Article: The Fall of Father Corapi


New Member
Also, libby, what if I hadn't posted the article about the former Fr. Corapi at all? Does that make the problem go away

His sin, if it exists, is not your problem nor your responsibility. As I said in an earlier post, if the allegations involved children then it would, indeed, be prudent to warn people whose children might be in contact with him, however that is not the case here.
If you fell from the pedestal you fancy yourself on as a Christian, and viewed a pornographic movie, would you want that publicized nationwide? Would you want to move through your struggle privately, asking God for help in overcoming your weakness?
Remember that "do onto others" ditty? Or is that my erroneous interpretation? Does that only apply to (insert SM's dogma here)



New Member
His sin, if it exists, is not your problem nor your responsibility. As I said in an earlier post, if the allegations involved children then it would, indeed, be prudent to warn people whose children might be in contact with him, however that is not the case here.
If you fell from the pedestal you fancy yourself on as a Christian, and viewed a pornographic movie, would you want that publicized nationwide? Would you want to move through your struggle privately, asking God for help in overcoming your weakness?
Remember that "do onto others" ditty? Or is that my erroneous interpretation? Does that only apply to (insert SM's dogma here)


So it's okay for the Catholic publications and Catholic TV to openly publicize and discuss the situation of one of their clergy but it's not okay that I take their material and post it in a religion forum? Not only is Corapi an internationally known religious leader for the RCC, he also became a "public figure / celebrity" through his broadcasts in EWTN. The same media that once carried his programs also carried the story of the allegations.

So it's okay for you to chide me for posting that story while you don't complain to the Catholic media that broke and carried the reports in the first place?

Hmmm... What was that about being a "hypocrite"


Bead mumbler
So it's okay for the Catholic publications and Catholic TV to openly publicize and discuss the situation of one of their clergy but it's not okay that I take their material and post it in a religion forum? Not only is Corapi an internationally known religious leader for the RCC, he also became a "public figure / celebrity through his broadcasts in EWTN. The same media that once carried his programs also carried the story of the allegations.

So it's okay for you to chide me for posting that story while you don't complain to the Catholic media that broke and carried the reports in the first place?

Hmmm... What was that about being a "hypocrite"

Then, in your own words, tell us your thought process for posting it.


New Member
So it's okay for the Catholic publications and Catholic TV to openly publicize and discuss the situation of one of their clergy but it's not okay that I take their material and post it in a religion forum? Not only is Corapi an internationally known religious leader for the RCC, he also became a "public figure / celebrity" through his broadcasts in EWTN. The same media that once carried his programs also carried the story of the allegations.

So it's okay for you to chide me for posting that story while you don't complain to the Catholic media that broke and carried the reports in the first place?

Hmmm... What was that about being a "hypocrite"

What, exactly, was your purpose? How did posting this edify anyone here, Catholic or not, in their faith?
Does it make one bit of difference to you if it's not true?
Would you like a pacifier and a blankie to go with your, "He did it first!" defense?


New Member
Then, in your own words, tell us your thought process for posting it.

As stated, Corapi (he no longer goes by the title of father) is an internationally recognized leader for the RCC and a public figure / celebrity whose programs were carried on EWTN.

The Catholic media publicly posted the story on their own sites in response.

We had discussed the former Fr Corapi's statements on a previous thread. Shall we revisit it?

This was an update that, as it turns out, you would rather had not been posted.



Bead mumbler
As stated, Corapi (he no longer goes by the title of father) is an internationally recognized leader for the RCC and a public figure / celebrity whose programs were carried on EWTN.

The Catholic media publicly posted the story on their own sites in response.

We had discussed the former Fr Corapi's statements on a previous thread. Shall we revisit it?

This was an update that, as it turns out, you would rather had not been posted.


It actually is old news. Perhaps Corapi backslided as you call it. According to you this happens but doesn't define a person's salvation.


New Member
As stated, Corapi (he no longer goes by the title of father) is an internationally recognized leader for the RCC and a public figure / celebrity whose programs were carried on EWTN.

The Catholic media publicly posted the story on their own sites in response.

We had discussed the former Fr Corapi's statements on a previous thread. Shall we revisit it?

This was an update that, as it turns out, you would rather had not been posted.


Additionally, he was removed from ministry immediately. He no longer functions as a priest in any capacity, so what, exactly, is your problem with the situation as it stands now? Is he not allowed to teach as a layman?
Sounds to me like it was handled as you say Protestant/Bible Christians handle scandal.
Back to square one. Your purpose was to malign anything/anyone Catholic, with no regard for the Truth or for the present situation.


New Member
It actually is old news. Perhaps Corapi backslided as you call it. According to you this happens but doesn't define a person's salvation.

