ARGH! How do you get a kid to clean thier room?


New Member
I did the whole trash-bag thing myself, but I threw everything in the garbage. Now his room stays clean. I allowed him one small (very small) box of toys. He would come in the room to tell me not to throw something away I made it a point to throw it away right in front of him. I got tired of the toys just all over the place. I also got tired of the I can't clean the room by myself bit as well. Some might think it is mean but oh well. Now he does not even mention the fact of his toys are gone. Plus Christmas is coming I am sure he will be getting a new round of toys that I can throw away. LOL


curiouser and curiouser
cdsulhoff said:
I did the whole trash-bag thing myself, but I threw everything in the garbage. Now his room stays clean. I allowed him one small (very small) box of toys. He would come in the room to tell me not to throw something away I made it a point to throw it away right in front of him. I got tired of the toys just all over the place. I also got tired of the I can't clean the room by myself bit as well. Some might think it is mean but oh well. Now he does not even mention the fact of his toys are gone. Plus Christmas is coming I am sure he will be getting a new round of toys that I can throw away. LOL
I couldn't bring myself to throw away toys I paid for, so I made him earn them back. :lmao: Now, about once a month, we go through his stuff and donate things he doesn't play with anymore to the thrift store.


New Member
L8trHtr said:
I give up! My kids room is a mess and is always a mess. Nothing I say or do seems to make a difference! Any suggestions besides beating them? :wench:

my mom used to always say, fine if you won't clean it i will, and if it was on the flooror somewhere it didn't belong she would start putting it in trash bags it would freak me out so bad i would start crying saying, "no mommy, i'll do it myself" reverse psychology always works LOL


New Member
Mom cured me with her poor eyesight. If she ain't wearing her contacts, she's blind. Mom couln't wear contacts when she vacuumed cuz it would bother her allergies, eyes start itching :blahblah:. So after she sucked my flyrod into the vacuum cleaner one time, I kept my stuff out of the living room.

As for my bedroom, it was always a compromise. If I wanted dinner, or to go to my soccer games, or fishing or see the light of day, I had to clean my room...BEFORE she got home from work. I didn't like it and she got called every name in the book under my breath, but it got done...I'm talkin' stuff getting picked up and put away, floor vacuumed, furniture dusted...

Part of the compromise was that my bro and I also had to do the cleaning of the dining room and living room in exchange for mom having to clean the bathroom. DEFINITELY a worthwhile compromise. :lol:

The only time my bro and I had to do any cleaning in the bathroom, was when we were showering, or getting our mouths washed out with soap. After that tho, mom usually had to clean the toilet. :barf:
L8trHtr said:
I give up! My kids room is a mess and is always a mess. Nothing I say or do seems to make a difference! Any suggestions besides beating them? :wench:
Do what I do. Give them a time limit and inform them that if not clean by aforementioned time, I will commence to clean their room with a heavy duty trashbag. Then follow thru. Works like a charm.