Are Good Paying IT Jobs Dead?!



Okay people, First off Dianne posted a job  to evendently hire someone in her business. IF you dont want to apply then dont. As far as it being an IT field... I dont think so, I am also in the it field and i would never apply for that job even if she offered 15-25 and hour or even 9 and hour. I read it and see no simularity's in the IT field and the job she posted. YES  I T Jobs are very hard to come by arounf here. and they are only getting worse since NMCI took over. EVEN MIl are laying off people. Anyway, Stop bickering over what someone posted in the classifieds. I think im going to post one. <Babysitter wanted for SOMD FOURMS>. J/K



Would you care to define "NMCI" and "MII" for the rest of us are are not familiar with those company abbreviations?  Thanks, in advance.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

I don't think either are company abbreviations.  NMCI is Navy Marine Corp Intranet and MIL is military.


The Original Lilly
NMCI is the governments idea of "reorganizing" our computer systems.  Basically all of our equipment is being replaced and it is all supposed to be connected in this megaintranet of efficiency.  Right.  Don't know the details exactly, all I know is it is killing me!  Can't get my PC replaced because NMCI is looming in the horizon (as it has been for the past year).  32meg of RAM, do you believe it?  And until NMCI takes over (whenever that will be) I am stuck with this ancient artifact that locks up every time I have more than one application open . . . ARRGGGHH


Nothing to see here
lilly on 10:46 am on Feb. 19, 2002[br]NMCI is the governments idea of "reorganizing" our computer systems.

Is that part of the seat management push in the government??


The Original Lilly
Not sure.  It seems that everything is getting "reorganized" one way or another.  We keep hearing how everything is going to change.  The government is going to run like a company and be much more economical and efficient - but so far I haven't noticed anything that massively changes the way I work.  They just make it more complicated . . . .


NMCI has decided to try and i mean try to take over the IT world on the Military installations. But Behold THEY SUCK and cant keep up with thier requirments. MIL CORP has done a much better job than NMCI for sure. Ask NMCI to repair or replace your system and you'll wait a year to get a response. At least MIL has responded to most requested Help Calls in a timely manner. I think they should get rid of NMCI all together and let MIL continue thier service as it once was and let us IT people get back into the swing of things and offer more jobs. NMCI thinks they can save alot of money by down-sizing thier staff and look where it got them. At least mil; corp kept thier staff up to par to service thier contracts and keep people happy.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

NMCI is not a company its a Navy/Marine Corps program, to learn more about it try


This is all about seat management.  Of interest is that Congress has made it difficult to impossible for the other services to go this procurement route on computing needs.  


b*tch rocket
Well rumor has it, EDS was completely unprepared for the NMCI contract.  They didn't expect to win it, so didn't bother to get it together before hand.  


I know that, Sorry if i made it out to be a company but thats not the way i meant it. Im talking about the whole structure of NMCI verses THE MIL CORP. Sorry for the confussion.


Nothing to see here
Christy on 8:18 pm on Feb. 19, 2002[br]Well rumor has it, EDS was completely unprepared for the NMCI contract.  They didn't expect to win it, so didn't bother to get it together before hand.  

Thats what bugs me bout all the seat management procurements out there, nice theory, but it seems to create havoc wherever they end up.

Thx for reply, Ken, thought it rang a bell....


b*tch rocket
Otter, yeah, well one of the other companies that I had dealings with before the NMCI contract was awarded was fully ramped up and ready to go with it.  Unfortunately, they didn't bid low enough I imagine.


Nothing to see here
In my dealings with EDS, their proposals are usually very thorough and transition plans excellent, but their proposed costs are always high..Looks like that's not the case here.
Greetings and Salutations,

I have been reading this thread with great interest since I’m currently looking for work myself. I do think the I.T. field is going down hill in the U.S. I have about thirty years experience ranging from hardware repair through programming and I have spent the last five years as a UNIX systems administrator.
I lost my last position just over a year ago. I got engaged to a foreign national and was given the choice of leaving the position or the woman. Guess what I chose? :blushing: I thought my skill sets would be in good demand and getting a job would be easy. I shouldn’t think! :wink:
I get a lot of calls and E-mail due to my skills and former security clearance. I was working in “Intelligence”. Hence, the choice offered. She is Chinese and currently living in China. Not Hong Kong!
I’ve gotten to the point where I applied at the 301 bridge for a tollbooth position and with the local power company for apprentice meter reader. Haven’t heard a darn thing from them. Burger King may be next to view my resume and turn me down! :lol:
I have interviewed with companies serving the base and I have to agree, the pay range is low. Even if the area isn’t considered a suburb of D.C., it’s low. I’d go for it but I never get the chance. It seems the security needs are shifting!
The really fun part of the job hunt is the rudeness of the companies. Some don’t even have a ‘bot to acknowledge you sent anything to recruiting. Others call with encouraging words and never get back to you. I think this is the most frustrating part.
I keep looking and I have to explain about my Chinese fiancée. It seems a lot of recruiters do not understand the security requirements of the jobs. To be honest, I would love even a low paying position as long as I have a steady job. I could get married and get my life going again!
I am beginning to believe that the only I.T. job in the U.S. will soon be all related to the “Intelligence Community”. All other positions will be over seas to make the company more “competitive” on the market. I only have one question for these companies. Who will buy the products when no one has a job? :confused:
Well, thanks for the chance to vent. Tomorrow is another day to search the web for that “great position”! :nerd:
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I bowl overhand
Originally posted by brownbunny
Yes it is very hard to find a good IT position in Southern Maryland, I have a CIS degree and a Master and I still can't find a good IT position.  I have over 5 years experince and all I can find is low paying positions.  I thank God that I have second degree in accounting fall back on!

I first started out as an IS major, but after talking to my department head, found it was worth taking the hard road, and changed my major to CS (Computer Science). No lack of job offers, and have been enjoying full time employment since the day I graduated.

I owe a lot to him for talking me into taking the CS route.. and Calculus wasn't TOO hard!


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by LazarusL2003
Greetings and Salutations,

I have been reading this thread with great interest since I’m currently looking for work myself. I do think the I.T. field is going down hill in the U.S. I have about thirty years experience ranging from hardware repair through programming and I have spent the last five years as a UNIX systems administrator.
I lost my last position just over a year ago. I got engaged to a foreign national and was given the choice of leaving the position or the woman. Guess what I chose? :blushing: I thought my skill sets would be in good demand and getting a job would be easy. I shouldn’t think! :wink:
I get a lot of calls and E-mail due to my skills and former security clearance. I was working in “Intelligence”. Hence, the choice offered. She is Chinese and currently living in China. Not Hong Kong!
I’ve gotten to the point where I applied at the 301 bridge for a tollbooth position and with the local power company for apprentice meter reader. Haven’t heard a darn thing from them. Burger King may be next to view my resume and turn me down! :lol:
I have interviewed with companies serving the base and I have to agree, the pay range is low. Even if the area isn’t considered a suburb of D.C., it’s low. I’d go for it but I never get the chance. It seems the security needs are shifting!
The really fun part of the job hunt is the rudeness of the companies. Some don’t even have a ‘bot to acknowledge you sent anything to recruiting. Others call with encouraging words and never get back to you. I think this is the most frustrating part.
I keep looking and I have to explain about my Chinese fiancée. It seems a lot of recruiters do not understand the security requirements of the jobs. To be honest, I would love even a low paying position as long as I have a steady job. I could get married and get my life going again!
I am beginning to believe that the only I.T. job in the U.S. will soon be all related to the “Intelligence Community”. All other positions will be over seas to make the company more “competitive” on the market. I only have one question for these companies. Who will buy the products when no one has a job? :confused:
Well, thanks for the chance to vent. Tomorrow is another day to search the web for that “great position”! :nerd:

Were your intelligence dealings with China? Maybe you've been had!?