that obviously means <i>someone</i> is willing to scan documents and make coffee for $6 an hour.



Many companies, although information technology (IT) is not their
main line of business, are very aware that successfull management
of IT (such as maintaining a document, ledger, customer, databases; management/upgrades of intranet and Email resources, etc.) is essential for their business survival and growth.  Indeed, Diane's
firm Email address has "CPA" in it.  Perhaps her firm is
on a mission to increase/improve their internal IT management and support capabilities? ;)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The announcements are DE-PAX-02-0142-NR closes the 19th of the month and DE-PAX-02-0162-NR closes the 28th of the month.

POC are Stella Lerro 215-408-5261 and Michelle DiBiase 215-408-4441

CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Selection for this position is contingent upon proof of U.S. Citizenship. Candidates selected must enroll in the Direct Deposit of Pay/Electronic Fund Transfer program. A background investigation may be required. Male applicants born after December 31, 1959, must certify that they have registered with the Selective Service System, or are exempt from having to do so under the Selective Service Law. Selectee may be required to take and pass a physical examination.

As you can see it says a background investigation MIGHT be required and the government does that.  As long as you have a clean background there should be no problem.


Ken King,

Thank you very much for following up and presenting both
of those NAWCAD position numbers and the respective
points-of contact (POCs). :)  I viewed both of those positions
on NAWCAD's Human Resources web page and used that site's resume builder
to submit my resume to both of those positions.  I'll keep my
fingers and toes crossed!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
One thing I would like to mention about those resume builders, is that they are computer read for term matching.  Also they allow for five pages (not counting the mandatory data sheet) of information so don't be skimpy on presenting yourself.  The more you can show you have the experience for the position the better your chances are of showing on a certification list.  If you have already submitted a standard one page resume I recommend you go back to the site and update your submission.  Try to work in the terminology contained within the announcement for the position description.  You would be amazed how that will improve your shot at getting the position.  Only you can show that you are the one for the job and this initial cut is significant.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Another recommendation for those appyling for a Federal position is to go to the OPM site and check out the Classification Guide.  This gives you a breakdown of the grading of a position to include experience and supervisory controls, this is done by series.  It will give you a better understanding of what they are looking for and might further assist you in preparing your application.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Warren76 on 6:59 pm on Feb. 15, 2002[br]Perhaps her firm is
on a mission to increase/improve their internal IT management and support capabilities? ;)

With a temp doc scanner? :stooges:
Ken King,

I would like to thank you for the supportative information that you gave on how to apply for a Federal position.  I was in the Federal Government GS-11 and then I was RIF :(  in 1999.

I would love to go back to the Government and I have applied but with no luck :(  your information might help me to get back.

Thanks again Ken!  :clap: