Are smokers icky?

What do you think of smokers?

  • I don't care. It's their life (short but theirs)

    Votes: 28 27.2%
  • I smoke.

    Votes: 23 22.3%
  • They are nasty, icky, gross

    Votes: 44 42.7%
  • I like to hang around smokers for the free second hand smoke.

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters


ick·y<SCRIPT>play_w2("I0014900")</SCRIPT> adj. ick·i·er, ick·i·est Informal
1. Disagreeably sticky: icky candy.
2. Offensive; distasteful: icky sentimentality.

You'll have to clarify what you mean by 'icky', because if you mean icky as in the first definition - then no, I don't think they are more likely to be icky than non-smokers are.

If you mean icky as in the second definition, then I think that some of their smoking activity is icky - but what I 'think of people' is usually controlled by other issues (i.e. issues that tell me more about their fundamental nature).

Smoking is nasty. Anyone who defends their right to smoke as a personal choice is just saying they CAN'T quit. I quit 18 years ago and haven't had a single cigarette since. It's not easy but can be done.

Hey, Vrai! What do you think?


Yes, they are icky in every sense. How can you trust a smoker? :eyebrow:

Okay, seriously...I know someone who has been battling cancer since May and is just now completing her treatments. She has smoked the entire time. If going through that doesn't wake someone up I guess nothing will.

Oh, my Mom also knew for some time that she had cancer & continued to smoke regardless. :duh: Once it got to the point that she had to go through the actual chemo, she realized that she should've quit a very long time ago. Honestly, I was kind of surprised that she quit. I was so proud of her because my Dad was a smoker, making it that much harder for her to stop.

It's really hard to quit & I'm just glad that she has every intention of quitting again, she's just trying to get through the holidays after losing her soulmate. I know she'll do it. As for my brother, he's tried so many times. I'm hopeful that he'll continue to try, try again, but I'm not sure he'll do it like my Mom will.


New Member
Jan 2, 2009 will be 6 months of kicking the habit!!! Been a smoker for 31 years. I was just telling my Mom (also ex-smoker) a few minutes ago, "I want a cigarette". Not sure why, just want one. They stink, I hate the smell, but it's a bad addiction which is another daily struggle to overcome !!! If you never start, you are so much better off!!! I understand why non-smokers hate it because it is everything they say and more. I also understand a smokers perspective and it's hard to quit!!! By the way, I didn't light up.
Smoking is nasty. Anyone who defends their right to smoke as a personal choice is just saying they CAN'T quit. I quit 18 years ago and haven't had a single cigarette since. It's not easy but can be done.

Hey, Vrai! What do you think?

:tap: I was waiting for that.......


It Is Really A Horrible Addiction, And Sooooo...difficult To Break. I Am Trying To Quit Now And It's Very Is Offensive To Realize That That Little Cigarette Has Such Control Over Your Better Judgement....i Will Never Stop Trying......

You Forgot To Capitalize A Few Of Your Words


New Member
It Is Really A Horrible Addiction, And Sooooo...difficult To Break. I Am Trying To Quit Now And It's Very Is Offensive To Realize That That Little Cigarette Has Such Control Over Your Better Judgement....i Will Never Stop Trying......

Try "". It helps to chat with other people who are going through the same thing as you. They can give you support and give tips on how to quit. Don't stop trying to quit. One of these days you'll make it. It took me 30-31 years to quit. I'm still not over the hump. It's only been almost 6 months and quite honestly, I don't know if the feeling of wanting a cigarette ever really goes away. Just be prepared!!!


Well-Known Member
Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

If smokers only knew how bad they and their breath smell, they'd either quit or never leave the house.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I quit 4 years ago when we started seriously trying for kids. I'll never go back but every time I see someone light up a cig I want one! I miss the act but not the smelly breath/hair/clothes/house/car. I certainly don't miss the bronchial cough I had all the time. I don't think you ever quit wanting one though....

As far as smokers being icky? Lets just say a hug from a heavy smoker makes me recoil now.


New Member
People who smoke stink to high heaven. I've never smoked and have always been sensitive to it. When I met my future (now husband) he was a smoker. Love will make a person overlook a He quit smoking 15 years ago...thank goodness. I avoid places like bingo halls where smoking is allowed. I love the smoking ban MD passed about a year ago. Going out to clubs and resturaunts is so much nicer now that they are all smoke free!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I am a smoker and I don't find myself to be "icky" in the slightest.

If you and I are married, let's say... It's okay for YOU to talk about your fat- azzed, foul-mouthed, polyester wearing, camel-toe clad mother, correct? But, the right thing for me to do is support you when you say those things, but never initiate them myself.

That's kind of how I feel about my smoking. I can say that the ashtrays are disgusting, or I don't like the smell on my clothes or especially my breath. However, YOU better hold your tongue or be prepared to GTFO if you say those things about my habit or me.

I appreciate that most folks can see past the smoking for the friend. I usually see where they're coming from and I've tried to be more aware. I have a lot of hypersensitivities; would it be okay to tell someone that their aggravating perfume truly would be better off as an accelerant to light their unbecoming clothes on fire? Or how about smoking keeps me from cramming a roll of toilet paper down their throat to keep that shrill from reoccurring?

You see, I'm safer to society as a smoker. :yay:

So what if it's stinky. I've seen you people. Smoking would be a step up.

