Are smokers icky?

What do you think of smokers?

  • I don't care. It's their life (short but theirs)

    Votes: 28 27.2%
  • I smoke.

    Votes: 23 22.3%
  • They are nasty, icky, gross

    Votes: 44 42.7%
  • I like to hang around smokers for the free second hand smoke.

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters


My Sweetest Boy
Some of the best people I know and love (and have known and loved) are smokers. I wish they didn't smoke.


Some of the best people I know and love (and have known and loved) are smokers. I wish they didn't smoke.

:yeahthat: I give smokers a hard time and talk about how inconsiderate they are, but in reality I really care about their health. Having watched so many of my family members suffer from the effects of smoking I know what it does to the rest of family to have to watch someone you love suffer horribly from the effects of smoking.

Don't quit for you... quit for those that love you.


I'd rather be around someone that smokes than drinks, anyday.:drama:

Grew up in a house of all smokers. Can't stand it! Just the smell on peoples clothes makes my eyes water. I really hate it wen you go to a smokers house and come out smelling like a chimney, have to take a shower ASAP to get the stink off.

Most drinkers smoke double grossssss!!!:smack:
ick·y<SCRIPT>play_w2("I0014900")</SCRIPT> adj. ick·i·er, ick·i·est Informal
1. Disagreeably sticky: icky candy.
2. Offensive; distasteful: icky sentimentality.

You'll have to clarify what you mean by 'icky', because if you mean icky as in the first definition - then no, I don't think they are more likely to be icky than non-smokers are.

If you mean icky as in the second definition, then I think that some of their smoking activity is icky - but what I 'think of people' is usually controlled by other issues (i.e. issues that tell me more about their fundamental nature).


Driving the Z
Both of my parents smoked as did my brother who was 5 years older. I was the one who was told to empty the ash trays and I think that's what turned me against smoking the most. Both parents had COPD and were on oxygen when they passed. My dad had one of his legs amputated because the doctors said the smoking affected his arteries. My mom was hospitalized a few times with a collapsed lung caused by the smoking.

I can't stand the smell and will not allow it in my house or car. My son lives with me and he smokes, but he has to go outside to do it and I have a can of Febreeze at the door so he can spray himself when he comes back inside from smoking.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Long as they stay away from me while they're smoking, I don't care. It's thier life they are destroying. Most of my family are smokers, I have never tried it and won't. They are pretty conciderate about it when I go home for a visit though.


Both of my parents smoked as did my brother who was 5 years older. I was the one who was told to empty the ash trays and I think that's what turned me against smoking the most. Both parents had COPD and were on oxygen when they passed. My dad had one of his legs amputated because the doctors said the smoking affected his arteries. My mom was hospitalized a few times with a collapsed lung caused by the smoking.

I can't stand the smell and will not allow it in my house or car. My son lives with me and he smokes, but he has to go outside to do it and I have a can of Febreeze at the door so he can spray himself when he comes back inside from smoking.

I can't stand the stench, either, especially now that I'm pregnant. The smell actually makes me sick to my stomach. Nobody can smoke in our cars or in our home. Now the febreeze idea, I like it! I'll have my can right near the door. "Merry Christmas Mom & little brother, I know you've had a long drive to get here. Now spray yourselves before entering the house!" :lmao:

My brother smokes and my Mom recently started smoking again, after my Dad passed away. She had quit once she had to go through chemo a year ago but the stress of losing my Dad got to her. I know she'll quit again but right now, I can't give her a hard time about it. The first Christmas without my Dad will extremely difficult for all of us. Our baby is due in March, my Mom's first grandbaby and my brother's first nephew. They've both said they need to quit before then. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


happy to be living
My Mom died of lung cancer at 53...I was alone with her when she died....she had her cigs right by her side.
I quit 20 years ago. No desires to smoke EVER but ironically, I occasionally dream of myself with a cigarette in my hand!


Methodically disorganized
Yes, they are icky in every sense. How can you trust a smoker? :eyebrow:

Okay, seriously...
... my Mom recently started smoking again, after my Dad passed away. She had quit once she had to go through chemo a year ago...
I know someone who has been battling cancer since May and is just now completing her treatments. She has smoked the entire time. If going through that doesn't wake someone up I guess nothing will.


New Member
It Is Really A Horrible Addiction, And Sooooo...difficult To Break. I Am Trying To Quit Now And It's Very Is Offensive To Realize That That Little Cigarette Has Such Control Over Your Better Judgement....i Will Never Stop Trying......


Well-Known Member
Tonight, at 9:30, it will have been 1 year since I snuffed out the last cigarette I smoked. Of course, it did have something to deo with the fact that 24 hrs later I was on a helicopter enroute to Wash Hosp Center to have two stints put in.............