If a person is genuinely saved and through human weakness falls (backslides) they do not lose their salvation but come under the strong conviction of the Holy Spirit to repent and get back into fellowship with God and fellow believers. The Bible calls this "grieving the Holy Spirit" and God will prod the inner being to straighten up.
And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

If an individual continues with no signs of repentance and turns further away from God it is more likely that he/she never had a genuine conversion to a Born-Again Salvation in the first place.

There is only one unforgiveable sin and that is the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit; that's when a person denies the power of the Holy Spirit and attributes it to Satan:

Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
(Mark 28-29)


Soul Probe
Sounds to me like it was handled as you say Protestant/Bible Christians handle scandal.
Back to square one. Your purpose was to malign anything/anyone Catholic, with no regard for the Truth or for the present situation.

The man, SM that is, obviously doesn't know himself that well yet, Libby. He won't admit to the obvious. Take comfort in the fact that God knows and that the rest of forumites see him for what he is.

In fact, most of his anti-Catholic or [insert SM's hatred of the day here] bs is ignored. It's only when the Catholics or [insert victims of SM's hatred of the day here] start responding that anyone takes any real notice.

At this point, calling him out time and time again for his crap is fruitless. Leave it be and I have absolutely no doubt he will isolate himself. Human nature 101. :wink:


New Member
The man, SM that is, obviously doesn't know himself that well yet, Libby. He won't admit to the obvious. Take comfort in the fact that God knows and that the rest of forumites see him for what he is.

In fact, most of his anti-Catholic or [insert SM's hatred of the day here] bs is ignored. It's only when the Catholics or [insert victims of SM's hatred of the day here] start responding that anyone takes any real notice.

At this point, calling him out time and time again for his crap is fruitless. Leave it be and I have absolutely no doubt he will isolate himself. Human nature 101. :wink:

I know you are right. I'll try to resist the urge to respond any further.


New Member
I know you are right. I'll try to resist the urge to respond any further.

Awww-Maaannn! No more responses from you libby? I will definitely go into isolation if that happens.

Hmmm... Let's see how long you can resist not responding to any more of my comments.
I really don't think I'll be in isolation too long. :popcorn:


New Member
Yo libby!
Ever find that verse you mentioned that states "Woman is God's greatest creation" ??? Can't seem to find it in the Bible. :whistle:


Harley Rider
I do believe you once told this forum you were a recovering alcholic. No? If so, then please accept my apologies (see how that's done?) So, let me re-phrase my statement: Pointing out that's she's blond is akin to me pointing out you're an Italian and all the Guido-greasy connotations thereof. I would think you owe her an apology for (yet again) your condescension. Just sayin'. The fact that you couldn't apologize is duly noted.
I definitely was never an alcoholic. I drank A LOT for 17 years but I was always able to stop drinking anytime I wanted to. No apology needed; I just wanted to know how you came to that conclusion.

The "Italian Guido-greasy..." reference doesn't bother me at all (unlike some folks here), since it isn't true. Libby is far from a "dumb blonde" so it shouldn't bother her either. Besides, I'm extremely into personal hygiene (maybe it's because of all that greasy olive oil in me).
In fact, most of his anti-Catholic or [insert SM's hatred of the day here] bs is ignored. It's only when the Catholics or [insert victims of SM's hatred of the day here] start responding that anyone takes any real notice. At this point, calling him out time and time again for his crap is fruitless. Leave it be and I have absolutely no doubt he will isolate himself. Human nature 101. :wink:
If I may be serious & direct for a moment I'd like to say this to all of you:

In my years of studying Psychology and counseling teens, I've learned that name calling (and other belittling) is often done because of inferior feelings. If our comments here are directed only to the topic, then there's no reason to take them personally when we disagree. When the comments get personal (name calling and other personal attacks), it shows that the name callers are the ones who are trying to elevate themselves higher than the others. IOW, the name callers become the condescenders.

Therefore, I don't know how any of you folks can say that we're trying to be hateful towards anyone here. I actually see it as some of you being hateful to us. There is only one God and one truth. We can't all be right. We should never defend ANY beliefs that contradict God's Word and, so, we MUST know the truth and get off the prideful denominational teachings. This is why God gave us the Bible. He didn't leave us with multiple sources to consider as truth. Thanks for listening...:buddies:


New Member
You have finally said something I agree with. So what are we up to 30,000 protestant denominations now :drummer:

We Are Catholic. - YouTube

Regardless of all the denominations:

The RCC Jesus is Not The New Testament Jesus!

The New Testament Jesus:

Does Not have His Mother, Mary, accompanying Him in Heaven as Co-Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix, Helper, Advocate, Queen of Heaven and over all things, Spouse of The Holy Spirit, etc., ;

Does NOT have an entourage of "patron saints" and angels in Heaven that people can pray to instead of praying directly to Him;

Does Not send souls to a spiritual half-way house for additional cleansing prior to being allowed entry into Heaven;

Does Not appear at the beckon call of any religious leader in order to be encapsulated into a religious artifact that people are to pay reverence and bow to;

Does Not have His flesh and blood literally become manifest in order to be physically ingested by those taking Communion;

Does Not give permission to any mortal man the ability to "forgive sins" on His behalf;

Does Not Have the same description as the Jesus' of the RCC, Muslims, LDS, Jehovah's Winesses, and all other pseudo-Christian cults;

DOES accept repentant sinners who place complete trust and faith in His Atoning Blood and nothing or no one else: He is the Only Mediator between God and mankind;

DOES Promise that those who believe in Him in the here and now will be spared from condemnation of the Wrath of God that will come against an unbelieving world;

DOES Give the Promise of Eternal Life to those who come to Him by faith and seals their Salvation in the here and now through the indwelling Holy Spirit unto the Day of Redemption;

DOES Send the Holy Spirit to personally indwell the life of each genuine believer and bring about a spiritual conversion of becoming a Born-Again Child of God;

DOES Give the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter and Teacher and gives us spiritual strength to live our lives for Christ;

DOES Give us an inner peace that surpasses all understanding;

DOES Promise that He will return for His Church (Spiritual Body of believers worldwide) and resurrect them unto Eternal Life in the new heaven and new earth;

DOES Want all mankind to acknowledge their sinfulness and come to Him to be forgiven and restored unto a New Life through faith in Him alone and through the Grace of God.

DOES Accept those who turn to Him and nothing or no one else for Salvation.

There Is Only One Truth:
Jesus proclaimed:
I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life; No One Can Come Unto The Father Except Through Me. (John 14:6)

Your church can't save you; Only Faith In The New Testament Jesus can.
Last edited:


Bead mumbler
Regardless of all the denominations:

The RCC Jesus is Not The New Testament Jesus!

The New Testament Jesus:

Does Not have His Mother, Mary, accompanying Him in Heaven as Co-Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix, Helper, Advocate, Queen of Heaven and over all things, Spouse of The Holy Spirit, etc., ;

Does NOT have an entourage of "patron saints" and angels in Heaven that people can pray to instead of praying directly to Him;

Does Not send souls to a spiritual half-way house for additional cleansing prior to being allowed entry into Heaven;

Does Not appear at the beckon call of any religious leader in order to be encapsulated into a religious artifact that people are to pay reverence and bow to;

Does Not have His flesh and blood literally become manifest in order to be physically ingested by those taking Communion;

Does Not give permission to any mortal man the ability to "forgive sins" on His behalf;

Does Not Have the same description as the Jesus' of the RCC, Muslims, LDS, Jehovah's Winesses, and all other pseudo-Christian cults;

DOES accept repentant sinners who place complete trust and faith in His Atoning Blood and nothing or no one else: He is the Only Mediator between God and mankind;

DOES Promise that those who believe in Him in the here and now will be spared from condemnation of the Wrath of God that will come against an unbelieving world;

DOES Give the Promise of Eternal Life to those who come to Him by faith and seals their Salvation in the here and now through the indwelling Holy Spirit unto the Day of Redemption;

DOES Send the Holy Spirit to personally indwell the life of each genuine believer and bring about a spiritual conversion of becoming a Born-Again Child of God;

DOES Give the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter and Teacher and gives us spiritual strength to live our lives for Christ;

DOES Give us an inner peace that surpasses all understanding;

DOES Promise that He will return for His Church (Spiritual Body of believers worldwide) and resurrect them unto Eternal Life in the new heaven and new earth;

DOES Want all mankind to acknowledge their sinfulness and come to Him to be forgiven and restored unto a New Life through faith in Him alone and through the Grace of God.

DOES Accept those who turn to Him and nothing or no one else for Salvation.

There Is Only One Truth:
Jesus proclaimed:
I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life; No One Can Come Unto The Father Except Through Me. (John 14:6)

Your church can't save you; Only Faith In The New Testament Jesus can.

its not working Starman......


Bead mumbler
Awww-Maaannn! No more responses from you libby? I will definitely go into isolation if that happens.

Hmmm... Let's see how long you can resist not responding to any more of my comments.
I really don't think I'll be in isolation too long. :popcorn:

Yo libby!
Ever find that verse you mentioned that states "Woman is God's greatest creation" ??? Can't seem to find it in the Bible. :whistle:

Can't seem to find where Christ says that taunting (even if you believe it to be in His name) is a good and holy behavior. Hypocrite.