And don't even get me started about the ban!

p.s. j/k about seeing you people and smoking being a step up.
I'm formulating my opinion solely on how you post! :jet:
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New Member
I quit 4 years ago when we started seriously trying for kids. I'll never go back but every time I see someone light up a cig I want one! I miss the act but not the smelly breath/hair/clothes/house/car. I certainly don't miss the bronchial cough I had all the time. I don't think you ever quit wanting one though....

As far as smokers being icky? Lets just say a hug from a heavy smoker makes me recoil now.

It's funny how you can be standing next to someone in close quarters, and immediately smell the cigarette smoke on them. It makes me wonder if I smelled like that. It also makes me wonder if a smoker knew how they smelled, if they would think it stinks too.


New Member
I am a smoker and I don't find myself to be "icky" in the slightest.

If you and I are married, let's say... It's okay for YOU to talk about your fat- azzed, foul-mouthed, polyester wearing, camel-toe clad mother, correct? But, the right thing for me to do is support you when you say those things, but never initiate them myself.

That's kind of how I feel about my smoking. I can say that the ashtrays are disgusting, or I don't like the smell on my clothes or especially my breath. However, YOU better hold your tongue or be prepared to GTFO if you say those things about my habit or me.

I appreciate that most folks can see past the smoking for the friend. I usually see where they're coming from and I've tried to be more aware. I have a lot of hypersensitivities; would it be okay to tell someone that their aggravating perfume truly would be better off as an accelerant to light their unbecoming clothes on fire? Or how about smoking keeps me from cramming a roll of toilet paper down their throat to keep that shrill from reoccurring?

You see, I'm safer to society as a smoker. :yay:

So what if it's stinky. I've seen you people. Smoking would be a step up.

And don't even get me started about the ban!

p.s. j/k about seeing you people and smoking being a step up.
I'm formulating my opinion solely on how you post! :jet:

I truely understand how you feel!!!!! There are days when I think "If I just have a cigarette, I won't think about wanting to choke this person and put it out it's misery or my misery".:lol:


Well-Known Member
It's funny how you can be standing next to someone in close quarters, and immediately smell the cigarette smoke on them. It makes me wonder if I smelled like that. It also makes me wonder if a smoker knew how they smelled, if they would think it stinks too.

When I smoked, I didn't realize I smelled. I would seldom let people see me smoke because I was embarrased by it. Little did I know that a smoker has his own little atmospher of smell that he carries with him everywhere.


New Member
When I smoked, I didn't realize I smelled. I would seldom let people see me smoke because I was embarrased by it. Little did I know that a smoker has his own little atmospher of smell that he carries with him everywhere.

Yeah, I think you are right. Most times you can't smell it on you but you can smell it on everyone else. I remember when I could smoke in a room (just by myself), leave the room, and come back and I could smell the smoke that way and think "EW!!".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have no problem staying away from fussy non-smokers, so I'm curious why they have such a hard time staying away from me? One person said they hate to go to a smoker's house; so why are they doing it? Another said kissing a smoker is foul; so why are they kissing smokers?

I happily abide by the smoking ban and my friends come to my house or I go to theirs instead of hanging out in bars and restaurants. If someone was such a rabid anti-smoker, I wouldn't invite them to my house. If Larry was a non-smoker when we met, I wouldn't have even started dating him.

I can avoid you all easily. Please feel free to avoid me.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I can't smell other smokers unless they've been chain smoking in a car with the windows rolled up. I smoke and haven't bubble wrapped myself, so I'm not hypersensitive to smells.

Smokers do not stink any more than anyone else whose smell you're not used to. Mommies do not think their toddlers smell because they're used to it, but make no mistake - that toddler stinks. If I were around toddlers more ofen, I probably wouldn't smell them.



Obama destroyed America
I can't smell other smokers unless they've been chain smoking in a car with the windows rolled up. I smoke and haven't bubble wrapped myself, so I'm not hypersensitive to smells.

Smokers do not stink any more than anyone else whose smell you're not used to. Mommies do not think their toddlers smell because they're used to it, but make no mistake - that toddler stinks. If I were around toddlers more ofen, I probably wouldn't smell them.

I disagree with ya here. Smokers do smell worse because it gets in their hair, clothes, carpet and furniture. Baby poop doesn't (hopefully). :lol: I think because you do smoke, the smell isn't as acute to you as it is to a nonsmoker.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think because you do smoke, the smell isn't as acute to you as it is to a nonsmoker.

That's what I said - I'm used to it so it doesn't bother me. I can see having irritation when someone near you is actively smoking, but to be bothered by the faint smell on their clothes and hair means you need to get out more and stop being so sensitive.

But again, we aren't allowed to smoke in public places in the state of MD, so I'm curious why people are still having such a fit about smokers? Not content to run smokers out of bars and restaurants, now they don't want us smoking at all because they want to be able to come sniff us and not be offended by smoke. Stop friggin' smelling me and stay away, then it won't bother you.



I disagree with ya here. Smokers do smell worse because it gets in their hair, clothes, carpet and furniture. Baby poop doesn't (hopefully). :lol: I think because you do smoke, the smell isn't as acute to you as it is to a nonsmoker.

I'll have to agree with you. Smokers generally do stink. I was in the barber shop on Friday. One of the barbers finished up a haircut and went outside. When he came back in, he wreaked of cigarette smoke. I could smell it just by him walking by. Yuck.

I think women show signs of smoking more than men. Have you ever noticed those middle aged women with the deep raspy smoker's voice. It just gives them a kinda trashy air about them.